Just went to the MIGS/CEU/degree.com/whatever it is this week site, and noticed that Sheila has shamelessly had her minions add "Chronicle of Higher Education" to the page title for the index page of the site (This shows up at the very top of your browser, above the toolbar.) This sleazy and unethical tactic is an attempt to hijack search engine traffic for people searching for "Chronicle of Higher Education". I suspect that the Chronicle would be less than thrilled with Sheila's latest outrage. I hope that a few folks might take a couple of minutes to email the Chronicle's staff and let them know about Sheila's latest. I really have to assume at this point that the woman is absolutely, completely shameless. I keep wanting to believe otherwise, because she is actually a very nice person in conversation via email, but the continued MIGS follies leave little other alternative. Contest: It's now 5:33AM Eastern time on November 15th. How long will it take before the page header is changed?
Amazing. If you look at the page source, you'll see that "Chronicle of Higher Education" is used not only in the page title, but also in the keywords metafield and in a comment field in the page body.
It would appear not to have worked. I did a search on Google for "Chronicle of Higher Education. I didn't see MIGS in the list of hits. It is immoral. Rich Douglas
I did a Google search for "Chronicle of Higher Education" and found MIGS on page 3 of the results. I then searched for "Chronicle of Higher Education" degree and MIGS was the second item on the first page. I also tried "Chronicle of Higher Education" distance, and again found MIGS on the first page of results.
As a matter of record . . . Kathlene Collins Chronicle of Higher Education [email protected] Hi, Kathlene I know this one isn't for you, but you'll know where to pass it along. There is a legitimate Mexican university, CEU, which made some sort of deal with a group in Florida which has been marketing non-resident doctorates (and other degrees) from MIGS, the Monterrey Institute of Graduate Studies, with offices in Florida. MIGS ostensibly is affiliated with the Mexican campus. But there seem to be many irregularities leading, among other things, for MIGS to be heavily fined, two weeks ago (over $200,000) by the state of Texas for operating illegally there. This is relevant to the Chronicle, because as of a few days ago, MIGS not only began featuring The Chronicle of Higher Education on its website -- not only in the page title, but also in the keywords metafield and in a comment field in the page body. In other words, when people do a search for "Chronicle of Higher Education" -- especially in association with words like "degree" or "distance education" -- they will be led to the MIGS site. The URL is www.degree.com -- which, until becoming the subject of much ridicule in news groups, also included, among other things, a sleazy term paper writing service, sex help, and macarena lessons. The proprietress is Sheila Danzig, whose main site is apparently www.danzig.com. All best regards, John
That would be: http://www.danzig.com/macarena/ (Ms. Danzig has been the driving force behind MIGS.) Figure, oh, say 48 graduate units in dance, ethnomusicology, physical education, Latin studies, and sports medicine.
And now, as of the time of this posting, the title bar has been changed to read Degree.com on-line college and campus program. However, chronicle of higher education still shows up as a meta name keyword. Anything for a hit, I guess. Gus Sainz
Hi, Sheila! Long time, no see! (Actually, gang, it's obviously that Sheila reads this board. So this is probably the most efficient way of communicating with her.) Seriously, as everyone knows, I've been on hiatus from the entire wacky world of nontraditional education - been there, done that, etc. That's why it's ben such fun to read about their latest endeavors with the Texas Higher Education Commission - much as I'd like to claim credit, I was actually catching a suntan in central New York for the last several months and hadn't thought of MIGS once. But when it comes to MIGS, and the obvious handle that Sheila has on the situation (which is aparently a very small hand), there's one question that I'm sure everyone would like to see addresssed . . . Knowing Sheila's reputation and ability when it comes to the 'net, how the hell did she ever get stuck with Enrique? Face it, campers, this is a rhetorical question that is not about to be answered. But if Sheila ever did come clean and write a book about her, um, academic adventures, she would certainly have a guaranteed audience with us at the very minimum.
They probably both thought they were conning the other party. You know the old saying, "Slugs of similarity tend to slime together."
Interesting thought, Bill. I wonder if they will get interested in computer games -- specifically the space sim genre ...
An interesting possibility, I guess we'll have to wait and see since the parties in question don't post here, at least not using their own names.
Well, big surprise. Sheila has obviously noticed your message and had her minions make another update. From what I can see, "Chronicle of Higher Education" is no longer anywhere on the page. HOWEVER, I did notice that "accredited" is a keyword that *is* still in the metatags. Sharp readers will remember that one of the problems FL authorities had with the MIGS operation was the inappropriate use of the word "accredited" in describing the CEU. So Sheila replaced "Accredited" with "Fully Recognized" (can you say "Trinity") but left it in the metatag. I'm guessing that FL authorities would be delighted to know about this... Gus, maybe you can send a message to the appropriate person? Of course, be sure and make a copy of the page now, because I'm sure within a day or so the "accredited" will be gone. This game is almost as much fun as arguing with Les Snell was. In addition to the mill fighter's award, maybe we should also offer honors to the individual who has provided the greatest amount of entertainment at their own expense. Les Snell certainly wins for 1998 or whenever it was, but Sheila and Enrique seem to be leading the pack for 2001.