What? And not get to see the clash of pretenses about unaccredited schools?! "It's fantastic!" "It's terrible!" "It's fantastic!" "It's terrible! ...Blah, blah, blah, etc.
From the Great State of Alabama Columbia Southern University www.columbiasouthern.edu offers the 61-hr. DBA online. At $295/hr. for the doctoral courses (60 hrs.) and $195/hr. for the Orientation course (1 hr.), tuition for the program totals $17,895($17,700 + $195). They are accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council. There was a report on another channel www.degreeboard.com/forums/Distance-Educational-Discussions-f42/andrew-jackson-university-dba-t41015 by some guy named JohnDoe that Andrew Jackson University had a proposed DBA set to be rolled out in late 2009 or early 2010. And the tuition will be sponsored. Five months later, I see no further word of this ate the AJU website www.aju.edu. Maybe some investigative sleuth can find out more.
From the Great State of Alaska In this thread http://forums.degreeinfo.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=30588 Dr. Rene indicates that the University of Alaska Anchorage www.uaa.alaska.edu has a proposed DPM (Program Management) by distance learning. At $666.67/hr. for the 66-hr. program, plus $4,000 for the Qualifying Exams and $2, 000 in fees, total costs come to $50,000. They are accredited by the Northwest Commission and the Project Management Institute. http://soe.uaa.alaska.edu/espm/DPM/DPM.pdf
From the Great State of Arizona Northcentral University www.ncu.edu offers the PhD in Business Administration and the DBA online with concentrations in Advanced Accounting, Applied Computer Science, Business, Corporate, and Campus Security, Business Quantitative Methods, Computer Information Security, Criminal Justice, Electronic Commerce, Financial Management, Health Care Administration, Homeland Security Leadership & Policy, Human Resource Management, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, International Business, Management, Management of Engineering & Technology, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Organizational Leadership, Project Management, and Public Administration. At $560/hr., these 51-hr. programs cost $28,560. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs. The University of Phoenix www.phoenix.edu offers the DBA, the DM Organizational Leadership, and the PhD Industrial/Organizational Psychology online. At $745/hr., the 62-hr. DBA and DM cost $46,190 and the 98-hr. PhD Industrial/Organizational Psychology (awarded with master's in passing) costs $73,010. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs.
From the Great State of California California Intercontinental University www.caluniversity.com offers the DBA Entrepreneurship & Business Management, DBA Global Business & Leadership, DBA Health Care Management & Leadership, and the DBA Information Systems & Enterprise Resource Management online. At $230/hr., tuition for these 60-hr. programs is $13,800. They are accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council. Fielding Graduate University www.fielding.edu offers the PhD Human & Organizational Systems. At 7,100/trimester ($21,300/year) for 4 to 6 years, tuition can range from $85,200 up to $127,800. They are accredited by the Western Association. TUI University www.tuiu.edu offers the PhD Accounting/Finance, PhD Information Systems/Information Technology Management, PhD Management/Organizations, and the PhD Marketing online. At $575/hr. for 44 hrs. coursework ($25,300) and $2300/term for up to four years for the dissertation (up to $27,600), total program tuition can range up to $52,900. They are accredited by the Western Association. William Howard Taft University www.taftu.edu was approved by the DETC www.detc.org/theaccrediting.html#act to offer the DBA as of their last accrediting meeting. No further word on the Taft DBA at the Taft website.
Hi Ted, Can you tell me more about this school? Are they legit? That's a low cost DBA anyway you look at it. From what I have read on their Website, you can obtain 9 credit hours towards the completion of 60 hrs. That's like getting a further 15% off! Can anyone speak to the quality of the school please? <<California Intercontinental University www.caluniversity.com offers the DBA Entrepreneurship & Business Management, DBA Global Business & Leadership, DBA Health Care Management & Leadership, and the DBA Information Systems & Enterprise Resource Management online. At $230/hr., tuition for these 60-hr. programs is $13,800. They are accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council.>>
From the Great State of Colorado Colorado Technical University www.coloradotech.edu offers the DM Environmental & Social Sustainability, DM Homeland Security, and the DM Organizational Development & Change via a short residency program. At $4,784/quarter, these three-year, 96-hr. programs cost $57,408. They are accredited by the North Central Association. Jones International University www.international.edu offers the DBA online. At $710/hr., this 72-hr. program costs $51,120. They are accredited by the North Central Association. The University of the Rockies www.rockies.edu offers the PsyD Business Psychology online. At $840/hr., this 62-68 hr. program costs $52,080-$57,120. They are accredited by the North Central Association.
From the Great State of Florida The University of Florida has announced a proposed online DBA www.cba.ufl.edu/mycba/facstaff/FacultyMeetings/Agenda/2008/April23.pdf. Apparently, the progam's roll-out has been postponed until late 2009 or early 2010. Tuition for this 55-hr. program is going to be $70,000. And they are AACSB. Nova Southeastern University www.nova.edu offers the DBA Accounting, DBA Decision Sciences, DBA Finance, DBA Human Resource Management, DBA International Business, and the DBA Marketing online. At $802/hr., these 72-hr. programs cost $57,744. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education.
From the Great State of Georgia Kennesaw State University www.kennesaw.edu offers a short-residency DBA. Stated tuition for the program is $79,500. They are accredited by the Southern Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
Is it legit? They are accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council. The Distance Education and Training Council is recognized as an accreditor by the United States Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. That said, DETC is national accreditation and national accreditation tends to be less widely accepted than regional accreditation and hence may have less utility. But it's legit. I leave it to each reader to determine whether NA will suit his/her present and future needs.
From the Great State of Illinois Argosy University www.argosy.edu offers the DBA Accounting, DBA with Customized Professional Concentration, DBA Global Business Sustainability, DBA International Business, DBA Management, and the DBA Marketing online with 12 hrs. in residence. At $827/hr., these 60-hr. programs cost $49,620. They are accredited by the North Central Association.
From the Great State of Indiana Indiana State University www.indstate.edu offers the PhD Technology Management via short residency program with concentrations in Construction Management, Digital Communications, Human Resource Development & Training, Manufacturing Systems, and Quality Systems. At $328/hr., these 90-hr. programs cost $29,520. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
From the Great State of Kansas "Dust In The Wind" Kansas State University www.k-state.edu offers the PhD in Personal Financial Planning largely online. At $415/hr., this 91-hr. program costs $37,765. They are accredited by the North Central Association.
As Ted said, California Intercontinental University (CIU) is accredited by the DETC. Below is a "Grade Percentage Table" taken directly from a, 2009, CIU Course Syllabus. "Your grade in this course will be based on the number of points you earn. The Course Grading is based on the percentage of points you earned out of a total of 1000 points: Grade Percentage Table Assignment Due - Due by end of: Grade Points: Grade Percentage: Case Analysis #1 Week 1 50 5% Mini Project #1 Week 1 50 5% Case Analysis #2 Week 2 50 5% Mini Project #2 Week 2 50 5% Case Analysis #3 Week 3 50 5% Mini Project #3 Week 3 50 5% Case Analysis #4 Week 4 50 5% Mini Project #4 Week 4 50 5% Case Analysis #5 Week 5 50 5% Mini Project #5 Week 5 50 5% Final Exam Week 6 150 15% Course Project Week 6 250 25% Presentation Week 6 100 10% Total Points 1000 100%" Hope this helps you!
From the Great State of Maryland The University of Maryland University College www.umuc.edu offers a short-residency DM. At $1,087/hr., this 48-hr. program costs $52,176. They are accredited by the Middle States Association.
From the Great State of Michigan Baker College www.baker.edu offers the DBA Finance, DBA Human Resource Management, DBA Leadership, DBA Management Information Systems, DBA Marketing, and the DBA Self-Designed online. At $450/hr., these 90-hr. programs cost $40,500. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education. Lawrence Technological University www.ltu.edu offers the DBA and the DM Information Technology via short residency. At $918/hr., the 36hrs. of coursework tuition comes to $33,048. No info on dissertation requirements. They are accredited by the North Central Association, the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs, and the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education. Walsh College www.walshcollege.edu offers the DM Executive Leadership via short residency. At $5,200/semester, annual coursework tuition comes to $20,800 for two years or $41,600, plus $200 in annual fees or $400 plus $10,500 dissertation tuition for a total program cost of $52,500. They are accredited by the North Central Association and the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education.
A minor point of clarification (for what’s its worth): I don’t believe the Indiana State University PhD in Technology Management can be considered AACSB accredited. The PhD in Technology Management falls under the College of Technology. ISU's College of Business is accredited by AACSB. Regardless, still a good school and good program.
From the Great State of Minnesota Capella University www.capella.edu offers the PhD Accounting, PhD General Business, PhD Information Technology/General Information Technology, PhD Information Technology/Information Assurance & Security, PhD Information Technology/Information Technology Education, PhD Information Technology/Project Management, PD Organization & Management/General Organization & Management, PhD Organization & Management/Human Resource Management, PhD Organization & Management/Information Technology Management, PhD Organization & Management/Leadership, PhD Organization & Management/Management Education, and the PhD Organization & Management/Project Management via short residency programs. Tuition is $4,485/quarter for the coursework phase and $3,945/quarter for the dissertation phase. The program outline seems to indicate that the dissertation phase would be 4 to 6 quarters. Since these 120-hr. programs require 20 hrs. of dissertation and 100 hrs. of coursework (25 4-hr. courses), I'm going to assume that one would likely take 2 4-hr. courses per quarter, thus taking 12-13 quarters for the coursework phase. Thus, the coursework phase, at $4,485/quarter for 12-13 quarters, would cost $53,830-$58,305 and the dissertation phase, at $3,945/quarter for 4-6 quarters, would cost $15,780-$23,760, for a total program tuition of $64,085-$81,975. They are accredited by the North Central Association. Walden University www.waldenu.edu offers the DBA Entrepreneurship, DBA Finance, DBA Global Supply Chain Management, DBA Information Systems Management, DBA International Business, DBA Leadership, DBA Marketing, DBA Self-Designed, DBA Social Impact Management, DBA Technology Entrepreneurship, PhD Applied Management & Decision Sciences/Accounting, PhD Applied Management & Decision Sciences/Engineering Management, PhD Applied Management & Decision Sciences/Finance, PhD Applied Management & Decision Sciences/General, PhD Applied Management & Decision Sciences/Information Systems Management, PhD Applied Management & Decision Sciences/Knowledge Management, PhD Applied Management & Decision Sciences/Leadership & Organizational Change, PhD Applied Management & Decision Sciences/Learning Management, PhD Applied Management & Decision Sciences/Operations Research, and the PhD Applied Management & Decision Sciences/Self-Designed via short residency. At $740/hr. for 60 hrs., the DBA programs cost $44,400 in tuition plus $890 per 4-day residency ($1,780 for two residencies) for a total of $46,180. Tuition for the 134-hr. PhD in Applied Management & Decision Sciences is $4,280/quarter for a minimum of 8 quarters ($34,240) plus $890 per 4-day residency ($1,780 for two residencies) plus $1,325 per 6-day residency ($2,650 for two residencies) for a total of $38,670. They are accredited by the North Central Association.
From the Great State of Nebraska Bellevue University www.bellevue.edu offers an online PhD in Human Capital Management (with the MS in Human Capital Management awarded in passing). At $430/hr. for courses lower than 800-level and $625/hr. for the 800-level courses, the 57 hrs. of lower than 800-level courses cost $24,510 and the 36 hrs. of 800-level courses cost $22,500, for a total of $47,010. They are accreditred by the North Central Association and the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education.
From the Great State of New York Pace University www.pace.edu offers the Executive DPS in Business Administration online with concentrations in Finance, International Business, International Eeconomics, Management, and Marketing. At $925/hr. for the 39 hrs. of seminars ($36,075) and $926/hr. for the 18 hrs. of electives ($16,668), tuition comes to a totral of $52,743. They are accredited by the Middle States Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.