I'm currently 1/2 way through completing my MBA. I'm exploring into PhD/DBA programs, including PhDs in organizational behavior. I'm not interested in becoming a professor or teach full time in a college. Just want to attain this terminal degree as a personal life achievement. And yes, it would be good to have it as an academic credential as a professional in the business world, even though I know that an MBA is more than sufficient in that respect. Can you tell me: 1) What is the lowest/most affordable cost US-based Phd/DBA? Quality of program is important as I don't want a low-cost but poor quality program. 2) What is the most "do-able" PhD/DBA program? "Do-able" as in something you can achieve on a full-time work schedule and not kill yourself trying to do it, i.e. a 1-class per session program would be ideal. Thanks!!!
If a State licensed Doctorate degree would suffice, you could look into Breyer State University I completed a DBA with them for personal achievement and enjoyed it.
Matt said, "I don't want a low-cost but poor quality program." That would definitely include that infamous degree mill you keep shilling. -=Steve=-
Hi SteveFoester: If you mean UoP, I don't think they're that cheap at all. Or maybe I have misunderstood what you mean.
I definitely would want the DBA/PhD to be RA. If I am to work hard to get the degree, I want it to be RA.
NorthCentral Univ What do you guys think of NorthCentral Univ? Is it lousy or good value for the money?
Steve's post is directed to Back2Cali - who "earned a degree" from Breyer State University. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breyer_State_University Shawn
There are no so many online DBA or PhD programs in the US. From the ones available, Northcentral is one of the most affordable. It is RA and although you might not want to teach now, it will keep the door open for future academic employment at least as adjunct. You also have Touro International that is not as expensive as other schools. The expensive schools are Capella, Nova, Walden and Argosy.
I have seen many good reviews about the school and although not Harvard, it is perhaps one of the few affordable RA options available. It is not the type of school you would consider for full time academic employment but good enough for adjunct work. The positive comments include good faculty, lot of options for specializations, and excellent service. The negative comments that I have read is that the quality of work required is substandard compared with other schools but you cannot ask high academics to part time working professionals. You have also the foreign options. Credible schools exist in the UK, Australia and South Africa. The pros are price and credibility, the cons are that many are demanding and directed to academics and not part time working professionals. In the UK and Australia the DBA is mainly for working professionals; however, it is not respected among academics in these countries to be a credential for full time academic employment.
I expect that of the countries you listed, only South African schools would be less expensive than NorthCentral. -=Steve=-
I don't think this post is serious...certainly intended as a joke. If a State licensed Doctorate degree would suffice, you could look into Breyer State University basrsu
If you purchase an expensive computer and a high quality printer, and print your own degree diploma is way cheaper than obtaining a degree from Breyer State University. As the same time it is faster and has the same qualities.
Some Australian schools as Charles Sturt have similar prices as NorthCentral. However, some feel that NCU would be a better option only because it would raise less eye brows being local.
RA Eastern University has a brand-new Ph.D in Organizational Leadership that is convenient for someone working a full-time job. it isn't inexpensive though. http://eastern.edu/academic/ccgps/oip/index.shtml
Thanks for the info! This does seem affordable. So far, NCU and Eastern Univ looks the most affordable.
Three years of coursework with three terms per year, with the current tuition rate being $4,425 per term means Eastern costs about forty grand before even getting to the dissertation phase. That's getting close in cost to UMUC's Doctor of Management program. Isn't NCU a lot cheaper than that? -=Steve=-
Steve: Thanks for the info on UMUC. I didn't know they had a program too. Naturally of course NCU seems to be the cheapest/most affordable thus far compared to all the others. NCU also seems to be quite flexible in their program, thus making it 'easier' on a person who is working full-time.
It's not a DBA but Valdosta State has a DPA that is dirt cheap. Myself and several others from this board are currently enrolled. It's about 127 per credit hour. It doesn't get any cheaper than that. VSU is also a bricks and mortar regional accredited NASPAA accredited school. If the public side has any appeal at all to you this is definitely worth looking into.