Law Suit of Concerns

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Erma, Feb 7, 2001.

  1. Erma

    Erma New Member

    I think it is about her voice and look that attracts many single men. [​IMG]
  2. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    I think that they are *quite* aware (now, finally -- but not when they were hired) of what a scammeister Sheila is. But keep in mind they have little or no clout.

    As it's currently constituted, the MIGS board is 4 people -- Shiela, Bill, Enrique, and another of her attorney buddies, not including a bunch of impressive Mexican people who are "honorary" and have no decisionmaking ability. The board calls the shots.

    And, as we've now heard from several sources, there are apparently no fulltime employees, no one on the payroll... so my guess is that the California contingent signed on based on incredible promises from the Queen of the Internet of riches to be delivered later... and it's probably a case of not wanting to throw away the time and effort already invested.

    But my suspicion is that all of the quality people probably *will* eventually leave, because, as I stated before, I can't imagine Sheila and Bill (not to mention Enrique and Josh) voting themselves off the board of the organization they started. And as long as Sheila and Bill are involved, it's going to be a sleazefest.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

  4. BillDayson

    BillDayson New Member

  5. JimCarlson

    JimCarlson New Member

    And to make it even stranger the page indicates that it was last updated 09/06/2000. There is a serious version control problem when listings change back and forth but apparently no visible tracking. I assume they have documented why MIGS was placed on the list and justified why it was removed so quickly.


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