  1. fnhayes

    fnhayes New Member

    We are still waiting for Dennis to 'spill the beans'!
    In the meantime I've received a K-W Catalogue and what an impressive publication it is. Not quite up to the Madison University standard, but it is well presented, easy to read, and far better than anything produced by 'the establishment'. I can easily see why a DegreeInfo Senior Member recommended K-W to me.
    Such presentation is undoubtedly one of the key reasons for
    K-W's success on the world scene. It also confirms my previous post on the subject - that K-W will be around for a long time yet, and I'm sure K-W will continue to produce graduates of real quality; graduates who don't get personal, stick to the facts, know what they are talking about (having studied with K-W) , and still call 'a spade a spade'! :)
  2. debitcredit

    debitcredit New Member


    Hello kf5k, What two degrees do you have from Chadwick? Is one of them an MBA? Starting a few years ago, Chadwick has made MBA students complete 12 courses instead of only 10 courses.

    Thank you.
  3. kf5k

    kf5k member

    Re: kf5k

    Yes, the MBA is one of them and I believe you are correct on going from 10 to 12. They were trying to become accredited, but their sister school, American College of Computer & Information Sciences, got there first. I doubt Chadwick will exist much longer. Why have two schools when you can slowly add the same degrees to one and have them be accredited.

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