IRA arms story about to unfold
Umm...sure. I don't know about YOU, but I for one am ALWAYS ready to accept the word of a bloodstained, child murdering terrorist organization. Heck, I even believe Halliburton's press releases.
Hi Nosborne, I don't think your refusal to accept the report of the Independent International Commission on Decommissioning bears any relevance. The governments of the Republic of Ireland and Great Britain have already began to respond to the the IRA's decommissioning. One of the first moves by the UK government was the decision to disband the Northern Ireland-based battalions of the Royal Irish Regiment.
Joint Statement on Decommissioning by the Taoiseach and the Prime Minister
Umm...sure. The IRA is a TERRORIST organization, remember? You think they kept BOOKS? No, I suspect STRONGLY that a good deal of weaponry is...shall we say "salted away"? against an uncertain future. As to the governments of the UK and Repulic of Ireland, they are so desperate to show ANY progress at all that they will hail anything that looks remotely like progress. They've been doing so for years. You really trust ANYTHING that simpering toady Tony Blair says? All HE wants is a way out.
Nosborne, Please feel free to shout. It appears to me that you have simply not taken the time to educate yourself on yet another issue. You sarcastically shout: I responded with the fact that the report of the Independent International Commission on Decommissioning was well received by the governments of both the UK and the Republic of Ireland. And now you respond by denigrating the Prime Minister and suggesting that you have more wisdom in this matter than the elected representatives of the island. Do you really think you know better than Ireland’s and Northern Ireland’s elected representatives?
Because I am a student of history. Because the IRA has yet to keep a single commitment. Because nothing has been done to stop the flow of money from the Irish-American communtiy to support the IRA. Because there is violence in the streets of Northern Ireland even now. Because there remains enough hatred (judging by the last Protestant parade and Catholic response) to continue the fight. Because when I think of the killing and senseless hate festering in a beautiful country with a history of civilization extending even to the point of recivilizing the Europe of the Dark Ages, I want to cry tears of grief and frustration. Because I don't dare allow myself even to hope that you are right. Because I want so badly for you to BE right.
There is no question as to whether I'm right on the main idea of this thread. The Independent International Commission has reported that the Provisional Irish Republican Army has put all of its weapons beyond use (Period. That alone is the main thought of my initial post). There remains much to be resolved. I am optimistic.
Yes. That is what the commission says. But based on WHAT? What the IRA tells them? Bsed on seeing and inventorying what the IRA allows them to see and inventory? Please, please remember that the IRA is FAR from the sole terrorist organization in Northern Ireland. Are they REALLY likely to disarm when the others HAVEN'T? Has ANYONE any idea what resources they possess OUTSIDE the Emerald Isle? I am pessimistic (as I guess You've gathered.) And I don't trust Tony Blair. He lied about Iraq and supported GWB. Indeed, he and Bush essentially AGREED to tell the same lies (if the Downing Street memos mean anything, and I think they clearly do.). I don't like the restrictions (SERIOUS restrictions) his government are placing on civil liberties in the name of fighting terrorism.
I'm with you on this one nosborne. The day those goonballs over there stop fighting is the day that I, Carl Reginstein, will eat my computer keyboard.... And you know.... I'd REALLY like to "like" Tony Blair - after all, he's a guitar player, and how cool is that for a PM anyway? I also believe I'd like GWB to go out and have drinks with - he seems like a fun guy at heart. But running the most powerful nation on earth? Puhleeze! I'd rather see the reincarnated ghost of Jerry Garcia in that seat than the doofus we have in there now.
There is magic in that post. Nothing would make me happier than Charles being right... not just about the main idea of the thread, but about there finally being peace. That, after all, is really what this is (or at least has become) about. But I fear that nosborne48 is right... especially about the weaponry most likely being salted away for an uncertain furture... and all that that implies. We've seen this before. I will pray for the peace that Charles anticipates; but I will brace for the reality that nosborne48 predicts.
The dark eleventh hour... "We've seen this before. I will pray for the peace that Charles anticipates; but I will brace for the reality that nosborne48 predicts." What Gregg said.
Pffft! - rank amateurs. They need to spend some time in Louisiana. When they can casually demand $250,000,000,000.00 is when they are ready for the big time.
Bottom line: The Independent International Commission has reported that the Provisional Irish Republican Army has put all of its weapons beyond use. Here's what I think: The opponents of Good Friday agreement continue to make every effort to obstruct its implementation. As a student of history, you are surely aware of the Good Friday agreement. It reads in part: At the moment the Rev. Ian Paisley, a fixture in Northern Ireland politics since before I was born (to me he makes Jason Gastrich appear tolerant, but you be the judge, is effectively vetoing the agreement. This too will pass. When the Good Friday processes do restart, which they will, the Clintons will be able to rightfully say, this is our legacy, we helped make this happen. Who knows, if things happen quickly this could be a boon for Hillary's campaign. I remain optimistic.
I agree, but we should give the English Govt a chance... Being Irish Catholic I am fairly close to this issue and I have to say that no side is innocent. I am against violence against civilians in any form, but the english are long time invaders and many there feel as they should go. It is one of englands last bastions of colonialism and we all know beyond the shadow of a doubt that we didnt like that here in the US. BUT, once again the Purposful targeting of civilians is what seperates the terrorist from the freedom fighter. Messy, messy, messy topic with alot of gray. Does anyone have any suggestion on how YOU would want to remove an invading Govt? Keep in mind also, that the English have activly discriminated against the Irish Catholics and make no apologize about it. I think that if the IRA is willing to TRUTHFULLY set down there arms, then GB should be willing to talk about reunification of Ireland. We all know the reason they dont want it is because it will be time for the Protostants to get what they have been giving. Just my opinion, I could be wrong...
I don't forsee the reunification of Ireland at least until the Catholics outnumber the Protestants in the north, which at current projections will be in about forty-five years. As far as trusting the IRA, I thought that an international group headed by a Canadian general witnessed and verified the destruction of the weapons? -=Steve=-