IPE Management School Paris

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by Father Brown Riley, Aug 23, 2017.

  1. Ahmad Sabri Saad

    Ahmad Sabri Saad New Member

  2. Ahmad Sabri Saad

    Ahmad Sabri Saad New Member

  3. Ahmad Sabri Saad

    Ahmad Sabri Saad New Member

    Wow. I managed to insert the two said letters.

    The President's letter is in English while the CNCP's letter is in French.

    Mr Johann's expertise on French language would be greatly needed and appreciated.

    Thank you
  4. Ahmad Sabri Saad

    Ahmad Sabri Saad New Member

  5. Ahmad Sabri Saad

    Ahmad Sabri Saad New Member

    Yeah. I managed to paste the link as above. Go to IPE's web site and you will see the latest developments as follows:

    (1) Paris Pôle Alternance (PPA) provides Bachelor Programmes, Masters and DBA Programmes in Paris. IPE Management School within Paris Pôle Alternance (PPA) provides the International dimension to our Paris programmes."

    (2) "Accreditation and Approval
    Pôle Paris Alternance (PPA) is an Institution of Higher Education of Réseau Grandes Écoles Spécialisées (Réseau GES) and is fully approved and authorised by the French State to award Undergraduate, Graduate and Post-Graduate qualifications in Business and Management
    IPE Management School Paris (IPE) is the International School of Paris Pôle Alternance (PPA) which is responsible for the delivery of our Undergraduate, Masters and Doctorate (DBA) degrees in overseas locations within the authority as granted for PPA."
  6. Ahmad Sabri Saad

    Ahmad Sabri Saad New Member

    Please correct me if I am wrong, my understanding is this:

    (1) PPA is legally authorized by French authorities to award up to DBA

    (2) PPA conducts up to DBA in Paris

    (3) IPE, the International arm of PPA conducts its DBA program overseas

    So IPE's DBA is awarded overseas based on the fact that PPA is authorized by the French authorities to award DBA.

    It looks acceptable to me.

    What do others think?

    Thanks and regards,
  7. Camille Tan

    Camille Tan New Member

    I have personally checked with the French Embassy of my country. And the reply given is private institutions can deliver Doctorate programs. However only public universities can confer the title "Doctor" that is recognised by the French government. Perhaps our friends here can check with the relevant French embassies of their country?
  8. Ahmad Sabri Saad

    Ahmad Sabri Saad New Member

  9. Ahmad Sabri Saad

    Ahmad Sabri Saad New Member

    That's a letter from the French Embassy of Singapore.
  10. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Mr. Saad,

    Are there any graduates in the USA that had their degrees - qualifications from PPA got successfully evaluated by ECE or WES? Maybe other NACES member credential evaluation agencies.
    Or WES Canada?
  11. Ahmad Sabri Saad

    Ahmad Sabri Saad New Member

    Sorry Mr Lerner, I am not familiar with ECE ,WES , NACES and WES Canada and therefore am not able to share.
  12. Ahmad Sabri Saad

    Ahmad Sabri Saad New Member

  13. Ahmad Sabri Saad

    Ahmad Sabri Saad New Member

    I do not read French.... however i think it is some form of MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) or agreement or exchange between Reseau GES (IPE is a member of Reseau GES) and UQAM (University of Quebec at Montreal)
  14. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    For most of the situations, each country has its own way of recognized foreign education. In some countries, it's government approved agency like NARC in the UK. In the USA its approved Foreign Credential Evaluation Services such as members of NACES.
    So if there are successful evaluations by the above-mentioned services then at the minimum it meets leag; requirements.
    And this may be the minimum standard. As each educational institution has its own legacy and name recognition etc.
  15. mintaru

    mintaru Active Member

    Here is the Google translation of that document:
    The problem is this document does not prove that IPE degrees are recognized in Canada.
  16. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I'm shocked . . .
  17. mintaru

    mintaru Active Member

    I know, I know. That was obvious.

    I have no idea about the situation in the UK or the US, but I know how the German ZAB (Germany's counterpart to NARC in the UK, and the agency which operates the Anabin database) sees these degrees. However, this situation is not limited to IPE/PPA. It applies to all French "ecoles de commerce".

    Anabin lists all(!) French Ecoles de commerce as H+/-, which stands for schools that offer both, recognized and unrecognized degrees. The Anabin page about every ecole de commerce includes this text (Google translation):

    The "ecoles de commerce" are marked with an H +/- in anabin, since they usually award state-recognized as well as non-state-recognized degrees, so that a case-by-case examination is necessary.
    Often the private business schools themselves distinguish between the "grande ecole" program, the state-recognized core study program, and other courses of study on their websites.

    IPE/PPA's English speaking programs are no grande ecole programs.
  18. Ahmad Sabri Saad

    Ahmad Sabri Saad New Member

    Thank you for the Google Translation....
  19. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Well, you can say it was obvious but you're the only one who thought to run it through the translator. Good idea.
  20. Ahmad Sabri Saad

    Ahmad Sabri Saad New Member

    Hi Mr Mintaru, the document I attached is a jpeg file (since this forum does not permit the uploading of pdf), I am very impressed on the Google translation. You must have done one of the followings:

    (1) Type all the French words into the Google Translator, and obtain their English translation

    (2) Use an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software over the jpeg photo file and obtain the French characters out of it and then input the French characters by copy-and-paste into the Google Translator and obtain the English translation

    (3) Use a software to convert the jpeg photo file into a pdf or word file and then use an OCR software to turn it into an editable file from which you can then copy and paste the French characters into Google Translator to obtain the English translation

    Which ever way you have used to achieve the final English translation, I salute you.

    It must have taken a lot of your time and energy to accomplished it. TQ very much

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