"In a democracy, the people get the government they deserve." -- Alexis de Tocqueville "I have seen the enemy and he is us." -- Pogo by Walt Kelly There wasn't a thing about this president that wasn't known prior to his election. The lying. The corruption. The vile behavior. The idiocy. The hate. The criminality. It was all there. Yet America made him the president. It's why I can't blame him as much as I blame us. As Bill notes above, we might very well make that choice again. But as we're seeing this week, to do so is to say goodbye to democracy and self-governing. But that doesn't seem to be important to an awful lot of Americans anymore. We'll see. “Maybe you do not care much about the future of the Republican Party. You should. Conservatives will always be with us. If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy.” ― David Frum, Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republic
Unfortunately, what really happens is that everyone gets the government that only the majority deserve.
Uh, this time the minority got the government it sought. America is now a 55-45 country, ruled by the 45.
It certainly is a lie... as it seems if anything, the DNC is trying to rig it for Trump to win a re-election. Bloomberg Considering HRC as VP. Regardless of one's view on her competency... one would be hard pressed to find a more divisive figure that does not address any of Michael Bloomberg's weaknesses, while also solidifying the Trump base.
I was talking about the basic structure of the electoral college system in general. https://apnews.com/e59e0fc184844a12a950fd21cd8877a0 So for example, a person's single vote in the Presidential election is worth about 3 times more if you live in Montana or North Dakota or South Dakota or Wyoming than if you live in California or New York.
I was being facetious ...although, that perhaps may be simply a cover for having no bloody idea how the DNC can continually sabotage elections that would be almost impossible to lose. Sigh..
Well, IF Bloomberg wins the nomination, I can't imagine him picking HRC as his running mate. He's smarter than that and the folks working for him are way smarter than that. (My guess is that they floated that idea to just get a little free publicity.)
More voter fraud: https://1010wcsi.com/fox-news/philadelphia-dem-elections-judge-admits-taking-bribes-to-inflate-vote-counts/
10 voters plead guilty to voter fraud in 2016: https://electionlawblog.org/?p=104920 97 election fraud violoations in 2018: https://www.npr.org/2018/10/28/661020113/ahead-of-the-2018-election-texas-ag-ramps-up-voter-fraud-prosecutions Nineteen Foreign Nationals Charged for Voting in 2016 Election: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ednc/pr/nineteen-foreign-nationals-charged-voting-2016-election 1285 proven instances of voter fraud: https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud https://madison.com/wsj/news/local/govt-and-politics/state-finds-two-dozen-possible-cases-of-voter-fraud-over-past-year/article_856de2c6-2692-53c2-be4d-a0ed1fefffa3.html
Is 1285 total voter fraud votes over many years in the whole country supposed to justify the silly assertion by President Trump that voter fraud is a wide ranged problem?
Almost all of those are examples of votes in legislatures or similar bodies. The few examples from elections are either in minuscule districts or weren't actually decided by one vote.
Claims of widespread voter fraud--never supported--are an attempt to suppress voting. One party strives to make voting as easy as possible. One party strives to make it more difficult. On “Fox and Friends” (in April), Trump slammed Democrats’ vote-by-mail proposals in Congress, saying, “They had a level of voting that, if you ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.” https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/08/trump-slams-mail-in-voting-says-it-doesnt-work-out-well-for-republicans.html Well, we certainly can't have that!
I don't believe that. Historically, just think back to all the big city political machines in places like Chicago or Tammany Hall in NYC. "Vote early and often!" Dead people voting the straight democratic ticket every year for ten years after they die. Today there's all the districts with more registered voters than US citizens of voting age. If voter fraud is so exceedingly rare, why are democrats are so deathly afraid of voter-ID laws? Why is there such violent opposition on the left to the census asking a citizenship question on the 2020 census? Voter fraud is a thriving industry. I'd hate to think that the future of the United States, and with it Western civilization, might be decided by it.
There are counter-arguments to both voter ID laws and the citizenship question on the US Census. Their existence is not evidence of voter fraud. You can believe what you want. But extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The contemporary evidence on widespread voter fraud is nonexistent. Even this current administration failed to come to any other conclusion in its efforts on the subject, remember?
Actually, I take that back, we’ve now entered the phase of a “war on accountability.” Which I find just as unsettling as the impeachment process. May God Bless America! Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!