Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur offers eMasters degrees online in these subjects: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Business Finance Business Leadership in the Digital Age Climate Finance and Sustainability Cyber Security Data Science and Business Analytics Financial Analysis Financial Technology & Management Next-Generation Wireless Technologies Power Sector Regulation, Economics and Management Public Policy Quantitative Finance and Risk Management Renewable Energy and e-Mobility Sustainable Construction Practices and Project Management "Asynchronous learning including recorded videos, reading material, etc will be shared during the weekdays; whereas synchronous learning via live interactive sessions will be conducted during weekends." An optional campus visit is available as part of a program. Programs can be completed within 1 to 3 years. IITK describes these both by the names "masters" and "eMasters." The degree awarded will be titled "eMasters," such as this eMasters in Business Finance: Credits may transfer to higher degrees at IITK. "If admitted, a student with a eMasters degree may request for a waiver of up to 60 credits of coursework during MTech/PhD programs and a waiver of two semesters of residential requirements at the IIT Kanpur." Published total fee for completion in 1 year is 800 000 INR = about 9 600 USD today. There are additional fees for additional quarters (enrollment periods).
IITs are great schools. All of them. Big stars in the Indian system. Only thing I don't like is the eMaster designation. It sounds inferior. Like a mini-master. It reminds me of another of my favourite Indian schools - Eduonics - a private non-degree school that does a good job, selling technology courses (video classes).at low prices. They bundle maybe 8 or 9 courses in a technology subject - e.g. Javascript - and for $50-60 or so, you get an "e-degree"on completion - their copyrighted term, which is NOT an academic degree (and that's OK - it's plain to everyone.) Just my take. The school itself (IIT Kanpur) - top-notch.
Sorry - that's Eduonix. They have some freebies posted on YouTube, if you want a sample.
Agreed on all counts, my former brother-in-law is an IIT undergrad alumni, and speaks very highly of his experience. I also hate "eMaster" or anything else that points out the DL nature of a degree. I think one of the most bone-headed decisions in DL recently was rebranding UMUC as "University of Maryland Global Campus". Ditto for "Purdue Global". It's so obvious that these schools want the lucrative tuition dollars of DL, without "tainting" their "prestigious" name. Pick a side and stick with it. I have no issue with innocuous designations such as "Boston University-Metropolitan College".