I have an interview with UoP

Discussion in 'Online & DL Teaching' started by Randell1234, Feb 10, 2008.

  1. dougm

    dougm New Member

    Local Presence

    Maybe, but they have several local campuses. Does anyone know someone from the midwest or north who got in with UoP(for online teaching)?
  2. scaredrain

    scaredrain Member

    I have a friend in the same situation, but different state. She applied numerous times to teach online for UOP, but was turned down. She later applied to teach at one of the campuses here in NC and was hired and has been an adjunct on the local campus for about 8 months now. She teaches 3 nights a week on the campus. As a campus adjunct, she tried applying to teach online, but was denied again. Maybe it easier to get hired to teach for UOP's campuses than online.
  3. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    Is the pay the same?
  4. scaredrain

    scaredrain Member

    I will ask her over the weekend and let you know! I want to think that it is the same, but will find out.
  5. violet

    violet member

    Hello friends

    I've taught science and communications at several universities and colleges. My experience has ranged from a Big Ten research university to small community colleges. When I recently re-located to the Denver area, I saw a job announcement for a part-time faculty position with the University of Phoenix and I decided to apply. Little did I know what I was in for. This review focuses on the faculty problem at the University of Phoenix, but I'll briefly describe the experience of a few students who attend this school as well.
    What is the University of Phoenix?
    This is a national "university" that has about 170 campuses in several states and distributes most of its coursework online, thereby reaching an international audience. They have supposedly awarded over 170,000 degrees since 1976 and have over 17,000 instructors. The University of Phoenix prides itself with being a for-profit "university", which it says keeps it customer-oriented. Actually, it just keeps it profit-oriented. I use "university" in quotes here because this is NOT a university. If they say that granting easy master's degrees or enrolling a lot of students makes them a university, then they're trying to sell you something. Make no mistake - you will not get a university education at this glorified community college. Why not? Read on...
    What is the University of Phoenix's problem?
    There are several, but I'm going to focus on the faculty recruitment and retention problems, since this is what I know best about this school.
    When I mentioned that I was considering applying for a job at the University of Phoenix, a faculty member offered to let me sit-in on his class to get a feel for it. I had already taught at a couple small colleges and a large university, so I assumed that it wouldn't be anything new. Right from the start, I felt like I was in a different world. The business world. If you're in business, then the business world environment of the University of Phoenix will be comfortable for you the moment you walk in the door. That's exactly the moment you need to ask yourself the important question that I did - why doesn't this feel like a university? Or even a community college? Or any other type of institution of higher learning? A university "campus" isn't supposed to look like a bank or the office of some company. The campus has the important job of facilitating interaction with many different types of students and faculty in a variety of settings and in an open, non-conformist manner. You can't do this in a bank. Do all University of Phoenix "campuses" look like business parks? Maybe not, but every one that I've seen in several different parts of the country has.
    Still, I decided to give the University of Phoenix another chance and I began the application

    Thanks to all
  6. truckie270

    truckie270 New Member

    I got my foot in the door with UOP by getting hired locally and then moving online after about a year. The basic pay rate for a course is the same, but local campus' have some additional funds that they can offer for each course. I was teaching the same course locally and online for a while and made about $100 more for the on-ground version.
  7. homeonline

    homeonline member

    cheers to that one.. because you have a load of patience, that's was worth it..

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