How can I be less ridiculous in future?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by qjackson, Jan 21, 2002.

  1. qjackson

    qjackson New Member

    Hello there!

    I received three emails this afternoon from irate visitors to this board who appear to take grand exception with my non-accredited degrees. It appears they decided to email my publisher about the non-accredited nature of my degrees. One made the point of mentioning that my "website SUCKS and so do {I}".

    That in mind, I would be more than happy to receive feedback as to what exactly it is I can do to improve my site.

    From the feedback I received from one, I take it that posting BrainBench certifications I have earned and a link to the currently valid certifications is a matter of contention. Any suggestions?

    Another bit of feedback asked me to "be honest and admit that the degrees have little or no utility." I do have a piece up on my site that discusses this matter, but what else can I do to address this concern?

    It is true -- non-accredited degrees have very little utility. I did not accept them when offered for their utility, and I believe I have made it clear in the past, here and on AED, that such degrees have no utility. Perhaps an article on this would be in order?

    On the matter of emailing my publisher with the grand revelation that my degrees are not accredited ... I do not see what bearing this has on two literary novels.

    If my posts here on have been "ridiculous" I would appreciate knowing which ones, so that I may strive to be less ridiculous in future.


  2. qjackson

    qjackson New Member

    It appears that some browswers aren't receiving this URL:

    If this piece is not availble from my site from "Articles/Columns" (bottom link "Dance of the Sugar Plum Doctorate") please let me know.

  3. Mike Albrecht

    Mike Albrecht New Member

    I will probably get flammed for saying this, but this is a case INMHO where an unaccredidated degree was worth while, as if you really needed one except for your own validation.

    Also the link you gave, which goes directly to the article was not as visually pleasing, as the total web site. Which I liked.

    One question, are you in Vancouver?

  4. KidDL

    KidDL member

    Dr. Jackson, you do not have to change anything on your site or for that matter, your postings. For someone to be so cruel as to write your publisher in an effort to discredit you is dispicable.

    I have read most of your posts and they are honest, upfront and more imporant, insightful. There is no reason for this kind of behavior.
  5. qjackson

    qjackson New Member

    Does the "Articles/Columns" link open a page in the right frame, and on the bottom link, link to "Dance of the Sugar Plum Doctorate"? This seems to be a matter of contention with those who have emailed me.

    Sorry to be a bother -- it's possible that the pages are cached improperly at the server end.

    Yes, Vancouver.

  6. qjackson

    qjackson New Member

    Well, some people feel it their duty, I suppose.

  7. qjackson

    qjackson New Member

    Although, I cannot for the life of me see what bearing it has on literary fiction, I must add.

  8. Well, I’m flabbergasted that degreeinfo denizens would do this. Credo quia absurdum est.

    But at least they had the guts to email you directly, rather than complaining anonymously behind your back.

    Since you have been up front about your American Coastline degrees, I hope you can brush these complaints off.

    Personally, I think your posts are among the more refreshing here on degreeinfo – it’s good to read something other than the orthodoxy. And your posts are well thought out and well written.

  9. qjackson

    qjackson New Member

    I believe that I have been very open about my degrees, when and where it was/is called for. I also have endeavored to refrain from giving the slightest inkling of a suggestion that others should pursue non-accredited degrees. It was suitable for me because I had already done the research, and could not pursue a doctorate on that particular research, its having been un fait accompli.

    This little campaign is being carried out by four individuals, it appears. By being open about my identity here, I opened myself up to the 37% of those who responded on the poll that they would never accepted an unaccredited degree holder at par with an accredited degree holder. In that sense, I knew 100% what I was in for.

    The primary reason I post here is to offer some modicum of personal insight -- and to be honest, that insight has been gained in the three years since attaining my degrees.

    I watched (and spoke up) on AED when Ray Chasse passed away and was dishonored by several of the posters in AED. I was not afraid to admit to my degrees then, and I am not afraid to admit to them now. I have watched as Louisiana state law has changed such that the current ACU no longer offers degrees. I have tried to listen and learn, and have endeavored to avoid falling into a trap of rationalization that would make me believe that I am something that I am not. The BrainBench examinations I take are an effort towards self-analysis and betterment as much as anything else.

    I have sent my full CV to those who wished to see it -- to show exactly where I stand -- and I have sought the advice and counsel of more than one person.

    I do not see my degrees as being a matter of utility. When I was approached and offered a chance for the degrees (without paying), I took the opportunity to do a personal inventory, and I crossed my T's and dotted my I's. Not to deceive anyone into believing that I hold degrees that have any utility, but to complete a process that began much earlier in life.

    My recent pontification here has resulted in my annoying several people greatly, it appears, and I can understand that my style of expressing myself is not everyone's bag of tea.

    I have made mistakes in my life. As I have already stated, I am no saint. I do believe, however, that I have been honest and open about my limitations, and have striven to work on my limitations.

    And that's about all I can do.

  10. Tom Head

    Tom Head New Member

    Jeez; some people need to get a life, don't they?

    You have my sympathies--and good luck with your writing!


    Tom Head

    co-author, Bears' Guide to the Best Education Degrees by Distance Learning (Ten Speed Press)
    co-author, Get Your IT Degree and Get Ahead (Osborne/McGraw-Hill)
  11. qjackson

    qjackson New Member

    Well, the possie decided to send an email to ABC to let ABC know that I'm on the web. I'm not entirely convinced that ABC cares about a Canadian guy who writes parsing software and literary pointillism, but anyway....

  12. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Why would ABC even care?

  13. qjackson

    qjackson New Member

    I wish I knew. I'm an awfully small fish. I've never served in the army, navy, air force, held public office, been a CEO, teacher at an accredited school, teacher at a public school, school administrator ...

    There are plenty of things I haven't been. Plenty things I have not done. Plenty of things I cannot do. Of fools, I am probably the biggest.

    But I am a sincere fool.

    I did not know, and so know did I not,
    I did not do, and so it was not wrought,
    The things I did not learn all taunted me
    And so I stayed to learn with moments bought.

    I did not sing, and so my tongue was dumb,
    I did not think, and so my mind was numb,
    The places I did not visit, were most,
    Many were the places I did not come.

    I did not venture, and so did not gain,
    I did not battle, and so did not pain,
    And though the fights I never lost were great,

    I did not lift my sword to make my claim.

    I did not swim, and so did not get wet,
    I did not squander, and did not regret,
    And though my coffers never plunder saw
    I did not fill them, please do not forget.

    I did not drink when grapes were on the vine,
    I did not dance when the oud was played fine,
    I did not kiss a saqi on the lips,
    And never tasted pleasures were not mine.

    I ask you, God, with all I have shown shun,
    With all the treasures missed I have not won,
    With all the things I could have but did not,
    How 't is so many things have I undone?

    My ship is laden not from what I've made,
    Not from my dance in life's too loud parade,
    For my soul is filled not by raucous fun,
    But from a deeper law of right down laid.

    What I could do, and what I indeed do,
    Not necessarily a married two,
    What I attempt is not a simple feat,
    But to prediscern what I commit to.

    My mistakes are plenty, numbered in tears,
    My flaws are bountiful, numbered in fears,
    My sins could floor a stable with their dirt,
    The time to correct them, numbered in years.

    With all I did not, I do not compete,
    For I have but a moment to complete
    The things I indeed decide to pursue,
    The pages I must browse when We Two meet.

  14. levicoff

    levicoff Guest

    Quinn, I've always thought that you were a likeable, intelligent, and creative guy - compliments that most degree mill graduates never get from me. But reading this thread, I am compelled to ask . . . Would you like a little cheese with your whine?

    Hell, man, all of my degrees are RA, but because of my degree-mill-ball-busting, even I have (1) been sued, and (2) had various threats, including persons who contacted or threatened to contact my various employers over the years.

    For better or worse, it comes with the territory. And you, my boy, like the rest of us, will get over it. [​IMG]
  15. qjackson

    qjackson New Member

    I do appreciate that bit of advice. Hell, if ABC wants to sit down with me over coffee to discuss my Print-on-Demand novel set in the Middle East, I'd be more than willing to plug the thing.

    And yes, a little cheese would go nicely with the whine, thanks.

  16. KidDL

    KidDL member

    This is high praise coming from Steve. Can I skip the cheese and just have a glass of wine?
  17. barryfoster

    barryfoster New Member

    As discussed in another thread, "going after" individuals plunges this board in the putrid stench of sensentionalism and snitchery.

    As a "regular", it embarrasses me greatly. It risks this board becoming the Jenny Jones / Jerry Springer of DL. Even worse, the ultimate result of such activity will shut down intelligent conversation. This board will turn into a bunch of "Me toos".

    If this continues, why would *anyone* want to post *anything* here?

    Would the individuals who did this - from the darkness of anonymity - care to reveal their names here? (Call this melodramatic if you'd like ... but I call it like I see it.)

    Quinn, you have always presented a well-reasoned argument. From my perspective, you made an informed choice about your personal education - which is what this board is all about.

    I hope some leaders on this board take heart to what has happened here .... Leaders have great power to establish norms just by their example. Is "going after" people now a norm of this board?

    Plus I hope that some regulars - who have been silent on this subjet - speak up. Silence is easily interpreted as being agreement. Let's stop this now.

    Otherwise, I'm gone. This is wrong.

    Barry Foster
  18. Mike Albrecht

    Mike Albrecht New Member

    When I opened the link you gave in your posting, only the article appeared, no frames. when I edited the link (while I was on the article) and went up a couple of levels to your top I got the frames.

    The reason I asked about Vancouver was I have some friends in North Van who also had to switch to shaw when @home died.

  19. qjackson

    qjackson New Member

    Yes, I sometimes post a direct link, rather than explaining, "Go to the left tool bar, press 'Articles', in the write, click '....'"

    Yeah, the @home thing is a pain in the butt.

  20. qjackson

    qjackson New Member

    In fairness... I have good reason to believe that what occurred is not policy. Yes, it could happen to anyone who posts here and has an opinion, but I strongly doubt that any of the "Administrator Class" condone smear campaigns of this nature.

    This is the Internet. Anyone and his uncle's monkey can express an opinion, and if they use their real name when they do it, they are open to as much criticism as the next guy. The Internet Knows No Icons. It is a Warholian Engine, where everyone gets his or her 15 Minutes of Infamy.

    Perhaps my recent poll about degree accreditation iritated someone because the unqualified No's do not have a clear majority:

    I did notice a brief flux of "Nos" about the same time the volley of emails came in.

    Perhaps my person style grates on someone's nerves, I don't know.

    It's not my style to back into a hole when confronted with criticism about my decisions. I decided on an array of unaccredited degrees, the choice was mine. 10% of the unconditional NO's decided that emailing my publisher and ABC News was the way to get their spot in the sun.

    Hey, how 'bout them Nucks?


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