Full-time online professor pay

Discussion in 'Online & DL Teaching' started by me again, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    There is been a lot of discussion on how much money part time online adjunct professors make, but how much money do full-time online professors make? Do not-for-profits pay their online professors more than for-profits?
  2. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    And why would they?
  3. CalDog

    CalDog New Member

    Historically, part-time online professors have far outnumbered the full-timers. As this IHE news story says:

    The story notes that Grand Canyon University recently offered full-time work to 98 online adjuncts (out of 2,000). It also states that the University of Maryland University College employs 215 full-time faculty members (out of 2,200), and that the American Public University System has 320 full-timers (no total was provided).

    But the point is that only a relatively small fraction of online faculty are full-time. And if that is the case, it may be hard to get good data on salaries.

    The IHE story also notes that "full-time" is different from "tenure-track":

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2014
  4. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Is anyone here a full-time online professor? If you get healthcare benefits, then you're probably classified as being full-time.
  5. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    I would be interested in knowing also.
  6. suelaine

    suelaine Member

    I am not full time for any one online position, but one of the schools that I teach for gives full time benefits if you teach a certain amount per year, which I have consistently qualified for, for about 12 years now. This includes health care, vision and dental for me and for my family (just my husband now as all kids are grown and married). My plan is quite a lot better than the plan offered by my husband's employer, so we both are on my plan.
  7. graymatter

    graymatter Member

    I am "full-time" but split between 7 schools. I made $68k last year - but that includes taking off 4 weeks on 2 occasions (birth of son, PhD defense). If I had accepted the courses that I turned down, I think $80k would have been possible.

    I have been offered full-time only once (several of those schools are B&M with a smallish online presence). I went through the process at UOP before bailing before the final stage. One of the questions in the hiring process for them (well, Apollo Group) was: "Would you be willing to work full-time for $60k?"

    So there.
  8. jam937

    jam937 New Member

    Full time online IT course mentors at WGU requires doctorate and starts around $57,000. A full time student mentor requires masters and starts low 50's I think. These are for the IT field and I'm not sure if area of teaching makes a difference in salary.
  9. truckie270

    truckie270 New Member

    I am full-time for APUS. Benefits include medical, dental, vision, insurance, 401K, money for professional development activities, free tuition at APUS, and a few other things. Full-time pay starts at about $55K and increases with promotion. There are also several opportunities to teach students in an overage capacity at $150 per student once you hit your contract numbers for the year.
  10. TEKMAN

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Wow! There is no reason to get Ph.D for pay increase. However, the work schedule is flexible so you be with your kids all day.
  11. jam937

    jam937 New Member

    Not many people are financially willing and able to go from $100k IT job to $55k teaching IT.
  12. AV8R

    AV8R Active Member

    According to Payscale IT professionals don't make $100k. Are there some who do? Probably. But it looks like most don't.

    IT Salary Survey, Information Technology Data, IT Salaries | PayScale
  13. TEKMAN

    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    According to a friend of mine said that he made $150K in 2012 as Senior Network Engineer in Washington D.C. I live in Northern Virginia, and hate working in DC...so I work in NOVA. I make only close to $100K, but since my company lost the contract and I had to accepted 34% paycut for temporary. However, I have never made over $100k by one source of income.
  14. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    It is not as unusual as you may think especially if you work in healthcare and know HL7.
  15. truckie270

    truckie270 New Member

    I would disagree with this assuming that a person does not go significantly in debt getting a Doctorate. I received an immediate increase of $5K per year at APUS with my Doctorate that I got for less than $15K at Valdosta State (only $5K out of pocket - the rest from employer TA at my normal job).
  16. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    It looks like the average pay for a FT online professor is between 50-60k, excluding the IT field. For those of you who are FT, did you have to sign a no-compete clause in your contract, meaning you won't teach for competitors?
  17. jhp

    jhp Member

    Cannot tell, did you take off 8 weeks total or 4 weeks total?
    Is that $68K gross or net?
    Were you getting paid by student, course, hour or hybrid?
    How many classes were you teaching concurrently?
    Are these seven all online, mix of online & B&M, or only B&M?
    How much time did you allocate to each course per week, and per day?
    Did you have minimum contact requirements with students during business hours, weekends, etc?

    Thousands of more questions... :D

  18. jhp

    jhp Member

    "IT Professional" is a huge collection of various fields.
    In the last 30 years I have seen the basic network administrator position salary for a small to mid size network grow, where today it will garner $70K or more.

    The pay rate very much depends on the industry, as others have mentioned, and the specialization within "IT".

  19. truckie270

    truckie270 New Member

    I did not have to sign a no-compete clause.
  20. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    The no compete clause is very interesting. Apparently some universities are very territorial.

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