Free and Discounted College Opportunities for Seniors: A Comprehensive State-by-State Guide

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Xspect, Dec 20, 2024.

  1. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

    That's nothing. In my computer class back then, WE had only 0s and 1s to write programs, and sometimes, we even ran out of 1s.
    Dustin, Suss, Rich Douglas and 3 others like this.
  2. Pugbelly2

    Pugbelly2 Active Member

    I still do but just for fun.
  3. jonlevy

    jonlevy Active Member

    The original OP was doing everyone a service. The criticism is ageism. One of the purposes of this board and the sister board is to help folks regardless of age, race, nationality or social standing to find all the ways to get free or low cost college education.
    Suss, Pugbelly2 and NotJoeBiden like this.
  4. Pugbelly2

    Pugbelly2 Active Member

    I didn't see anything here that would suggest otherwise. The thread went off topic like most of these threads do, but I don't see anything here off color or in any way suggestive of discriminatory behavior.
    SteveFoerster and Rich Douglas like this.
  5. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    It's "ageism" to oppose members of a group getting something for free just because of their age? Um, okay.
    Rich Douglas likes this.
  6. jonlevy

    jonlevy Active Member

    Age is a protected category, and the tuition waivers are actually state laws. But everyone is also entitled to their opinion under the First Amendment.
  7. Pugbelly2

    Pugbelly2 Active Member

    Yes, we all are free to share opinions. It's what forums like this one are for. No one was being disrespectful. I am confused as to why the ageism comments were even brought up. Yes, age is a protected category. How did anyone on this thread infringe on that protection? In order to infringe on a protection, the infringing person must be in a position of requisite authority to compromise that protection, or in the absence of authority, the infringer has to be able to compromise the protection by force. These dynamics aren't present here. These are opinions and debates. It's how thoughts are exchanged, minds can be changed, and how people grow.
    SteveFoerster likes this.
  8. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    While I like the idea of giving excess capacity to seniors, I would hope that would not come at the expense of those who need it more. And I agree that opposing the idea is NOT ageism just because it is about people in an age group. The exact same objection could be raised, rightfully, for ANY group offered a privilege. It doesn't mean one is against the group, just the favored status.

    I am in two groups that tend to get discounts: seniors (I'm now 65) and veterans. (I am a retired Air Force member.) It still feels weird when someone gives me the senior discount just by looking at me. (Not that I blame their assessment, I guess. Glad it isn't done by one's weight, though.) And I almost NEVER ask for a military discount except for big-ticket items. (I had a bathroom re-done recently and they knocked off $500 of a $14K price tag. Whoopee!) And don't get me started on all that "thank you for your service" stuff that began after 9/11. I could have used some of that love when I retired in '96 and couldn't find a decent job. I was a 36-year-old captain with an MBA and no one was there for us. They didn't understand us then, and they don't understand us now. What people don't seem to realize is that we can do without it just fine.

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