Families Forced to Move to Escape Republican Cruelty

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Bill Huffman, Jan 29, 2024.

  1. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    We had a brief conversation about Republicans passing laws to prevent gender affirming care. I couldn't find that piece of a thread because the conversation was slightly off topic. CNN had a good article about this. There were some folks here that don't understand the damage and the danger of suicide in teens that are treated the way that Republicans are treating them.

    Anyway here is an article that touches on the lives of a couple of families. The Republican approach is based on anti-wokeness political gamesmanship in order to charge up their base. That is to make laws preventing medical care. Similar to the way they pass laws to force women suffering rape to carry and give birth to those unwanted children. Sure Republicans get additional donations from their base, but it impacts lives and the cruelty is sad.

    Anguish lingers as transgender kids’ families seek medical care outside Texas — and fight a state ban
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2024
  2. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Bill, I think you mean "they pass laws to compel (not prevent) women suffering rape, to carry and give birth to those unwanted children." (They compel the women to bear these children by preventing legal abortion.) No biggie. Rabid Republicans make lots of people lose touch with grammar all the time. It's one of the least harmful things they do.
  3. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Thank you, my 10 minutes weren't up yet so I think I fixed it. :)
    Johann likes this.
  4. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Who said, "The cruelty is the point"?
  5. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Rich Douglas likes this.

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