Ex-Subway pitchman beaten in federal prison

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Abner, Mar 17, 2016.

  1. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Besides the stigma of being on the sex offender registry, there's also at least one confirmed case of the registry being used as a hunting list;

    Sex Offender Registries: Putting Lives At Risk? - ABC News

    Right now, there's a big controversy in my children's school, because a boy sent a picture of his junk to his "girlfriend", who then of course showed it to all her friends. The huge problem is that under Massachusetts law, the boy committed a felony by disseminating obscene material to a minor, as did anyone else who got it, then re-sent it to someone else. That will land you on the SOR (sex offender registry) in the blink of an eye, then goodbye college scholarships, military opportunities, etc.

    It's not going to go the criminal route, the parents all agreed to have the principal and school psychologist handle it, but there's a perfect example of the law of unintended consequences. I've drilled it into my kid's heads that if they get any pics or videos like that, to NOT forward it, and to delete them immediately.
  2. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

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