Education And Skills Committee

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by Lerner, Jun 28, 2005.

  1. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    I think this is because of my english skills.

    I'm misanderstood and this maybe the reason.

    I have noting to hide.

  2. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    I graduated from one with Masters degree in 1980's

    WES evaluation confirms this based on fedexed originals and I was able to get the official transcripts sent from Ukrane, to my surprise it took only 2 months.

  3. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    So you've... like... just given up on the spell-check thing, then, right?

    Okay, I'll repeat:
    • Judge: "The police heard a voice yell, 'Take that!', and then a gunshot, literally one second before they kicked-in the door and saw you standing over the deceased with a gun, its barrel still hot, and its muzzle still smoking."

      Defendant: "So what! They still can't prove I did it."

      Oy. :rolleyes:
    What part of that don't you understand as a response to your continued assertion that no proof has been offered. My posts here are rife with proof. You just won't recognize it, acknowledge it, and wear it; and you expect your repeated denials to actually work.

    That's just not true. What you won't accept is the common definition of "promoted." Apparently you had the wool pulled over your eyes so much in your home country for so many years by government officials and others who said or did something and then simply denied it; or who said one thing while actually meaning some other thing they said -- and getting away with it -- that you think it will fly here. You seem unable (actually, "unwilling" is probably more accurate) to understand subtlety or nuance. It's maddening.

    Not pro-SRU stuff... not without being taken to task for it, just as we're doing to you over your IUFS and UNESCO/NACES silliness... just to name two. There are others. You wanna' come in here and post decidedly anti-SRU stuff that no intelligent person would ever misconstrue as anything but anti-SRU; and which doesn't contain weasel comments and questions that effectively hedge your bet and cast doubt about your position, fine. We'll start not bothering you about it. Until then, expected to be pasted for it.

    Oh, you poor, picked-on little bolshevik, you. No. It's not as simple as that, and you know it... which is part of the problem. I've explained it and explained it and explained it and you refuse to see it. Fortunately the reader can see what's going on...

    ...even if you can't (or won't).

    Yes... in support of mills.

    You mean other than hating Russian mobsters (or those at least sympathetic thereto) and not allowing them to mislead, here, with impunity? You mean that? 'Cause if that's a political agenda, then I got one.

    Lies, lies, lies, lies. Never-ending, laughable Lerner lies. No rational reader of this (or any other) thread here -- or anywhere else -- is able to observe that kind of immature, ignorant behavior in me. Some other immature, ignorant behavior... well... who knows. But not that one.


    Oh, I'm sure it isn't. I'm sure you saw it lots of times in your country. Killing the messenger was commonplace. But don't project those sensibilities onto me, here.

    Careful, there, Comrade. Now you're startin' to move things into the real world where I can hold you accountable for your words in ways that could end-up costing you your house, your car and your Weber Kettle. Don't go there... trust me: I'm too good at it, and like it too much. And, more importantly, can fund it.

    Anyway, Mr. Never-gets-it, it's not "slander;" it's "libel." Slander is spoken defamation; "libel" is written defamation. We're writing, here... or hadn't you noticed? (A rhetorical question, of course. "Noticing" clearly isn't one of your strong suits.)

    Is it just me, or are my criticisms of Lerner just starting to get mirrored back at me, now? It's cluelessness and lack of imagination raised to a new level, I guess.

    You mean "moderator." And don't count on too much help from them. They don't like shills and trolls, either.

    So now you're likening yourself to Christ? At long last, sir, have you no shame?

    This is one of the first things you've ever written that may actually have something to it. I concede that there may be some small part of this problem that could, conceivably, be chalked-up to that. However, even an uncareful, cursory read of your actual words in the offending posts to which I've referred here suggests that you're better at this than you let on; and that you most likely knew exactly]/i] what you were writing and why.

    Oh, my poor, misunderstood, little bolshevik. :rolleyes:

    I don't think so.

    Not counting your millish/trollish agenda. (Oh, yeah... then there's that!)
  4. adamsmith

    adamsmith member

    Lerner, a piece of advice - give it up! Just stop posting to this thread; you are getting nowhere and never will!

    Even if you were Jesus Christ himself, appearing with his angels and archangels, you would still be crucified. Your very name seems to set off some negative chemical reaction in the minds of several contributors to this site. It seems that if you continue to post, you will need to make your point and shut up...unfortunately...
  5. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    Not fair. Lerner's name in a signature beneath posts that are neither covertly or overtly millish or trollish would attract not a single critical syllable from me. Er... well... okay... I reserve the right to disagree with him in legitimate debate of a legitimate issue, of course, like anyone else. But he would certainly see none of this my knee on his chest sort of thing.

    So it's really his choice, isn't it?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2005
  6. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Wow. Blasphemy. Calling DesElms a Christ-killer. And that "you and like you" on the Christ-killer business sounds an awful lot like...

    If this ain't proof positive of shilliness, I don't know what is.

    By the way, a mambo jumbo is (I think) an oversized boomslang.
  7. adamsmith

    adamsmith member

    Come on, Uncle; don't accuse me of shillingness' or whatever. I am not defending Lerner; just advising him to shut up as anything he says sets of some rather over the top reaction;certainly out of proportion to the original post.
  8. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    It was just a meter of time before they will start harassing you.

    Before you know they will call you to be me and all the rest of BS.

    I wouldn't take some of them seriously do. Lots of empty accusations and noting more.

    They will look hard to find anything even an apostrophe to convict
    discredit and lie.

    For them it’s just a collateral damage in the name of the higher calling of fighting mills.

    I don't come here to attack or to be attacked, but "blood thirsty” they are.

    And Gregg has the illusion of having his knee in my chest.

    He was wrong about IHU use, about AZAD being me and he is wrong about the rest plain and simple.

    Thats what realy drives him crazy and he is not man to say I was wrong, he rather slander and kniving lie and invent things that I never did.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2005
  9. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    The Catholic Church and a Judge disagree with Gregg L. DesElms' outrageous libel. So does a cursory check on all of these people who have never been involved in ANY crime.

    Gregg L. DesElms might need to prove his horrendous defamation of these people in front of a Judge. Maybe Gregg L. DesElms will get the same Judge that disagrees with him.

    learner - I don't know what is this about but I can tell this sounds familiar.

    Why is this pointed - is this what Gregg is so proud off?

    cyber-smearers, stalkers, harassers, a den of defamation

    Today Gregg L. DesElms falsey labels five INNOCENT people "criminals". THAT IS ILLEGAL, IMMORAL AND UNCONSCIONABLE.

    Why am I not surprised?

    I like better when you were involved with AOL and the Breast canser thing - this was nobel.
  10. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    If you are supporting DesElms after what he's written then you could use a time-out for some meditation, holyman.
  11. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Ya know, if there's anyone here wacko enough to create an alter ego then that would be you.

    Let's see, first you conjure a "smoking gun" where there is none.

    Then you accuse him of a conditioned duplicity.

    Then you call him a Bolshevik. "One in every family." was a saying of the Stalinist era to approximate the death toll from the Bolsheviks. That was, hopefully, a thoughtless comment, Gregg.

    Then you imply that he's a "Russian mobster." If so then your later threat of legal action will have them laughing to tears back at headquarters.

    Then you say that no rational reader would see in you any ignorant, immature behavior. I must not be rational as I see precisely that.

    Then comes the threat of legal action. I am hell on bullies so you can threaten me as well if you please.

    Your criticisms are getting mirrored back at you? Read my opening comment.
  12. 3$bill

    3$bill New Member


    I do not know what the official terminology is, but in my reading I've found "University of XYZ" and "XYZ University" used synonymously in England, but not in the US.

    While I've often seen references to the University of Oxford and Oxford University, as far as I know there is no such thing as the University of West Virginia or Connecticut University--although there is a Connecticut College, which is completely unrelated (cf. USNY vs SUNY).

    These ambiguities of course are fruitful ones for degree mills to exploit. I'd go out on a limb and hazard that the British Council's Dr. Kemp was referring to the one and only Knightsbridge that we know so well.
  13. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Just out of curiosity, isn't anyone who has committed some sin or other for which Yshua was hung upon the Cross at least partially guilty of putting out the contract on His life?
  14. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    this thing is absurd.

    I posted not promoted changes that I learned about on the other site.

    what followed was a campaingn of false acusations.

    as far as IHU it is used by NACES thats all thats a fact.

    all the politicly motivated see this a streat so go and atack me.

    I state small and simple trut and the buldosers of lies and acusation fly.

    I visited another site and read about other persons having to deal with the bully here.
    and wanted to share the info with the readers here so they can see

    the patern of false acusations that come from Gregg.

    He is overzealos at minimum.

    I don't like to becalled names because as mentione 100 time it wasn't promotion but reporting of an observed changes.

    i stand by my post anout NACES member agencies using IHU publication its here infront of me on the evaluation from one of them.

    I stand by my post that IUFS made changes to their web site to apear more legit they released on another chanel their real license and what they can and can't do.

    This was regular post and could have inteligent discussion what came out of this is very ugly face of some posters here.

    thats all.

    All the grabage they say just flies back on their faces and they show the same caracter as those who shoutet srusify him.

    no I'm far from beeng like Christ not that any one here really knows because it takes some one who can read original Hebrew version of Matew, not the corrupted translations.

    But this is another discussion.

    Putting this guys back in time they would be shouting Crusify him.

    And by the way many were crusified and it was veru crul method of punishment Romans used.

    That's my opinion.
  15. Crusified and slaughtered...

    Reading this intense line of BS, I feel like I've been "crusified". Certainly the English language has.....
  16. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Re: Crusified and slaughtered...

    I don't know what Lerner is but I know that witches are less dangerous than witch hunters. And witch hunting it is when motives are conjured and imputed.
  17. Re: Re: Crusified and slaughtered...

    Help me out here.... Who is the "witch" and who are the "witch hunters"?
  18. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Crusified and slaughtered...

    Suspected degree mill shills for the former and they of inquisitorial suspicion for the latter.
  19. Re: Re: Re: Re: Crusified and slaughtered...

    Then I rather like being thought of as somewhat "dangerous"....

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