Easiest/Hardest CLEP and DSST Exams Thread

Discussion in 'CLEP, DANTES, and Other Exams for Credit' started by Sowak777, Dec 30, 2008.

  1. Sowak777

    Sowak777 New Member

  2. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    Here are the exams I took, number of credits, score, date, and prep for the exam.

    ECE Research Methods in Psy 3 B 11-11-02
    CLEP English w/essay 6 A 09-30-02 comex
    ECE Production/Operation Mgt 3 C 09-26-02 CCU BS
    DANTES Ethics 3 53/46 09-22-02 none
    DANTES MIS 3 62/46 09-22-02 MCSE
    ECE Labor relations 3 C 09-19-02 CCU BS
    CLEP History and Social Science 6 54/42 09-17-02 comex
    DANTES Here’s to you Health 3 56/48 09-12-02 none
    DANTES – HR Management 3 55/46 09-09-02 CCU BS
    DANTES Tech Writing 3 58/46 09-09-02 none
    DANTES Intro to Business 3 57/46 09-09-02 CCU BS
    DANTES Intro to Computing 3 64/45 09-04-02 MCSE
    DANTES Organizational Behav 3 57/48 09-04-02 CCU BS
    DANTES Envir and Humanity 3 49/46 09-04-02 none
    DANTES Intro to Criminal Justice 3 54/49 08-14-02 none
    DANTES Intro to Law Enforcement 3 52/45 08-14-02 none
    CLEP Humanities 6 B 03-01-02 comex
    CLEP English w/o essay 6 520/42 01-05-00 comex
    CLEP Analy and Interp Lit 6 56/47 07-25-00 REA
    CLEP History I 3 58/47 01-??-00 REA
    CLEP General Math 6 560/42 10-05-00 comex
    CLEP Sociology 3 56/47 06-27-00 REA
  3. Sowak777

    Sowak777 New Member

    Easiest to Hardest CLEP Exams
    Based on the Pass Rates Found Here:


    Spanish I (6 credits)
    German I (6 credits)
    Freshman College Composition
    College Mathematics
    English Composition (with essay)
    Social Sciences and History
    Natural Sciences
    English Composition (without essay)
    Information Sys and Computer Apps
    French I (6 credits)
    Analyzing and Interpreting Literature
    Principles of Management


    Introductory Sociology
    Principles of Macroeconomics
    Introductory Psychology
    History of the U.S. I
    Principles of Marketing
    Western Civilization I
    Introduction to Educational Psychology
    History of the U.S. II
    Principles of Microeconomics
    Western Civilization II


    Human Growth and Development
    Principles of Accounting
    College Algebra
    General Biology
    American Literature


    Introductory Business Law
    English Literature
    American Government
    General Chemistry
  4. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

  5. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member

    DOD CLEP, DSST, and ECE Pass Rates for FY 2008

    Here are the DOD 2008 pass rates for the CLEP, DSST, and ECE Exams. I apologize for the text files - but I was unable to upload the orginal PDF files (too large).


    Attached Files:

  6. Griffin

    Griffin Crazy About Psychology

    Thanks guys!!
  7. Alley

    Alley New Member

    Is it just me or is anyone else shocked that the hardest ones are general chemistry and english literature, i would have thought that they would have been average ones to be honest.

    But thanks for the details here!
  8. madstipum

    madstipum New Member

    I accept with information:ECE Research Methods in Psy 3 B 11-11-02
    CLEP English w/essay 6 A 09-30-02 comex
    ECE Production/Operation Mgt 3 C 09-26-02 CCU BS
    DANTES Ethics 3 53/46 09-22-02 none
    DANTES MIS 3 62/46 09-22-02 MCSE
    ECE Labor relations 3 C 09-19-02 CCU BS
    CLEP History and Social Science 6 54/42 09-17-02 comex
    DANTES Here’s to you Health 3 56/48 09-12-02 none
    DANTES – HR Management 3 55/46 09-09-02 CCU BS
    DANTES Tech Writing 3 58/46 09-09-02 none
    DANTES Intro to Business 3 57/46 09-09-02 CCU BS
  9. Mike001

    Mike001 New Member

    It is interesting that English Literature is one of the hardest and English Compostion is one of the easiest..

    I would think Calculus might be rated a little harder.
  10. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member

  11. KUJO

    KUJO New Member

    The link is bad.
  12. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member

    The forum software is truncating the URL - so it won't be read properly. I have the file open right now in another tab. I may have to do what I did last year; save as text and then format everything...

  13. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2009
  14. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member

    OK - I had to do it; there are issues with the link. Here are the FY 2009 Pass Rates for CLEP/DSST Exams for the DOD. There are a couple of changes.

    1. There is a more detailed breakdown this year. The pass rates for each service is listed, along with an all service breakdown and all DOD breakdown.

    2. Instead of paper and computer tests, the categories are "On-Campus Testing" and "On - Base Testing."

    Merry Christmas!


    Attached Files:

  15. Mike001

    Mike001 New Member

    Thanks for sharing that link to the DOD testing results. If anyone is having trouble downloading it directly or would rather not see it in a text file version for whatever reason, I put up a mirror for the file here.

    It appears to me this is only those individuals in the DOD, right? It would be interesting to see a comparison to everyone else who has taken these exams.
  16. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member


    Thanks for setting up that mirror site - sometimes the DANTES link works, and sometimes it doesn't.

    You're right - the info is for DOD personnel only, and it would be good to see what the overall pass rates are. Since DOD personnel can sit exams for free, there may be less of an incentive for DOD personnel to study for the exam. Still, the overall pass rate are a useful tool to gauge the difficulty of an exam.

  17. NorCal

    NorCal Active Member

    I always kick myself when I consider the opportunities I had to take CLEP for free while I was on active duty and I didn't take advantage. I took one CLEP in English, failed, and never looked back.

    Gawd to be young and stupid.
  18. peejcj8

    peejcj8 New Member

    Ive taken 5 DSST test, passed 4.

    Real easy, without studing:

    here's to your health
    intro to computing "I think this is the name"

    Passed with alot of study time:

    Ethics in america


    Civil War and recontruction
  19. farmboy

    farmboy Member

    Seems like perhaps reconstruction was a failure overall anyway so you were just being consistent with the real history.

    Lately I have been suggesting CLEP to a lot of young students just starting out. Does anyone out there have a definitive source that I could send them to for help?
  20. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Damn dude, you new sig line looks sweet with the new degree addition.

    Abner :smile:

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