Doctor of Management (DM) - 42 Credits/TRACS - about $16K USD

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by AsianStew, Jun 22, 2022.

  1. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

  2. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Universidad Empresarial has also been known to have operations in Arizona and Poland. And websites domiciled in Uruguay and Poland. Thing gets around.

    And there is/was another Costa Rican School - Universidad San Juan de la Cruz. (St. John of the Cross) Used to participate in all kinds of dual thingies. This school was accredited for only three degrees - on ground - (four nowadays I think) but was said to be granting all sorts of distance and dual-degrees including doctorates overseas. You'd never know from the wiki - squeaky clean mentions only the accredited on-ground degrees.

    Here's one of a few old threads on that school - talks about the dual awards a bit.
  3. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    There is a Fr. George Gonzalez - who is shown as a professor of Psychology at UCN. Fr. Gonzalez has written books and I think our Ph.D. may be quoting one of his professors 100+ times. Info in another thread today, from a highly reliable source:

    Post # 10 reads:
    "Rev Fr George Gonzales...a former St Regis University professor, chancellor, if memory serves me right, of St Monica University Cameroon, a Charisma University bloke and more recently, professor of psychology at Universidad Central de Nicaragua, European programmes."
    He's shown in this (Swiss) Institut Avrio collaboration with UCN as teaching in the Ph.D. Psychology program at UCN

    Warning: Site has 54 pages!

    (I've said before that UCN partnerships are very numerous and I had lost count. This is one I never knew about.)

    Fr. Gonzalez also appears to be with U. Azteca supervising the Doctor of Educational Counselling program. Edu/Dr Edu Counseling Supervision Syllabus_en_v1.pdf

    Partnership, Faculty and programs seem intensely intertwined in this Azteca-UCN symbiosis -and the many other UCN- centric dual and triple awards.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022
  4. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    From the complexity and inter-relatedness of EVERYTHING in these collaborations, I think I used a correct term - "partnership engineer" to describe Herr Berchtold's role in the process, at UCN. Certainly, a complex task, involving a high order of organizational skills and yes - engineering skills, to get and keep all the parts of the "machine" functioning smoothly.

    The ultimate value? Beyond my calculating ability. These things seem to rest largely on perceived value - a variable, in the eyes of many different beholders - those who market the programs, those who teach them, individual students / graduates -- and of course, credential evaluators and Higher Ed. systems of various nations. All have different opinions of what the programs are worth. And each may have different opinions on different occasions.

    You like gambling? OK, if you can afford it. You don't? Go with something less variable. Having Islamic financial leanings, I am not supposed to be involved in gambling or speculation. (But I still spend up to maybe $5 on lottery tickets. Don't tell the Imam!) These double/triple degree programs, I say, are also a gamble - and are maybe $5000 and up. Not for me. Swiss-Mexican-Nicaraguan might be a nice coffee blend - if you like mocha - and it doesn't cost $5K - or anywhere near. I'll stick with that. I know what I'm getting.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022
    Dustin likes this.
  5. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Note - the Priest and Professor mentioned above is Fr. George Gonzalez. His name was misspelled as Gonzales on the University of America - Curacao site. A school that fails to spell its Professors' names correctly, in this case, at least. Both Gonzalez and Gonzales are common surnames in Spanish-speaking countries - but not interchangeable. A person is one - or the other.
  6. Alpine

    Alpine Active Member

    Just returned. Are these all TRACS accredited schools or candidates for accreditation you are talking about? Seems like a chaotic mess!
  7. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    No, they are mostly foreign schools. There are big threads on some of them and it kind of spilled over here. No US-recognized accreditation. A lot of them have accreditation or equivalent in their own countries. Some don't have any to speak of. Some of the ones that operate legitimately in their own countries, make a lot of money marketing degrees to foreigners (including U.S.) out the back door, ones which they either can't peddle to locals - or can do so, but at lesser standing. One or two in Costa Rica appear to have been taken over by outfits from abroad and have been called mills.

    Generally, the sort of schools we look AT, not FOR. Sorry of we sidetracked you. At least one of us (me) gets kicks out of dissecting these things - and I suspect a couple of others. All good fun. :)
  8. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I think some people (like me) enjoy following this type of school - and the owners - because it must be pretty much the same thrill people got reading / hearing about gangsters, during Prohibition. The bad guys were living SO much better than the ordinary law-abiding people. Escapism is always a valued commodity.
  9. Alpine

    Alpine Active Member

    In general, it appears US and Canadian accreditated schools have more "acceptability" than south of the border schools. I work with Canadian-trained physicians, dentists, and nurses that had no problems transitioning to practice in the USA. On the other hand, those educated south of the border faced many more obstacles and barriers. Its possible TRACS accredits foreign schools?
  10. Garp

    Garp Well-Known Member

    I believe the vast majority of TRACS schools are US based. I think they did accredit a Christian College in Taiwan at one point. As Johann has noted. this thread diverged from the original topic and began talking about some foreign schools (not necessarily high quality ones) and the whole North Central Nicaraguan University web of relationships that is not necessarily producing the quality of work expected at home by the government.

    If I recall reading correctly, the Canadian medical student training system has some issues in that it is very hard for even good students to get into Canadian Medical Schools and those that do have a tough time with getting matched to residency slots (may have fixed that). A couple of years back there was a sad case of a graduate who was bright, did well, but couldn't get a residency slot. Was advised to go get an MBA (which he did and got great marks) and apply again. In the competitive environment it looked like rather than enhancing his qualifications, the MBA made it look like he was not serious and focused on medicine. He again did not match, gave up, and killed himself.
    Dustin likes this.
  11. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Yes, but very few. A handful of largely faith-based institutions elsewhere in the world. None of the non-US schools we've been talking about in the last bunch of posts here. You can see a complete list of TRACS-accredited schools here:
    Alpine likes this.
  12. Alpine

    Alpine Active Member

    Since this thread is “derailed.” Very sad story and unfortunately, one of many. Having a global mindset gives one options and potentially opens doors one may not have considered. Graduating a medical school in Canada and obtaining a residency in New Zealand, Australia or the Philippines are certainly viable options. Surprised that Canada isn’t taking care of their own graduates.
  13. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    By and large, we are, as I understand it. There is never 100% match. Never will be. And there is increased pressure on the Canadian system nowadays from Canadians who graduate from medical schools in other countries and want residencies back home.

    I don't think it's a situation that calls for blame - as if somebody isn't "doing their job" or "failing to take care."
  14. Garp

    Garp Well-Known Member

  15. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

  16. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

  17. newsongs

    newsongs Active Member

    Wow, it looks like IAU has come a long ways with its "tracs" accreditation. The first article states:

    Management courses aim to provide students with the skills and knowledge needed to become effective leaders, innovators, and well-rounded individuals. These programs also aim to improve students’ employability in the constantly changing job market.

    The following ten universities have excelled in offering high-quality management education, both in-person and online, and securing valuable internships and job placements for their students. As a result, their graduates have strong job prospects, with many being sought after by California-based companies.

    After thorough research, the Anderson School of Management at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) has retained its top ranking from previous years. This further solidifies Anderson’s position as California’s top management school.

    Another notable achievement is the Graduate School of Management at the International American University (IAU), ranking second in the list this year. This shows that the IAU is dedicated to providing excellent management education and is succeeding in doing so. The school has also improved its student-to-faculty ratio and decreased its acceptance rate in recent years.
  18. JoshD

    JoshD Well-Known Member

    I’d argue that Stanford GSB and UC Berkeley Haas are superior to UCLA Anderson. I am not sure which source puts Anderson above GSB and Haas but I’d question whether they are on planet earth or not. ;)
    newsongs likes this.
  19. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Right. So would I. As I posted in another thread today

    What is it for? See last para. What org. did the ranking? No idea. The writer, Lisa Baker, starts the 2nd para. with "After thorough research..." We're not told by whom. For all I know, this might be a puff piece commissioned by the um... "winner(s)." Not saying it is - not saying it isn't. Colour me suspicious, though. If it looks like an ad. reads like an ad. etc.

    The article states what factors were taken into account for the ranking:

    "In order to be considered one of the top three management schools in California, a university must demonstrate exceptional resourcefulness and innovation in both educational and social activities. These institutions also provide current, industry-relevant knowledge and strong job placement opportunities for their students. In addition to these factors, the ranking takes into account alumni support, fees and financing, specialization and exchange programs, rankings in other areas, infrastructure, first-year student retention rates, and expert opinions."

    "Yada yada yada..." J.

    Fact is, I wouldn't be at all surprised if that Ranking was uh ... "compiled" by a single "researcher" - a familiar one with the initials "AI."

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