Do you think Michael Moore is bitter?

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Mr. Engineer, Nov 9, 2004.

  1. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    And the "God Hates Fags" people demonstrate how stupid and gullible the right thinks America is.

    Personally, I'm a libertarian -- neither left nor right, but if it comes down to Moore vs. Phelps, I would side with Moore in a second.

    I have no doubt that you vehemently disagree.
  2. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    Re: Re: Do you think Michael Moore is bitter?

    So you are claiming that Bush won by more than an 8% margin?

    Revisionism starts early these days, I guess.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Re: Re: Do you think Michael Moore is bitter?

    I misunderstood the post and deleted my response. Your post beat me to my deletion. Good job!
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    As a libertarian you should show more objectivity and accuracy. The "God Hates Fags" crowd is a small, small element in the GOP just as the "Ed Asner socialist" faction is a small element in the Democratic Party.

    All polls show the overwhelming majority of Americans oppose gay marriage. Does this make the majority of Americans part of the "God Hates Fags" crowd?

    Seventy-five percent of African-Americans do not support gay marriage. Does this make the majority of blacks part of the "God Hates Fags" crowd.

    I used to be a member of the Libertarian Party. When I was in we never made blanket statements. We operated on facts, not fiction and demagoguery.
  5. Mike Wallin

    Mike Wallin New Member

    Michael Moore/Ed Asner Demorcrats

    While it might be true that only a small prtion of the Demorcratic Party can relate to MM and Ed Asner the people in charge of hiring and promotions and tenure at Universities in large part dd,
    That is the reason we have a doulbe standard on college campuses today on what can be said , argue with a left wing faculty member and you will be sent to the Deans Officefor being fill in the blank __ist in violation with campus policies and have your transcripts held and not be allowed to return until the matter is resolved. (Translation: until the republican appologizes to the Lesbo socialist prof. who is singing the praises of Che' , Fidel , Palestianian terrorists etc.)Hey can I get credits for time spent in the Dean's office?
  6. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    Well, obviously you have changed your approach.

    You said:

    "...This shows how stupid and gullible the left think America is."

    That is a blanket statement. It is fiction and demagoguery.
  7. gkillion

    gkillion New Member

    Hey Jimmy, just curious...Why did you leave the Libertarians?
  8. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    Re: Michael Moore/Ed Asner Demorcrats

    Please provide one real example of someone arguing with a faculty member about political ideology and having their transcript withheld as a result.

    By the way, most Republicans I know don't walk around calling people Lesbo's (or any other degrading term) so don't try to cloak your bigotry under the umbrella of your political party.
  9. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    I admit that it DID take a bit of readjusting when I found out that my London program requires me to learn something about "Marxist Criminology". I've been pretty well brainwashed through my American public education, I guess.

    Funny thing is, it turns out that Marx never said much about criminology beyond some vague notion about crime being a means by which the downtrodden can revenge themselves on the ruling classes or something and that the law is merely a device of the powerful to subjegate the weak.

    Nonsense, of course. Both criminals and their victims come generally from the SAME class and there were plenty of criminals in Soviet Russia.

    Also, there are lots of criminals among the ruling classes, too. And these DO suffer criminal penalties from time to time. Right Martha??

    All this is tied to a singularly stupid school of thought called Critical Legal Studies that festers, or festered anyway, amongst the privileged, well paid faculties of certain blue blood East Coast American law schools.
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    No, no it's not. It would be a blanket statement if I had said "liberals."

    When I refer to the "left" I am referring to the radicals liberals who have stolen the Democratic Party away from the "classical liberals."

    Hardly anyone on the "left" thinks for him/herself anymore. They all have a bourgeois mentality.
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest


    I've addressed this several times in the past but basically the LP was beginning to be a party of the "lunatic fringe" that focused on one or two issues (guns and drug legalization).

    The LP could be a good, strong, solid party of real ideas if it could ever regain the type of engagement and focus it had during the 1980 presidential campaign of Ed Clark.
  12. Well, I for one love his message. And I would hardly consider myself "stupid or gullible".
  13. gkillion

    gkillion New Member

    Other than oppose what Bush favors, and favor what Bush opposes, what is his message?
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    No, Carl, you are not stupid and gullible. Neither are you unreasonable and irrational as many on the left are and that's why I don't consider you a "rad lib," just a liberal.
  15. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    I guess I don't understand your twisted logic. A blanket statement about "the left" is actually not a blanket statement. But if you had made the exact same statement about "liberals" that WOULD be a blanket statement.

    Uhhh, yeah...

    Actually, "classical liberal" has very little to do with the topic of discussion, and very little to do with any current political ideology. But I guess you can't comprehend that, so I will discuss this on your terms.

    The fact is that if an American disagrees with deficit spending and disagrees with the federal government taking over education in this country, that person is labled a "liberal."

    First of all, I'm not "on the left." But moreover, your characterization of the left is completely disingenous.

    If you were the average right-winger, I would understand. But you are not. You know that what you are saying is not true. That is far worse, in my opinion.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2004
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I think there is a basic anger among those who do not like Bush. The anger is rooted in the results of the 2000 election and Bush's political agenda that has accomplished much that the Dems talked about but never accomplished.

    Former Senator Carol Mosely-Braun, last night on television, said more minorities have been empowered (in respect to appointments) under the Bush Administration than under any other administration in history.

    Ms. Braun is a liberal Demorcrat, who leans more left than the average Dem, and is African-American.

    The Clinton Admin and Dems always talked a good game when it came to combating AIDS in Africa. Bush has actually done something about it.

    The list goes on and on.
  17. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    No, it's not. I wish that Bush had not been elected in 2000, but I applaud the system through which he was elected. At some point, you need a definitive way to make a decision, and that is exactly what we had. More importantly, we had an orderly transition of government. I hate what Bush has done to our country, but I have no problem with the way that he initially took office.

    What I have a problem with is out of control deficit spending. The federal government taking over education. Americans being arrested without charges and without access to an attorney. Americans being arrested for peacefully voicing their opposition to the President. That's what I have a problem with.

    And that makes me a liberal. What a joke!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2004
  18. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    By the way Jimmy, even though I have pointed this out to you before, you apparently can't comprehend it -- the fact that someone is opposed to G.W. Bush does not mean that they are a Clinton supporter.

    The minute anyone criticizes Bush, you automatically point to the excesses of the Clinton adminstration, as if that is some sort of justification.
  19. gkillion

    gkillion New Member

    That's surprising that she said that. I'm from Illinois so I'm familiar with CMB. She was once asked what her major was in college and she couldn't remember. Anyway she has always been one of the MM types who opposes the right just for the sake of opposing them. For these people, Bush can never do enough. Bush could cure AIDS, cancer, and heart disease and these people would complain that he's pandering to senior citizens.
  20. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Yes, yes it is! I hear it nearly everytime Bush's name is mentioned. "Bush stole the election" is on numerous pieces of campaign literature I have from left wing groups. Just read some of the political posts on here. On a number of them you will read about Bush having stolen the election.

    Just last night a number of Dems were interviewed and a few said they have a feeling "Bush stole this election too."

    You need to get out Moore, ha!

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