Did Russians successfully manipulate or change American votes?

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by me again, Jan 5, 2017.


Did Russians successfully manipulate or change American votes?

Poll closed Feb 4, 2017.
  1. Russians hacked into American election-machines and illegally altered votes.

    0 vote(s)
  2. Russians hacked the DNC & exposed immorality or criminality, causing citizens to change their votes

  3. Russians DID psychologically make citizens change their votes with cyberwarfare & media manipulation

  4. Russians did NOT psychologically make citizens change their votes with cyberwarfare & manipulation

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Conway? Trump? Now you are being disgusting.
  2. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Steve Bannon? Birds of a feather.
  3. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    How about him paying protesters in DC $15 an hour? Whos paying for all these organizers to fly around the country and all over the world? Who paid for all the free food stands at these events? That's a lot of free food. The food in DC and NYC had to be in the millions?

    Freakin Soros has dumped 12-13 billion into liberal causes in America in a few short years radically changing the American landscape. How's that for messing with an election?

    You'd be screaming if someone from Russia showed up here and started dumping billions into activism on the right. Without him there would be no protests at this level. He funds so so many groups and he pays them to act a certain way and they do. Not very American.

    If Demos knew how much they were being controlled...you have all the rich actors telling you they are the party of the people while a immigrant pumps billions into our political process.

    Lets protest women's rights? How about we call it black genocide, because that's what it is.
  4. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Is legalized feticide black genocide?

    Here is an interesting article:

    Title: Aborting black America

    Author: J. Kenneth Blackwell

    Snip: According to LifeSiteNews, the city's Department of Health reported that in 2012, more black babies were aborted (31,328) than born (24,758). That's 55.9 percent of black babies killed before birth. Blacks represented 42.4 percent of all abortions.

    J. KENNETH BLACKWELL: Black abortions a crisis in America - Washington Times
  5. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    And he's not American because he's... what, from Hungary? Let's just pretend Soros conspiracy theories are not a form of anti-semitism for a moment? For the record, Open Society Foundation spent around $12bn since 1979, not in "few short years", and not nearly all of it was in US. For example, his funds were an important lifeline for science and education in exUSSR in the nineties-early 2000s (two of my physics teachers got a stipend from Soros Foundation); and let's not forget Central European University (accredited in Hungary as well as by Middle States), where he is the sole donor of $880 million in endowment.

    It is anti-American to suggest women in this country need nefarious puppeteer to stand up and express their desire not to have their genitalia grabbed without consent.
  6. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    As if anything I said was anti Semitic lol...yep move number one of those one the left, racism.

    As if anything Trump said at anytime would leave anyone to believe that he would run around grabbing women by the puss. Every woman was running around in fear of Trump? You are nothing but a sheep.

    Its ok for Obama to say he needs his ribs and Puss*


    Its ok for Obama to show his erection

    Obama Exposed His Erection to Female Reporters in 2008 | Truth Revolt

    Bill Clinton has raped and assaulted women...please don't give me this BS as if you have never said something when you thought no one was listening.

    Those on the left have been acting like the plane thing never happened, it did. Its a video and its very clear what's going down.
  7. Life Long Learning

    Life Long Learning Active Member

    They prefer using their lips in the White House like with Bill Clinton?

  8. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    That's lame. While I suppose there are always some people who are motivated by anti-semitism, one can dislike Soros's influence over U.S. politics without being anti-semitic.
  9. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    It's cute that you "suppose". Influence of slightly sociopathic billionaires is not to be trusted, but fixation on this particular one has very distinct undertones.

    Listen, he likened George Soros, a naturalized American citizen, to "foreign influence". That's probably straight from some right-wing commentator. It doesn't matter whether people who repeat these things realize it or not: that is not even a dog whistle. Funnily, Soros-hate is also integral part of the new Putinist strand of Russian patriotism, from back when his charities were working hand in hand with American state to help dismantle Communism. It's an old canard in the global alt-right, where Bannon is one of the players and Putin is a significant leader (if not de facto THE leader). Also, the exact same sentiment also exist on the nutty Left fringes (in Europe also sometimes financed by Putin. As a relatively mainstream example, in Germany Die Linke party is very pro-Russia).
  10. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    To p*ssy-grabbing? Yeah: judging from Monica's own memoir, that thing was consensual. Not that it justifies Bill's behaviour.
    Also, and I can't stress this enough, HE IS NOT RUNNING FOR ANYTHING ANYMORE. Sheesh!
  11. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Whether you realise it or not, but yeah, actually, it was. Not even that subtle.

    As the matter of fact, no I didn't. And, frankly, I strongly believe neither did you. The fact that you are compelled to tell this particular lie for the cause is... I want to say "deplorable" but'll go with "disturbing".
    Side note: how in the world does one think no one is listening on a set of a TV show with a mike on him?
  12. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    President Donald Trump is taking charge...

    Click here: News from The Associated Press
    (click and then scroll down to see what President Donald Trump is doing post haste)

    This is absolutely fabulous and awesome. It's stunningly beautiful.
  13. jhp

    jhp Member

    George Soros is a Jewish by birth, but he and his father worked for Adolf Eichmann confiscating Jewish property during Nazi occupation.

    I guess that would make you an anti-anti-Semite Steve...
  14. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that's legit... :hmmm:
  15. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    It's not "cute", it just means I don't have what John McLaughlin referred to as "absolute metaphysical certitude". Being 99.99% sure is a supposition, so that's what I said.

    I can believe that disliking Soros correlates with anti-semitism, but you're implying that it's a perfect correlation and that's what I don't accept.
  16. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    FFS, I didn't even know Soros was Jewish. What a stupid conversation.
  17. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Define "anti-Semitism". Certainly "disliking Soros" is widespread on political fringes of any number of flavors. Also, it`s very much possible that the man is personally unpleasant; it`s not exactly unheard of among the superrich. But the fact that ostensible non-anti-semites repeat a canard doesn`t mean it`s not anti-Semitic canard. Note how I don`t accuse anyone personally of being an anti-Semite, just classify a piece of rhetoric.
  18. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    You are possibly literally the only one who knows that name but not his background.
  19. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Maybe. My kids still make fun of me for having mistakenly thought for decades that Dream On was a Led Zeppelin song.

    Anyway, I always heard he was originally Hungarian and didn't think about it past that.
  20. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Tell your kids that Led Zeppelin is a really cool guy - and then tell us how your kids react. LOL

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