Here's the breakdown of the judgment against the Trump Organization, just in case anyone thought they didn't actually commit frauds: — $168 million, plus interest, in savings on loans he obtained using his inflated financial statements for a golf resort near Miami, a Chicago hotel and condominium tower, a Washington, D.C. hotel and a Manhattan office building — $126.8 million, plus interest, in profit from selling the Trump International Hotel in Washington in May 2022 to a company that now operates it as a Waldorf Astoria. — $60 million, plus interest, from selling the rights to manage a New York City golf course in June 2023. Engoron noted in his ruling that the buyer, Bally’s Corporation, stands to pay Trump an additional $115 million if it obtains a casino license for the property. However, he did not say if he would require Trump to give up that money, too. — Trump’s sons, Eric and Donald Jr., must each pay a little over $4 million, plus interest, to the state for their shares of the Washington hotel sales. Weisselberg, the former Trump Organization finance chief, was ordered to pay $1 million — half of the $2 million severance he’s receiving.
Wow. $363.8 million in total, counting judgments against DJT, two sons, and their finance chief. And I get the vibe things are only just beginning to unravel. He and his will serve as very good object-lessons. It's not nearly over. Every sordid detail of Donald Trump's wrongdoings will make it into the history books, regardless of whether or not he gets elected. Unless Ron DeSantis burns them,,,,
Plus interest, which is already estimated at $100M so far. He'll have to post more than a half billion in order to appeal. On the other hand, he's introduced a new line of sneakers for sale! Al Bundy for President!
Yeah. Maybe Trump has a "thing" for Katey Sagal (Peggy Bundy). Wouldn't surprise me. So many... Wiki: "This (Mary Tyler Moore show) led to her being cast as Peggy Bundy on the sitcom Married... with Children (1987–1997); she portrayed the lower-class, sex-starved, lazy and free-spending wife of shoe salesman Al Bundy." Katey is a very nice lady indeed, with a stellar career. She's 70 now, and looks great. She has been with her husband, Kurt Sutter for about 20 years. NOT 4U DJT.
That'll be a difficult sum to pry loose and assemble, from the pieces of the empire. His finance chief, Mr. Weisselberg, is gonna be making a LOT of calls - and, no doubt, putting in TONS of overtime. It's hard, sometimes, serving the mighty. Oh no, I guess he won't. Mr. Weisselberg is the former finance chief. Somebody else's turn in the barrel. Or maybe one or both of DJT's adult sons.
Mr. Weisselberg did some jail time and is banned permanently from serving in a financial control function, in any New York corporation or business. He is also banned from serving as a director or officer for any New York corporation or business for three years. Maybe there's something for you in New Jersey, Mr. W. Wiki: "Allen Howard Weisselberg (born August 15, 1947) is an American businessman and convicted felon who was the chief financial officer (CFO) of the Trump Organization. Weisselberg served as a co-trustee of a trust set up in 2017 by Donald Trump before Trump's inauguration as president of the United States. In 2022, Weisselberg pleaded guilty to 15 criminal charges including grand larceny, criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records.[1] In January 2023, he began serving a five-month jail sentence[2][3] and was released the following April.[4] A ruling which was handed down in February 2024 also resulted in Weisselberg being permanently banned from serving in financial control function of any New York corporation or business, and also banned him from being serving as a director or officer for any New York corporation or business for three years.[5]" Looks great on a resume, right?
I'm concerned about him being vulnerable financially while also being a major party candidate for president. This represents a severe security risk. I've held security clearances ranging from Secret to Top Secret/SCI. The VERY first thing they talked to us about was financial vulnerability. Money, sex, drugs, and bling, with money being the biggest one of all. (Ideology almost never enters into it.) Given that his financial vulnerability comes from being busted for fraud, the American people should be paying very close attention to this. It matters.
On the other hand, he's peddling golden shoes (for his Moscow showers?), so perhaps it will all work out. It's not the grift. It's the pettiness of the grift that has always amazed me. Water, steaks, fake training, paying bills from his foundation. That's what I liked about the New York fraud case: that was for some real money. Fraud on a grand scale. And, after he gets clobbered for Oh, my.
Cohen is very concerned that Trump will sell any secrets he can to foreign powers for a bag of tuna. Those are Cohen's words. By a bag of Tuna Cohen meant Trump would sell anything he possibly could for anything he could possibly get.