De Sorbon 5Th Anniversary

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by ZURICH, Feb 28, 2009.

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  1. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    I think the poster above was referring to Ohio University-Athens.

    (A direct link to the school's website, avoiding the unnecessary affiliate code of the spammer)
  2. CalDog

    CalDog New Member

    OK, but that doesn't answer my question. I asked about the degrees you are authorized to grant.

    For example, could de Sorbon legally grant a "License" -- the typical undergraduate degree in France -- if it chose to do so ?

    ZURICH member

    Happy 5th Aniversary de Sorbon!

    Private French institutions of higher education like HEC, INSEAD ESSEC Ecole des Cadres, EFAP cannot name their degrees "Baccalauréat" or "Licence" but they can use Master or Maîtrise. It is an oddity.

    Even Sciences Pô and école polytechnique do not deliver "licence" despite the fact that they are public. Does it means that they have no value? (HEC and ESSEC are #1 & 2 in Business, Ecole polytechnique is #1 in Sciences).
  4. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    All the evidence that has been presented in this and related threads indicates that the sorbon entity is not a credible educational entity. Repeated requests to Zurich to post links verifying the claims he has made have resulted in no verifications. It has become tiresome to continue with this back-and-forth, especially since it has become so one-sided. While I don't pretend to speak for others, it seems clear that no one here is buying what Zurich is trying to sell. I'm not a big fan of locking threads but unless Zurich can produce some substantial evidence to support his claim then I'm going to do just that.
  5. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    I agree. This fraudster's empty assertions have moved from amusing to tiresome, at least in my opinion.
  6. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    I think this resembles the shills that we had for Kennedy Western few years ago. Oregon, Sweden and Maine have tagged Sorbon as a mill the same way they have tagged Kennedy Western. Sorbon will make its money from the suckers that can buy their story and they will vanish in few years once the whole world knows they are a mill and they cannot sell their worthless qualifications anymore. Zurich is a paid employee of Sorbon that tries to sell the story but it seems that is not doing a good job. I would suggest to Zurich to get another job as the Sorbon mill might not last another 5 years.

    ZURICH member

    de Sorbon is Well and Alive in France!

    Sadly this thread goes bad. Now I am a "fraudster" with assertions not facts. I initiated politely the thread. Here are again the Facts not assertions

    1) De Sorbon is a legal French private Institution of Higher Education which is authorized to grant degrees. We use the VAE method which is now a common French procedure.

    2) The facts that we have been in business for 5 years proves it on top of the obvious legal arguments. The facts that our degrees have been accepted in many countries all over the world is also important.

    3) French officials are quoted not anonymously: "The school can grant diplomas" and "We know them well (de Sorbon), They have the right to grant Degrees".

    Now I want inform you that I sadly received the following private message from "Breizhou" in French: "I want to inform you that all postings on this forum will be translated by a certified translator and will be forwarded to the "inspection académique".

    My personal reaction is;

    • Breizhou has money to spend as we stand to our affirmations and that despite a campaign generated in the US, we have been controlled and are in business for 5 years.

    • Breizhou is not very courageous as since the beginning I indicate my full name and my fonction at the école Supérieure Robert de Sorbon. Breizhou despite our private request, refuses to communicate his real identity. "Be courageous Breiz give me your name in private..."

    • Breizhou (mr, mrs, miz,?) exemplifies the French "montagnard spirit" of the revolution, which wants to destroy by all means people that do not have the same opinion. French could be brutal 100 000 executions after Word War II and the same during the French revolution

    • I hope that Breizhou does not have the "Snitch attitude" that unfortunately is common to some French people. During the war many of them snitched the Jews during the German occupation. The same people according to university studies reported as "collaborateurs" their foes to the De Gaulle resistance government after 1945.

    Then who is clean and open? Who is courageous to address a forum where there are implacable adversaries?. Us ou Breizhou? You judge!

    I agree with Mr Hufman, lets close the thread politely.

    C. de la Faide
    Ecole supérieure Robert de Sorbon
    Etablissement d'Enseignement supérieur privé

    PS Breizhou you have to spend more than $80 to translate this post.."
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2009
  8. BillDayson

    BillDayson New Member

    That seems accurate.

    "Authorized" by whom? Give us the name of the agency that authorized Sorbon and its contact information.

    Many non-accredited degree-mills operate legally in jurisdictions with weak laws. Others operate illegally in areas with weak enforcement.

    But it isn't particularly relevant. All that 'legal operation' means is that those operating an enterprise aren't risking jail by operating it. I'm sure that Sorbon's legality is of great interest to you, since you presumably want to avoid prosecution.

    But legality is of little relevance to students or employers, since it's entirely possible for degree-mills selling totally worthless "degrees" to nevertheless still be within the law.

    What students and employers need to know is whether or not Sorbon is a credible academic institution that grants credible degrees. There's no visible evidence that it is.

    There you go again. The problem that we face is that all that we ever see are marketing claims made by Sorbon salespeople. There's never any credible corroboration.

    And yet again. I'm starting to think that you aren't very good at this.

    We are still waiting for the name and contact information of the agency that provides Sorbon's external academic quality-assurance oversight.

    If that agency exists, then it should be easy enough for you to give us the information. Credible American universities have no difficulty or hesitation in stating who their accreditors are. Universities in other countries can name the section of whatever ministry it is that performs the equivalent function.

    That's where you stand.

    If you continue playing your games, then we will have to draw the obvious conclusions.
  9. raristud

    raristud Member

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 13, 2009
  10. thomaskolter

    thomaskolter New Member

    I don't see the issue if they really do fully evaluate ones life experience and other credentials and offer a diploma (degree) what is the problem? I'd rather do that just to get the piece of paper my employer wants then waste my time and money in courses to do that - if the cost differences are significant against the traditional degree.

    In my employers case the company demands a legally issued degree since they operate internationally accreditation is not a standard they focus on in its home juristiction is the school legally operating.
  11. ZURICH

    ZURICH member

    The French Law as per Article L-731 of the French code of education that defines and establishes the rules for the private institutions of Higher education. (Title III, Book VII).
  12. Breizhou

    Breizhou Member

    The state agency that has authority over sorbon is l'Académie de Poitiers. If you can speak a little french or get someone that speaks english on the phone (contact number on the bottom of the page) they'll tell you what you want to know. You can also try sending a message on their page.
  13. ZURICH

    ZURICH member

    Glad to see

    That Breizhou (who is not a Schill) recognized that we are under the Authority of the Education Nationale. It answers the previous question.
  14. Breizhou

    Breizhou Member

    Any school that opens is under the authority of an Académie. After that accreditation and program reviews are voluntary.
  15. BillDayson

    BillDayson New Member

    Are you saying that you just started your ecole business and began awarding higher education degrees on your own initiative, on the theory that some legal code section allows you to do those things? Or did you actually have to apply to and receive the authorization of some human beings somewhere?

    I don't speak a word of French, so that's not very helpful.

    What is an 'Academie'? What is Poitiers? I'm aware of the small city with that name, so are you suggesting something like municipal approval? What does this academie do exactly, what is its function? Is it a local school board or something?

    In particular, I'm asking whether this l'Academie de Poitiers thing is analogous to state-approval here in the United States. Generally speaking, post-secondary schools (whether degree-granting or not) need to get the authorization of some office in their state before their owners can operate them legally. But these requirements are typically pretty minimal and there's no quarantee that a state-licensed "university" is in any way academically credible.

    That situation is the source of no end of confusion about American higher education in countries like China, where people often don't understand English and where they are used to highly paternalistic government where government approvals mean everything. It's almost self-evident to them that private accreditation associations are less important than government approvals, and there's no end of American con-men eager to guide them to that very conclusion.

    I sense that we are watching the same thing being done to Americans with this Robert de Sorbon thing. Sorbon's proprietor is trying to exploit our unfamiliarity with the French system and our inability to read and speak French.

    What is "the Education Nationale"? What has this Education Nationale got to do with l'Academie de Poitiers?

    I accept that's true. It's why I made the American state-licensing analogy. Sorbon's proprietor seems to be trying to spin that minimal local authorization, licensing or whatever it is, which I expect essentially serves to keep him out of jail, into something that stupid Anglophones will just naively assume is French accreditation. We are all expected to conclude that Sorbon's academic credibility has been conclusively determined and its equivalence to our own RA institutions verified.

    It looks like another internet con-game at this point.
  16. jaer57

    jaer57 New Member

    Wow. You actually have the nerve to compare someone who debates the standing of your school with a Nazi collaborator. Is this how your University teaches dialectic and debate? Truly sad...

    I think you've embarrassed yourself and your diploma mill enough. You should go now...
  17. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Zurich has done little more than restate previous claims. Therefore, I'm locking this thread. My hope is that any future threads on this topic will include verifications of the claims presented or they are destined for a similar fate.
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