Criminal Investigation of U.S. government officials (Russian Collusion)

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by me again, Jul 25, 2018.

  1. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    This is hot off the press and it's not "MSM Fake News." The following people are now officially referred to the Department of Justice to be criminally investigated for violating federal criminal law(s):
    • Former FBI Director James Comey
    • Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
    • Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch
    • Former Acting Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe
    • FBI Agent Peter Strzok
    • FBI Counsel Lisa Page
    • DOJ and FBI personnel connected to the compilation of documents on alleged collusion-links between Russia and Donald Trump (known as the Steele Dossier), including but not limited to James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Former Acting Attorney Generals Sally Yates and Dana Boente.
    Official U.S. Government Source:

    It's coming! God bless the United States and keep America great!
  2. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member

    Don't work up too much of a lather before knowing who'll be shaved.
  3. Steve Levicoff

    Steve Levicoff Well-Known Member

    Don't feed the troll.
  4. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    LOL that's a good point, Decimon. "It ain't over till it's over." o_O
    Dr. Steve Levicoff, would you allow politics or religion to get in the way of a relationship, would you? :rolleyes: Just imagine if did not have a politics section! Can you imagine if a religion section was created? LOL o_O
  5. heirophant

    heirophant Well-Known Member

    The names that I'd like to see on that list are Brennan and Clapper. They may well have been the spiders at the center of the conspiratorial web, seemingly intent on subverting a US election that they feared might produce a result they didn't like (and in fact did have precisely that result). Trace those two guys back, and you are apt to end up with the biggest political scandal in US history, a direct (albeit unsuccessful) Putin-style attack by the security and secret-police agencies on political opponents and hence on the nation's democracy itself, something that would make Watergate look like nothing. I'd like to know that kind of role British Intelligence played in all this, given former SIS/MI-6 agent Christopher Steele who was working for Fusion GPS (and indirectly for the Clinton campaign) and the mysterious Stephen Halper (a close friend of a former SIS/MI-6 Director) who tried to suck up to Trump campaign figures. That might be the "foreign collusion" that everyone is looking for, right there.

    Another name is Hillary Clinton. She probably had knowledge of whatever it was that Brennan and Clapper were doing, given that her campaign was funding Fusion GPS and indirectly Christopher Steele. The investigation of her cavalier handling of classified information (that Comey unilaterally closed) needs to be reopened with possible felony indictments, and the hundreds of millions of dollars flowing from foreign sources (some of them Russian) into Clinton-related entities while she was Secretary of State and presumptive next President of the United States stinks like a hideous turd and looks like the mother of all bribery and pay-for-play scandals. The US government was seemingly for sale to the highest bidders and there were foreign buyers all over the world eager to make a purchase.

    Unfortunately, I have very little faith in Jeff Sessions (who seems to me to be a well-meaning old dotard) given his seeming inability to control his underlings as they frantically try to cover their asses and continually battle Congressional subpoenas requiring them to turn over documents etc. So criminal referrals to the Justice Department might go nowhere and mean next to nothing.
  6. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Hmmm, still thinking about whether this post more rightfully belongs in the "Conspiracy Theory" thread...
    Abner likes this.
  7. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    That's not going to happen.
  8. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    The people who wrote that letter to the DOJ can refer anything they want and it doesn’t mean it will happen. The letter is dated April 2018. No investigation is occurring. It never will happen.
  9. me again

    me again Well-Known Member

    Kizmet, you (and many other pundits) also said that Donald J. Trump would unequivocally never win the presidency of the United States.

    Prior to the election, this writer provided robust entertainment to this forum by repeatedly announcing that Trump would unequivocally win the presidency. Even Dr. Steve Levicoff aptly noted all the MAGA signs throughout rural USA, although he stopped shy of saying that Trump would win. This writer was derided with great joy and bloviated pontification by the "lost pundits" -- and this writer's prognostication was scoffed at by those clueless and noisy hounds. And yet here we are... again... at the precipice of more big news:
    • There will be no blue wave in the upcoming elections. It is a black hole of despair and anger.
    • There will be a red tsunami that will shock the clueless pundits... again.
    • And regarding your post: investigations take time and they will come to fruition. The Constitution is preserved. :)
    Keep America Great!
  10. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    I can see your point

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