Coming Soon from Books on Distance Learning

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Chip, Mar 1, 2001.

  1. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    Hey, folks!

    Sometime in the next several weeks, you will be able to order a selection of Bears' Guide books (the 14th, Best IT degrees, Best MBAs, and others...) and, hopefully, Marcie Thorson's book and a number of other useful publications -- with heavy influence from Tom Head's Amazon reading list [​IMG]

    While there may soon be other New and Exciting Things at degreeinfo, this little project will both provide a service to forum participants and help pay for hosting the site [​IMG]

    Payment will be via PayPal -- or maybe Sheila's ;D -- and pricing will be pretty competitive with Amazon. More info as soon as we have it.
  2. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    A very good idea. I was sort of wondering who was picking up the tab to host this site, but I figured I wouldn't mess with a good thing by asking. [​IMG]

  3. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Bruce said, [pb]A very good idea. I was sort of wondering who was picking up the tab to host this site, but I figured I wouldn't mess with a good thing by asking.[/b]

    I think a "briarpatch" approach to business usually makes sense: full openness and disclosure. As I understand it, my publisher, Ten Speed Press, bought the software that runs this forum, and worked with Chip to make it a part of their site -- but when it became apparent that the site was not going to march forward with vigor, it was used for this very forum. Chip, Tom Head, are Bill Gossett are donating not-inconsiderable time to make this work.
  4. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    Well... close. Ten Speed does own a license to the UBB software, but this site is using a different license, one I originally purchased for another site but never used.

    So Ten Speed has absolutely no connection to this site, except that we will be buying books from them (at standard discounts) to resell. And I hope that we'll also have non-Ten Speed books as well.

    Chip, Tom Head, are Bill Gossett are donating not-inconsiderable time to make this work.

    Thanks, John! Tom Nixon has also contributed a fair amount, with supporting assistance from Russ and a couple of others.

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