Chadwick University

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by believer, Jun 6, 2002.

  1. believer

    believer New Member

    Why isn't Chadwick University accepting new students?
  2. drwetsch

    drwetsch New Member

    Interesting.... their web site says they are not accepting new enrollments because they are at maximum capacity. Hmmmm..;)

  3. According to my Babel Fish, this translates roughly to:

    "The mailbox is full."
  4. telfax

    telfax New Member

    All sorts of reasons!

    There may, or may not, be something amiss. It may be a marketing ploy! People could be led to believe that it is so popular they have to regulate entry/admission! The people running may have personal problems - e.g. perhaps they are ill!

    Who knows.

  5. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    An optimist might think that they're getting ready to apply for recognized accreditation, and want to "clear the board" before they do so. Hey, a lot of us (me included) thought that Andrew Jackson University would never get recognized accreditation, remember?

    As a side note, when the Boston Police received the "Quinn Bill" (a very generous education incentive) a few years back, Chadwick somehow got wind of it, and flooded the Patrolman's union with literature and phone calls. I gave one of the union reps a list of (loaded) questions to ask them, and they never called back after that. :D

  6. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    A simple answer: it is no longer profitable. Chadwick once offered one of the few, albeit unaccredited, non-resident MBA's around. It was advertised heavily along with then-ACIS. But now ACCIS is accredited--and likely dwarfing its twin.

    Typical of our little klutch: has anyone asked them?
  7. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Typical of non-wonderful schools: would they give us a straight answer?

  8. David Boyd

    David Boyd New Member

    Even if enrollment is at capacity, why would they not accept applications? Applicants could then be admitted as existing students graduate or drop out.

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