CalSouthern's PsyD Disclosure Statement

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Garp, Apr 25, 2024.

  1. PositiveSoul

    PositiveSoul Member

    Thank you very much. Following are my findings using California Board of Psychology licensure requirements for 3000 Supervised Professional Experience (SPE) hours:

    Motivo Health charges for supervision/SPE vary depending on the type of supervision. Here are the current rates for those who sign up independently (not through an employer):

    • Individual supervision: $75 per hour per supervisee = ($225000.00 for 3000 SPE hours)
    • Dyad supervision: $65 per hour per supervisee (one supervisor supervises two associates) = ($195000 for 3000 SPE hours)
    • Group supervision: $55 per hour per supervisee (one supervisor supervises three or more supervisees) = ($165000 for 3000 SPE hours)
    The Clinical Supervision Directory's website does not explicitly list pricing details for supervision sessions. Typically, the cost of supervision can vary depending on the supervisor's qualifications, the type of supervision (individual, group, etc.), and geographic location. To get specific pricing information, you would need to sign up for free on the directory and browse through the listings to contact potential supervisors directly. For supervision/SPE in California, the price per SPE hour ranges from $90 to $100 = ($270000 - $300000 for 3000 SPE hours)

    Thank you. [​IMG]
  2. Chanel1

    Chanel1 Member

    Hi all!

    Psychologists in training cannot pay for supervision in California, per California Code of Regulation 1387. Also, the supervisor needs to be fully employed with the organization the psychologist in trainee is gaining hours in. This is consistent across the board in many states, with the APA emphasis on quality training and no payment from the trainee/associate to supervisor. Any place that offers psychological health services *should* have a well established program with supervisors hired as employees.

    The above sites are great for those at the master level, MFT, LPCC, ASW - as the CA Board of Behavioral Sciences does not limit an associate from paying the supervisor. Not sure how often this actually happens anymore in CA since again, the site that offers services should have a well defined program with embedded supervision. Where this happens is when an associate gets hired at a job, like a hospice agency, and they want that associate to offer therapy to patients but they have never done so before (the agency, being a new service to offer therapy), then perhaps they have the associate get an outside supervisor. However, having worked with students for years, I have not seen this in CA for at least 7 years, as this would significantly reduce the earnings of the associate (effectively making less than half of the going hourly salary) - why pay for supervision when there are lots of organizations hiring associates and supervision is embedded in the job (as I believe it should be)?

    Hope this helps and provides clarification!
  3. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member

    @PositiveSoul , did your total cost estimates miss a permissible ratio between contact hours with the supervisor and other hours of practice experience? e.g., as a trainee I might see clients Monday to Friday (accruing the majority of my hours then), and see my supervisor part of each day on Tuesday and Friday.
  4. LearningAddict

    LearningAddict Well-Known Member

    No problem.

    I don't know California's law, but I've understood this to generally work where you see patients or engage in some other activity that Psychologists would, and then receive 1-2 hours of supervision per work week, but you would only pay for those 1-2 hours (which of course can add up depending on the rate being charged per hour). But I'd look into that a little more to see if that's the case in your state, and if it is then you'll have some open doors in terms of finding someone to perform your supervision through some of the sites we've discussed. Paying the agency rather than the Psychologist is one of the workarounds I was referring to a little while back regarding the laws.

    Also, Dr. Simons offers her supervision services without charging you anything directly out of pocket, she appears to only take a cut of your hourly rate while you work under her supervision. You could work with her by telehealth. She used to post a lot more detailed information on her site, but she's streamlined over the years.

    If you contact anyone for supervision through the services mentioned, I wouldn't bring up the APA matter because it's not legally relevant since the Cal Southern PsyD is legitimate and you are legally allowed to be supervised by a licensed Psychologist. I'd leave it up to the supervisor's judgement, because when you tell them the school name they'll look it up later anyway.

    I'd be very interested in hearing about what you find from this.

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