Azteca University and Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Garp, Sep 2, 2022.

  1. Garp

    Garp Well-Known Member

    Apparently, this is their new partner. Does anyone know anything about this school (in Spain I assume). Its site mentions the JPII Institute and offers degrees in a number of areas.

    I cannot see anything about the cost of joint programs with Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia and whether they are Proprio. The Catholic school mentions a Proprio Masters (not sure about a doctorate).

    From what I recall, someone posted here that the Polish School they were partnered with (great sounding name) was not as good as it appeared. I believe private and at certain levels basically issuing Proprio degrees not back by the Polish Ed Department. Proton better footing with UCN. Although, the Polish School based in Warsaw carries European (first world credibility until you dig deeper in terms of what it offers).
    tadj likes this.
  2. TeacherBelgium

    TeacherBelgium Well-Known Member

    UCAM is very well-known in Spain.
    It's one of the better universities.
    The province where this school is based (Murcia) is alergic to propio degrees. They exclude them from earning points to calculate the salary range (cursos baremables en bolsas y oposiciones) , in all kinds of government positions.
    In Spain schools can't award a doctorado propio.
    It's forbidden by law.
    Only masters can be propio.
    Doctorates and Bachelors should always be oficial.
    It's a criminal infringement to award a propio doctorate in Spain.
    The law of 1983 only allows master degrees to be awarded as propios.
    So it's likely that UCAM only awards masters in their convention with AZT.
    tadj, SteveFoerster and Garp like this.
  3. Garp

    Garp Well-Known Member

    That was informative!
    SteveFoerster likes this.
  4. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

  5. tadj

    tadj Well-Known Member

    Currently, Collegium Humanum still holds legitimate accreditation, but it's definitely not a good time to be enrolled in the school. I gave it a "conditional pass" at a time when they were still relatively new. Since that time, a lot of things have transpired with regard to this college. Here's just a small sample from yesterday's edition of Newsweek Poland (keep in mind that these are unconfirmed reports of corruption, but they show the general trajectory and it's not looking good for the school);

    "The officers of the Central Anticorruption Bureau entered the headquarters of Collegium Humanum in Warsaw. As "Newsweek" learned unofficially, the search was related to the illegal trafficking of diplomas, which was to take place with the knowledge of the university authorities. They arrived at the headquarters of the university in the center of Warsaw on Wednesday around 11.00. There were several of them, they were armed. They demanded a meeting with the rector. When they heard that Paweł Czarnecki was on vacation, they went to the rector's office, which is located on the same, sixth floor of the building at 1A Moniuszki Street. There, from the threshold, they demanded the rector's laptop, said they had to secure it. They also summoned the Vice-Rector for Education and Didactics, Magdalena Szydłowska, and talked with her for many hours. They also invited Ilona Augustyniak, the Collegium Humanum quaestor. In the early afternoon, the CBA officers went to the archives of the university, which are located nearby. According to our findings, this was done in order to search for documents relating to people who received a Collegium Humanum diploma,although there is no confirmation that they actually studied at this university. The entire action of the Central Anticorruption Bureau concerns suspicions of illegal trade in diplomas - some of them were to be sold outside the university with the knowledge of the Collegium authorities." (Newsweek - Polish Edition)
    Garp likes this.
  6. Johann766

    Johann766 Active Member

  7. tadj

    tadj Well-Known Member

    That's correct. In the background, there is also a political battle. Interestingly, you will find plenty of opposition party Collegium Humanum graduates, so it's not just the ruling Law and Justice party staff. But the other allegations of doctorate plagiarism with regard to the rector go back a long time, prior to these battles. In that case, it is hard to find political motivations, as the doctorate was carefully analyzed by experts and large sections of it were seen as copied. Still, the doctorate-holding Collegium Humanum rector somehow was "cleared."
  8. tadj

    tadj Well-Known Member

    Garp likes this.
  9. Garp

    Garp Well-Known Member

    "When I started reading the interesting history of this little-known Christian church, which currently has approx. 30,000 in Poland. followers, I saw that many of the doctorate pages were colored. Similar colors appeared on the pages of the books sent, which were: "Mariawitism. A Historical Study "by Stanisław Rybak, published in Warsaw in 1992, and a book by the current Dr. hab. Krzysztof Łojek, "Split in the womb of the Old Catholic Mariavite Church in 1935" , Warsaw 2001.

    After comparing the texts, it turned out that about 55 pages were taken from the book by S. Rybak. The author of the doctoral dissertation, although he noted the above position in the introduction and in a few footnotes, took over the text directly."

    Interesting and rather blatant plagiarism.
  10. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Student: What's in there?
    Hawker: That's a university, kid. You go in there, work hard for many years, and earn a respected and recognized degree.
    Student: What if I just want some piece of paper that says I have a degree?
    Hawker: That's around back, then up the alley. Ask for Ray. He'll fix you up.
    LearningAddict, tadj and JBjunior like this.
  11. Garp

    Garp Well-Known Member

    ....Szczepan (Stefan) will fix you up.
  12. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Nie, nie zrobi tego. Został aresztowany w zeszłym tygodniu. (No, he won't. He was arrested last week.) :)
    Garp likes this.
  13. Garp

    Garp Well-Known Member

    Prison educational opportunities are a thing.
    Johann likes this.

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