ASU to offer FREE 15-credit certificate in Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Maniac Craniac, Feb 23, 2022.

  1. cacoleman1983

    cacoleman1983 Well-Known Member

    The next course, Global Marketing in a Digital Age, is available and the course looks fully updated. However, I only found out about it by going to their main website to enroll and I had to sign up for an entirely new portal account but it seems as though they just combined both accounts a few minutes ago. I guess they did not want to let everyone know that it was available until all the course content was completed by the instructors when it was in fact available a few weeks ago.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2023
    Dustin and Messdiener like this.
  2. jackrussell

    jackrussell Member

    I just started at course 1 module 1. Any idea how long they will maintain this program?
  3. cacoleman1983

    cacoleman1983 Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure how long they will maintain the program but from start to finish, it will have taken two years for me to finish as well as how long it took them to develop the entire program. The last course will likely start in January and graduation from the certificate program will likely kick off around April or May.
    imbanewbie, Dustin and jackrussell like this.
  4. cacoleman1983

    cacoleman1983 Well-Known Member

    The last course of this program, Data Analytics and Digital Transformation, is available and fully updated for completion. Not sure when it became available as I never received an email reminder for the course and once again had to go their main page to find out.
    Vicki likes this.
  5. Vicki

    Vicki Well-Known Member

    I think it’s only been about a week or so. I know I peeked in somewhat recently and it wasn’t there. But then a few days ago, I saw it.
  6. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    Someone has completed the last class already, but doesn't seem like there is a way to get credit for it just yet... Still a waiting game for now...
  7. cacoleman1983

    cacoleman1983 Well-Known Member

    Yes... They will likely start processing transcripts at the end of the semester so regardless of when we finish, we won't see any type of transcript or graduate diploma/certificate till atleast this summer.
  8. Xspect

    Xspect Member non grata

    The finance accounting class is kicking my butt. Once I get pass it Im done
    Suss and Jonathan Whatley like this.
  9. armado

    armado New Member

    I finished 5 course but the Final Portfolio not open yet
  10. cacoleman1983

    cacoleman1983 Well-Known Member

    I'm finished with all 5 courses also. If the final portfolio is not open by June, I plan to submit my completion certificates to ENEB to see how many credits they will transfer in before I start their MBA program. If they are willing to grant credit for Coursera certificates, they should do it for ASU/Thunderbird as well.
  11. cacoleman1983

    cacoleman1983 Well-Known Member

    We can finally get our free courses evaluated for the ASU free graduate certificate but it will be $100 per course so $500 for all five courses to be evaluated.

    See email below:

    Hello -

    On behalf of the Najafi 100 Million Learner Global Initiative at Thunderbird, we are pleased to inform you that the payment portal is now open for those who wish to request evaluation of their final assessments for their completed course(s) in the advanced program. Evaluation of final assessments is the first step required to obtain academic credit for courses completed through 100 Million Learners.

    You are receiving this notice because you have submitted a final assignment in one or more of the 100ML advanced courses.

    How to request evaluation of your final written assignments:

    1. Access the payment portal: Visit the instructions page at the end of each advanced course in Canvasto find the link to the payment portal and detailed steps for requesting evaluation.
    2. Submit evaluation request: Follow the provided steps to submit your evaluation request. Note: Each course evaluation requires a $100 fee to support faculty review and grading.
    3. Review your score and feedback: Once evaluated in Canvas, feedback will be available for your review. You must earn a score of 80% or higher on the submission to pass.
    4. Receive a letter grade: Your final evaluation score, combined with scores from other activities, will be used to determine the final letter grade for the course. To be eligible for academic credit, you will need to earn a letter grade of B or better in all courses.

    Next steps in academic credit attainment:

    Once you have completed all five advanced courses with a grade of B or higher, you will be ready to continue the credit attainment process. This first involves applying to Arizona State University and gaining admission to a qualifying Thunderbird graduate program. Upon admission, you can request that your credits from these advanced courses be applied to your Thunderbird degree program or transferred to another accredited institution of your choice.

    To learn more about Thunderbird’s qualifying online graduate degree programs, their costs, scholarship opportunities for 100ML participants, and how 100ML course credits (once obtained) can be applied to our programs, connect with Thunderbird’s graduate admissions team at [email protected].

    Contact us:

    For questions regarding the evaluation request payment process or additional information regarding next steps for academic credit attainment in this program, email us at[email protected].


    100 Million Learners Global Initiative Support

    Thunderbird School of Global Management

    At Arizona State University

    About the Najafi 100 Million Learners Global Initiative

    Overview | Programs | Contact
    sanantone and Jonathan Whatley like this.
  12. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    It's been almost three years. LOL. $500 isn't bad. Is there a project that needs to be completed for credit?
  13. Xspect

    Xspect Member non grata

    Are you going for the certificate
  14. Messdiener

    Messdiener Active Member

    Am I understanding correctly that there is no graduate certificate then? Instead, we must pay to have the courses evaluated for credit, only to then transfer into an even more expensive ASU degree program?
    Xspect likes this.
  15. cacoleman1983

    cacoleman1983 Well-Known Member

    Yes or we can transfer them into another accredited university. In any case, we must have the final projects evaluated to have it transcribed on a transcript for a fee.

    I'm honestly thinking about not paying the $500 for the 15 credit hours since my original plan was to have these credits transferred into ENEB and I have already completed my ENEB MBA just a month ago without transferring any credit. With a foreign credential evaluation, I would have 30 to 32 US converted graduate credit hours from ENEB with the goal of meeting the 18 graduate credit hours to teach business and/or technology at the community college level.
  16. cacoleman1983

    cacoleman1983 Well-Known Member

    I already have the completion certificate without any graduate credit awarded.
  17. cacoleman1983

    cacoleman1983 Well-Known Member

    There is a final project for each course. I completed all of them and received a certificate of completion for the entire program. I would just have to pay $100 per course to have the project graded by a professor if I want an actual grade and credit transcribed on a transcript. I only actually received grades from the coursework, not the projects since they are optional for those who want credit to be awarded.
    sanantone likes this.

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