American intel officials warn of risk of Hezbollah attacking U.S.

Discussion in 'Political Discussions' started by Lerner, Jan 11, 2024.

  1. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    American intel officials warn of risk of Hezbollah attacking U.S.

    Hezbollah has its armed units in the US and Canada, there were few trials in the past of some of the members of these units, and recently dry runs where a track drove in to a military base etc. The units are fully armed and pose a serious threat. The most alarming case took place in the United States and Canada. According to U.S. prosecutors, Two US based Hezbolloah and IJO operatives—Ali Kourani and Samer el Debek—were tasked with carrying out pre-operational surveillance for potential Hezbollah attacks in the United States and Panama.
  2. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    This is becoming the Fear Forum. So just what am I supposed to do, here? Suspect every Arab-Canadian I meet? Put my guitars in the closet and have a full-length gun-rack in my living room. bristling with assault weapons? Set up surveillance on the Mosque down the street? Call a 1-800-Terror Snitch-Line every time I see an Arab-Canadian walk past the Armory?

    Straight-up fear-mongering. We have authorities who watch everything. They got this. We ain't.
  3. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

  4. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    "Armed units", hunh? I'm a lot more concerned about armed MAGA militias. January 6 wasn't Hezbollah. It was MAGA types who want "strong leadership" meaning Trumpist absolute dictatorship.

    I can't for the life of me understand why Biden doesn't send Seal Team 6 to assassinate Trump since according to Trump the President is immune from any criminal prosecution even if he kills his political opponents....
  5. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Note to the National Security Agency watchers...the foregoing is political satire. At no time have I ever planned or attempted to kill Domald J. Trump or anyone else regardless of how much the country would benefit therefrom.
  6. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    The MAGA terrorists are a big problem, IMHO. Trump will probably lose the general election and the MAGA terrorists and Trump will make the country pay. Trump does not exit the political scene without dire consequences. I think the path with the least damage to the country is getting Trump to drop out of the political scene sooner rather than later. The sooner the better. The best way for this to happen is if SCOTUS ruled that Trump was ineligible run.
    INTJ, Suss and nosborne48 like this.
  7. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

  8. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    SteveFoerster likes this.
  9. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    I view this article, not as trying to frighten people but more as a warning, alarm.
    For example, just like natural desaster readiness, so in the case of act of terrorism its better to be prepared.
    If the terrorists target electrical grid, or other infrastructure then having alternate sources of power, emergency water, food supply can't hurt.

    Additional awareness also can help.
    If you see unusual, suspicious activity and alert the authorities, can save lives.

    Oct 7th attack in Israel from Gaza is an alarm.
    I'm not saying to go crazy.

    As to threats to Democracy, I think there is good reason to worry, as Political, Quiet, and Violent Jihad is as dangerous as other anti-democratic radicals on all sides of spectrum.

    American Intel officials issued warning for a reason.
    MasterChief likes this.
  10. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    You don't have to. I'm already there.
  11. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Nah - You had a WAY better idea before that, Bill - in another thread:
    Oh, I LIKE that one! :) It's from here:
    Bill Huffman likes this.
  12. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Of course Trump peacefully passing away in his sleep would be the ideal exit with minimal blowback from the MAGA terrorists. But I'm going to touch on the other early exit from the political race possibility. That is a SCOTUS ruling that Trump is ineligible to serve because of the 14th amendment. On a side note, I think SCOTUS is unlikely to rule that way because of the six Republicans on the court. If they did make Trump ineligible to run though, here's my take.

    First, obviously Trump would have a huge fit and send his MAGA terrorists to threaten and attack Supreme Court Justices and their families. Second, Trump would try his best to burn down and blow up the whole system. He would attack Biden, of course, but he'd have much more success attacking the Republicans. He will go after and try to destroy Biden, the Republican nominee, as well as the election systems in the swing states. I suspect that Fox, Newsmax and OAN will continue to broadcast his vitriol because a good chunk of the MAGA base will still back him and want to hear what he has to say. The MAGA terrorists will make hundreds of thousands of threats. There could be perhaps even dozens of these threats that have some kind of physical manifestation. Third, I suspect it could get so bad that they even pass a law in the next few years that would give law enforcement some leverage to maybe even hold such conduct on Trump's part to be illegal.

    It sounds bad, I know. Just keep in mind that this scenario is still likely far less dangerous to our country than if he is allowed to win the Republican nomination and run in the general election.
  13. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    The gallows would be more appropriate.
    Bill Huffman likes this.
  14. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I like that remark. Could start a legend. "The Life and Times of Judge Nosborne48." :)
    A new "Law West of the Pecos?"
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2024
  15. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    I'll risk a little gallows humor here.

    I was wondering how likely is it that Trump would be decapitated if hung? He is an obese fellow after all. I even found the answer! A drop of over 5' just might do it. Anything over that would just be a nice guarantee.

    see "Long Drop" in
  16. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Back when we hanged people the choices about the length of the drop and whether to add weight to the ankles and other issues were pretty solid technology. Most of that material is still available. A competent hanging breaks the neck without the unpleasantness of decapitation. I think Trump would be an excellent first attempt toward reestablishing the technology.
  17. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member

    Simple resolution to everything:
    1. Trump is sentenced to death.
    2. Consistent with his misgivings about the death penalty, Biden commutes the sentence.
    3. Consistent with his absurd self-centeredness, Trump endorses the guy who saved his life.
    4. Nation is united.
    Bill Huffman likes this.
  18. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    That would be one heck of a season finale!
  19. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    5. Trump is struck by lightning.
  20. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    (6) Or dies of bleach-and-Ivermectin poisoning.
    Q, Does Trump have his own food-taster on staff? I think he needs one - or six. And no, I'm not applying.

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