I was reading the Davidson Online High School's FAQ (see the U. Nevada high school thread) and the question was asked 'Are you accredited?' They said yes, we are accredited by AdvanceED. I thought, 'Wut??' So I looked it up. I'm sure that some of us (like Jennifer) are already familiar with this, but it's new to a dottard like me (thank's to Rocketman for turning me on to that hugely self-descriptive word). It seems that it's a real thing, formed by the 2006 merger of the K-12 divisions of the N. Central Association and the Southern Association, joined in 2012 by the NW Association's K-12 division. (That's why it's accrediting a Nevada school, since NV is NW Association turf.) Sorry if there's already been a thread about this, but three of the six regional accreditors merging their K-12 divisions was news to me. About Us | AdvancED
As does 'Trump," "dotard" has just one T. And yes - we've had a couple or three mentions of AdvancED in previous threads. One recent, but I can't find it. Here's one older one: https://www.degreeinfo.com/index.php?threads/excel-high-school.34074/page-2 IIRC, the most recent mention, a couple of months ago, had to do with an AdvancED- accredited school that was teaching non-degree courses, as it should be. The perplexing thing was that school's claimed connection with a "University" that didn't have a web-presence and didn't seem to be accredited by anybody. Forget the name - it may have had "Institute" in it.
It takes a long time to be described as a dotard. It denotes an old person whose mental faculties have seriously declined. Are you sure you qualify? I'm old enough - 75, but I don't think my faculties have declined that much -- yet. Then again, if you read a bunch of my bloviations in this forum -- your opinion of my faculties may differ.