Why Masters Have Many Credits

Discussion in 'Seminary, theology, and religion-related degrees' started by MaceWindu, Apr 5, 2024.

  1. Michael Burgos

    Michael Burgos Active Member

    It certainly is. I wasn't stating otherwise. However, we ought to note that the entire edifice of Christian theology, including its bibliology, is the broader foundation.

    Quite a claim.

    That is quite a slippery word: "linked." Are you suggesting genetic causality? If you are, there is absolutely no evidence for that. Several well-popularized meta-data studies, as well as many other respected sources, have made that rather plain (e.g., Mayer and McHugh's).

    You don't say? What a defeater for historic Christianity. Welp, I guess I better reconsider my life choices. In all seriousness, our claim is not that men, wedded to their era, didn't write the Bible through 1400 years of antiquity. Rather, our claim is that God, who transcends time, inspired those men to write the Bible and God certainly has a concept of genes.
  2. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    The general consensus among physical anthropologists is that Homo sapiens evolved from other primates, not dirt with life breathed into it. They certainly don't believe that female humans came from a man's rib. There might be a few out there who believe those things, but they're in a small minority.

    I did not use the word "cause" because more research needs to be done on recent findings. The article you linked to appears to be eight years old.

    If God knew about genes, then how come he didn't tell man? Man didn't know about genes until fairly recently in human history.
  3. Garp

    Garp Well-Known Member

    If you are wondering why God didn't tell us about genes (or the Stock Market or the Simpsons) you are missing the point of the Bible.

    Second, the Book of Genesis has poetic elements that make a theological point.
  4. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    No, you're missing my point. If God didn't tell us about genes, then you're just assuming that he knew about genes just like you're assuming that he exists.
  5. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    It's not unusual for professional degrees from many disciplines to require more than the typical 30-36 sh. My wife's nursing practice master's was about 75 sh. My MBA was 45 (equivalent). I think it's one thing to know something and quite another to put it into practice.
    Johann likes this.
  6. Garp

    Garp Well-Known Member

    Not at all. That doesn't follow (assuming God knows about genes).

    Is there "proof that God exists" or "doesn't exist"? No. Is there darned good evidence. Yes (scientific, philosophical, etc). Read JP Moreland and others with relation to science and philosophy.

    This is of course different from saying that Christianity is true (though there are solid arguments about the reliability of scripture).
  7. MaceWindu

    MaceWindu Active Member

    Regarding the topic.
  8. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Honestly, it's still civil, so we should call that a win.
    Xspect, RoscoeB and MaceWindu like this.
  9. Michael Burgos

    Michael Burgos Active Member

    That fallacious appeal to the majority aside, I and many others dispute that absurdity. How anyone can take a look around the world, whether the beauty of the face of a child, or the way the earth is uniquely designed for human habitation, and assume that we "evolved" is amazing to me.

    I should note that צֵלָע doesn't actually mean rib. Rather, it is an ambiguous term that refers to Adam's side. Think of Eve being created from something close to Adam's heart. While "rib" is the traditional English translation, I think it might miss the mark.

    I know. As I said, "linked" is a slippery term. And, to date, there are no findings that demonstrate what you have suggested. While the study is not from 2024, its findings are not disputed.

    Good question. God didn't tell man about genes just as he didn't tell man about most things. Rather, there is common grace joy in the unique discoverability of the universe. The obvious discoverability of the universe and all in it is just one more reason why a godless theory of origins is dumb.
  10. Michael Burgos

    Michael Burgos Active Member

    Xspect and MaceWindu like this.
  11. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    There is yet no evidence that a god or gods exist. The belief that there is a supernatural being who wasn't created and always existed sounds like a dumb cop-out. Before Judaism even existed, humans have used supernatural fairy tales to explain away natural phenomena they didn't understand. I won't even get into how Zoroastrianism helped form the foundation for Judaism. Fortunately, the brainwashing is slowly being undone, and more people are leaving organized religion.

    Because religions were mostly created by males, they are filled with misogyny and sexism. Males come from females. Before sexual differentiation in the womb, the fetus more closely resembles the female body. Males have nipples they don't even need. The Y chromosome is a deteriorated X chromosome and has been steadily losing genes over time. It's the reason why males get almost 51% of their genes from their mothers.

    A study of almost a half a million people found polygenetic differences in homosexual individuals. Ironically, the LGBTQ community was concerned about this study believing that it would lead to gene editing and selective breeding. Birth order studies have also found an increase in homosexual sons the more children a mother has.

    Last edited: Apr 17, 2024
  12. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    I ran out of time before I could type this. Humans are not perfectly designed for the environment. We are barely evolved to survive it and are best equipped to live in the areas near the equator (at least those with more melanin). What other animal needs clothes and sunscreen? That doesn't look like intelligent design. Human females are also poorly designed for birthing such big-headed babies. Before medical advancements, the maternal and infant mortality rates were high, and women had a shorter lifespan than men.
  13. Michael Burgos

    Michael Burgos Active Member

    It's interesting that you feel so passionate about disproving a being who you say doesn't exist. I suppose we won't bother to note that your response depends upon transcendental laws, which are the preconditions for intelligibility that cannot be accounted for by your rather disdainful materialism. I guess I'd rather have a coherent worldview that accords with reality and sound dumb according to someone who evidently has no idea what they are talking about.

    Right, because the ancients were a bunch of retards.

    I see you've taken a world religion survey, and apparently, you enjoy parroting at least one long-discredited school of religions theory.

    What color is the sky in your world?

    Tell me, o wise one, how does your godless worldview afford a basis for implying that misogyny is morally wrong? Are you borrowing those morals, or is this a personal opinion?


    And yet, there is not a shred of evidence that a proclivity toward sodomic behavior is owed to genetic considerations.
  14. Michael Burgos

    Michael Burgos Active Member

    Do you believe that we (i.e., the Christians) think that if humans are "not perfectly designed for the environment" (whatever that is supposed to mean) our views are necessarily wrong? What among our views would make you assume such a thing? Last time I checked, we think the world and everything in it is terribly corrupted, including the human body.
  15. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    When this is your response to a link to evidence of exactly that, it's difficult to know where any sort of useful conversation can go.
    Xspect and sanantone like this.
  16. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    I am not trying to disprove that a supernatural being does not exist. Contrary to popular belief, many atheists are agnostic - meaning that they don't believe that a god does not exist. They lack belief belief in a god because they have yet to see evidence of its existence.

    Speaking of not knowing what you're talking about, unlike you, I actually have degrees in science and teach science. This is another example of why humanities professionals should stick to philosophy and culture. Your reality consists of things you've never seen nor heard. I guess someone who teaches philosophy at an unaccredited seminary knows more about biology than someone who teaches forensic biology at a major university.

    LOL. My world religions course didn't cover Zoroastrianism.

    If we're not perfectly adapted to planet Earth, then how is that evidence that an intelligent being designed the planet for us?
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2024
  17. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    If we put that study in a holy book, people 2,000 years from now will believe it without question.
  18. sanantone

    sanantone Well-Known Member

    Ask the modern Christians who now believe that misogyny, sexism, and slavery are morally wrong even though the Bible promotes it. Ask them why some of their morals no longer align with the barbarism in the Bible. Ask them why people of other faiths have also come to similar conclusions in modern times.
  19. Xspect

    Xspect Member non grata

    @Michael Burgos I always learn a lot from you posts. But when you make comments like that. A healthy debate turns into an argument. and others stop listening because it's no longer an exchange of ideas from different prespectives.

    Also they did not cover any of the topic in this thread when I got my Dmin from Abide University
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2024
  20. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    It's tough to talk about this when terms aren't being used the same by everyone. Agnosticism is not a subset of atheism; it's a different thing. Atheism is a position of certainty that there are no deities, whereas agnosticism is a position of uncertainty. Even there, there's a difference between weak agnosticism and strong agnosticism, where the former is "I don't know" and the latter is "I don't know and neither does anyone else".

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