HEA Accredited Private Zambian Universities Offering DL

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Johann, Aug 11, 2020.

  1. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    OK. I promised a list. Here it is. These are all listed as accredited and offering DL by the Zambian HEA. I make no judgments. All I did was obtain the links. Dig in. Maybe one is the next UNISA, only even cheaper. If it is, be sure to tell us. If it isn't - tell us that, too.

    African Christian University acu-usa.com
    Africa Open University ao.university/site/index.php
    Bethel University www.betheluniversitymungu.org
    Blessings University of Excellence www.blueuniversity.net
    Brook Besor University brookbesoruniversity.ac.zm
    Cavendish University Zambia www.cavendishza.org
    CHRESO University www.chresouniversity.org
    City University of Science and Technology No website found. Facebook, etc.
    Copperstone University https://copperstone.education
    Damelin University. A name I know from its South African school. No longer registered as a Uni. in Zambia.
    DMI-St. Eugene dmiseu.edu.zm
    The Eastern University - appears to be de-registered as of 9/26/19. News report - HEA took 5 off the list - broke rules.
    Eden University http://www.edenuniversity.edu.zm
    UFCE - http://fce.org.za (ZA and ZM from one site)
    Gideon Robert University www.gideonrobertuniversity.com
    Green Light University www.gluniversity.org
    Information & Communications University www.icuzambia.net
    Justo Mwale U. justomwale.net
    Kenneth Kaunda Metropolitan U. https://kkmu.edu.zm
    Livingston Int'l U. of Tourism Excellence & Bus. Mgmt. lieutebm.university.org
    Mancosa (Mgmt College of Southern Africa) www.mancosa.za (I know this one from South Africa)
    Northrise University www.northriseuniversity.com Careful! "BEING EXALENT IN ALL WE DO."

    That's the first half. I'll post the rest by tomorrow at the latest.
    RoscoeB likes this.
  2. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Okay - here is the other half.

    Oak University Zambia www.oakuniversity.net
    Paglory University www.pagloryuniversity.org
    Rockview University www.rockview.edu.zm
    Rusangu University www.ru.edu.zm
    Southern University www.su.ac.zm (not working?)
    Sunningdale University https://sunningdaleuniversity.ac.zm
    Supershine University https:/www.supershineuniversity.net
    Texila American University https://zm.tauedu.org
    Unicaf (Zambia) Ltd. University - unicafuniversity.ac.zm
    UCZU -United Church of Zambia University www.uczuniversity.org
    University of Africa www.keystoneuoa.com
    University of Lusaka www.unilus.ac.zm
    Victoria Falls University of Technology Site was vfu-elearning.net. Site down. Still on FB etc.
    The Zambia Catholic University www.zcuniversity.edu.zm
    Zambian Christian University www.zambiancu.org
    Zambia Open University www.zaou.ac.zm
    ZCAS University www.zcas.ac.zm

    There -- done.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2020
    RoscoeB and Johann766 like this.
  3. chrisjm18

    chrisjm18 Well-Known Member

    Nice list. I might pursue a graduate degree from a country on the African continent one day. Perhaps a DBA.

    Correction: You left off the "ac" University of Lusaka www.unilus.ac.zm
    Johann likes this.
  4. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Thanks. Just got it in under the wire! :)
    chrisjm18 likes this.
  5. heirophant

    heirophant Well-Known Member

    Do we know whether HEA recognition is really accreditation, as that word is used in the United States? Or is it more along the lines of government approval to legally operate?

    Unfortunately the HEA website isn't very forthcoming on that score. In some places it sounds like authorization and accreditation are one and the same process. In other places they talk about accredited programmes as opposed to institutions and have different links for forms regarding authorization and accreditation.

    This Zambian news story might cast some light on that.

    Last edited: Aug 11, 2020
  6. chrisjm18

    chrisjm18 Well-Known Member

    Maybe it is not accreditation and it probably does not matter. Accreditation, as we know it in the U.S., is not prevalent in many countries. Recognition by a higher education body (typically a government agency/ministry) is enough. India, for example, started to emphasize accreditation within the last few years. Although my school (Assam Don Bosco University) gained NAAC accredited before I completed my MBA, it would not have affected the evaluation outcome of my MBA. In India, UGC recognition is sufficient, but that might change in the next few years. I believe also in the UK, accreditation, save for programmatic and the shady "ASIC," is not prevalent. Royal Charter is what is used to empower HEIs to award degrees.
  7. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I could (always) be wrong, but it does not appear to be anything like a licensing deal. They go through the schools program by program and the appearance - at least - is of proper academic oversight. One encouraging sign is the schools that they have rejected.. They have a nose for millishness that isn't there (nobody cares) in licensing deal. Forget Swiss cantons - this isn't them. I believe these private schools are accredited under the same HEA Act that the Public Universities are governed by. The standards (not necessarily the academic standards) may differ -resources, research etc - I'm not sure.

    I'm making no judgments at this point. For now - we've got something to look at. Once we've looked etc. then we can make up our minds. We've got a field. We don't know yet whether there's a gold mine under it, or oil, or diamonds - or if we have to grow oats instead. Let's dig and see what we find.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2020
    RoscoeB likes this.
  8. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    First impression - Zambia Open U. All distance as you'd expect. Undergrad fees about $320 a semester. Good range of degrees.
  9. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    First disappointment: Brook Besor U. Dysfunctional webpage often = dysfunctional school. A few headings - nothing much to click on - you go nowhere. Can't get to detailed course info etc. They have a thingy about "Career Guarantee" on the front page - but you can't click on it or get info - like everything else here. "Career Guarantee" statements are verboten on our turf - I would have liked to see what they were saying. Waste of time. If this school exists/existed , I think it is/was at best a small space in an office building somewhere. Frustrating.
  10. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Aug 11, 2020
  11. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    When the term "GAAP" (Generally Accepted Accreditation Principles) was ported over from accounting, we debated it for a long time on this board. Registrars tended to accept degrees that met GAAP, and meeting GAAP was most frequently accomplished by being listed by one's national government as a recognized school and, thus, listed in one of the commonly used guides on schools outside the US.

    But that was when AACRO still did foreign degree evaluations and before the group that became NACES emerged. Now, foreign degree evaluation services have a big say in the matter.

    This is a long way of saying that it would not be advisable to rely on the Zambian system alone. Better to get some read on how a foreign degree evaluator would treat degrees coming from that system BEFORE sinking all your hard-earned cash--because I'm told what you spend is a serious consideration in these matters.
    Maniac Craniac, RoscoeB and Johann like this.
  12. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Cavendish University - fees in USD for foreigners - Quite high. $8000 for bachelor's that costs locals $2800. Master's around 11,000. No bargains here.
  13. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Good advice. I'm told that U. Zambia (Public University) regularly gets good equivalencies from recognized US evaluators. (Somewhere in another thread.) That's not to say ALL Zambian public U's or indeed, any private ones get the same treatment. At this stage we (or most of us) simply don't know. I'm just messing around digging to see if there are any treasures in the pile. After that - maybe I'll take the finds to a jeweller to see if they're real. Or someone else can, if they like.
    Maniac Craniac likes this.
  14. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    This is far from a homogeneous group of schools. Some look pretty darn good, others so-so and still others are jumped-up career schools that have become degree-granting because someone allowed them to - and that's where the money is. And quite a few DON'T have distance ed., despite what the HEA site said. It's quite a slog. University of Africa looks good - and fees are about $300 per semester - no sign of distance ed. though. A Seventh Day Adventist school looked good - but again, no distance offerings. Still slogging...
  15. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    ZCAS University has a distance DBA. School looks like it might be fine, but very frustrating - by hiding fees. I couldn't find them. DBA program is 12 courses plus diss. Minimum 3 years - maximum 6. Wish I knew what it cost...

    I know the fees are on Facebook - but I quit them at least 12 years ago - so I can't see them. And no - I'm not coming back, Mr. Zuckerberg. Not for ANYTHING.
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2020
  16. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

  17. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

  18. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    I happened to look at that and I found them. You can pay for your DBA from the loose change found in your sofa. But if the school is legitimate--and it looks to be--the work will be hard, plus it's not clear (per my previous post) that the degree will be useful. But it's spunky and I like that.
  19. tadj

    tadj Well-Known Member

    I am back. However, I will only post here from time to time. :)

    We're seeing some real confusion on this issue. It reminds me of the thread on Polish schools. Why are programs from registered institutions being equated to accredited programs? If you go on the Higher Education Authority website, you can easily access the list of accredited programs of institutions in Zambia. You simply need to click on the "Download Gazette Notice of LPs" for the latest list. That's not the same thing as the list of registered HEIs.

    The ZCAS DBA isn't on that list at this point, so it should not be treated as an accredited qualification. If someone is satisfied with doing a non-accredited program from a registered institution in Zambia, that's fine. Let's not mislead people though.

    "It is the responsibility of ALL Higher Education Institutions in the country to ensure that ALL the Learning programmes that they offer are submitted to the Higher Education Authority for Accreditation so that the graduates of the learning programmes could be recognised by Zambia Qualifications Authority."

    Here is the real document with all the accredited programs of higher education institutions in Zambia. (Notice how many programs from registered HEIs did not make the list);

    heirophant, SteveFoerster and Johann like this.
  20. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

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