  1. Phdtobe

    Phdtobe Well-Known Member

  2. decimon

    decimon Well-Known Member


    We are providers of Accreditations for the Institutions of Higher Education

    Accreditation Council for Educational Standards of Schools and Universities™ (ACESSU™) is the provider of regional (USA), national (USA) and global (International level) accreditations for the institutions of higher education represented by schools, colleges and universities in the United States and on worldwide level.

    We are providers of institutional accreditations (entire school, college or university) and separate programs (programmatic) accreditations.

  3. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Phdtobe likes this.
  4. Phdtobe

    Phdtobe Well-Known Member

    I may have missed this debate
  5. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    Wow, this probably has some of the clearest earmarks of a phony school that I've run across in recent years. Just reading the text of the website, it's clear that whomever wrote it doesn't speak very good English.

    And the contact page is hilarious...

    What's even funnier is they elsewhere set out rules on how they may be quoted, or how their name may be used, and tell you to contact them if you have concerns. But then they say they won't respond if your concerns don't relate to being a student. At least be consistent in your BS.
  6. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    homemory.com abd redfin say that the University's street address on Frankford Ave. in Philadelphia is a private home with 4 bedrooms and 1 bath. Current or recent occupant is Jack Wilson.
  7. heirophant

    heirophant Well-Known Member

    Accreditation looks worse than that. They feature an essay describing the "Bologna Process", but little explanation of how the Bologna Process is applicable to 'Holy State University'. (Looks like a bunch of baloney to me.)


    Their answer to the question of where they are located is even worse.

    "Question: What is location of the Holy State University?

    We are international university administered by the Autonomous Self-governing Religious Authority. Autonomous Self-Governing Religious Authority selected the City of Philadelphia in the State of Pennsylvania as one of its worldwide international designated locations and located on the religiously sovereign land in the City of Philadelphia.

    Autonomous Self-Governing Religious Authority is not under jurisdiction of the United States or any State of the United States. Furthermore, according to the laws of the United States and provisions of the International Laws, not the United States government, neither government of any State of the United States can make any laws or rules that can regulate in any way or in any matter sovereign affairs of the Autonomous Self-Governing Religious Authority. "


    That will presumably be news to the Pennsylvania Department of Education:

    http://www.education.pa.gov/Postsecondary-Adult/College and Career Education/Pages/Institution-Resources.aspx

    "Any institution offering programs for academic credit or a degree must be authorized by the Secretary of Education prior to operating in Pennsylvania. Please note that Pennsylvania does not have a religious exemption."


    The words "college", "university" and "seminary" are restricted words in Pennsylvania. (See 24 Pa C.S.A. section 6503) Filing of corporate names and fictitious corporate names using these words requires approval.

    The English on Holy State University's website isn't bad, but it does give me the impression that it wasn't written by native English speakers.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2018
  8. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Address: 5305 Oxford, Philadelphia. From internet-available records, Mr. Sergei Kovalev is named as the owner. I think there's possibly a holding co. of his involved, but he is named.

    From member CalDog, in the old thread on Holy State University: "According to whois lookups for holyuniversity.org and acessu.org, both registrations have the same contact phone number. This number is also shared by churchofrevival.org, an online church with a website similar to those of HSU and ACESSU. The street address of the church is next door to that of HSU." http://www.churchofrevival.org/index.htm .

    The Church site has a similarly ornate, 19th-century aspect as the University and Accreditor sites. The dignified, imposing artwork reminds me slightly of some Pre-Revolutionary Russian banknotes in my collection.

    Mr. Kovalev appears to be the website registrant for the International Church of Eternal Revival, so I'm making a leap here. I think it's possible he may run the university, the accreditor and the church. If so - a very busy person, to be sure.

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2018
  9. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Johann: "I'm making a leap here. I think it's possible he may run the university, the accreditor and the church."

    John: We call this the Holy trinity.
    Johann, Chip and Tireman 44444 like this.

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