Average Adjunct Salary

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by jagmct1, Jul 20, 2006.

  1. jagmct1

    jagmct1 New Member

    On average, what's to be expected for an adjunct salary teaching online classes on a part-time basis?
  2. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    Varies. Some schools pay by the student, some just by the credit hour. Some, like UoP, pay diddly squat, something like $900 per class. Some pay over $2500 per class, some even in the range of $3000 or more.

    My small college pays $1800 for an online 3 cr hr class, so long as it has at least 6 students enrolled. When I do the math, if it's just state residents enrolled and there's the minimum number of students necessary to keep from getting prorated pay, I'll actually be paid more than the total tuition intake for the class. I'm developing an online course for them right now, and I'll get paid about that amount for the development, then, if all goes well and it runs the approval gauntlet, I'll be teaching the class and getting paid for it in the spring of 2007.

    If I had to guess an average, I'd say that my school's pretty much it, you'll probably be looking at the range of $1500 - $2000 for a 3 cr hr class.
  3. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    It depends but it ranges from 1000-3500 bucks. Among the online schools with the worst salaries you have UoP and Jones International.

    Among the ones with the best salaries are Devry University and Walden.

    Some adjuncts at Devry make a living just of teaching online and mentoring. My mentor was teaching and mentoring and making around 60K a year.

    Adjunct work can be good if you get into a good school.
  4. Faxinator

    Faxinator New Member

    Re: Re: Average Adjunct Salary

    Funny that UoP is so expensive yet pays out so little...
  5. eric.brown

    eric.brown New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Average Adjunct Salary

    It also explains why UOP (and their subsidiary Axia) has such a high attrition rate with their Adjuncts.
  6. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Average Adjunct Salary

    I'n not condoning what UOP does if it is indeed true, but UOP probably has a long line of prospective adjuncts waiting at the door.

    Capella pays relatively well in the $3K range per class.
  7. truckie270

    truckie270 New Member

    I am currently a UOP adjunct. My main motivation is to get the three years of teaching experience so I can move on to greener pastures. I have got to start somewhere. Luckily, I have had less than five students in my last two classes, so the paltry pay is not as big an issue.
  8. Faxinator

    Faxinator New Member

    And at that kind of pay rate, they probably need it!


    I'll be here all week. Try the veal...
  9. novemberdude

    novemberdude New Member

    How many classes at a time do you teach as an adjunct?

  10. Han

    Han New Member

    Salary ranges 3500-4500 per class. Can teach up to five in a semester, but it is a killer if you do. I suggest only teaching 2-3 (individual preps).

    They usually pay over a period of time (mine is 6 months), so only get about 600 per month per class. Plan accordingly.
  11. dcv

    dcv New Member

    I get a little over 1300 for a 3-credit course with 6-15 students. It's easy money... I enjoy it quite a bit.
  12. truckie270

    truckie270 New Member

    I am teaching overlapping courses right now - I start a new one during the last two weeks of the current one. I don't think that is by design of the schedulers, just how my courses seem to be falling right now.
  13. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    You're never going to get rich by being an adjunct, no matter where you teach, so get that idea right out of your head.

    Like many online adjuncts, I teach simply because I enjoy it, and it provides a welcome distraction from my "real job". In addition, I've never yet taught a course where I didn't learn something myself. Education is most certainly a two-way street, and I'm more than happy to absorb whatever my students can teach me.

    To summarize....the money is *very* nice, but that's not why I teach online. After I finished my graduate degree, I seriously felt my brain starting to atrophy, and teaching has enormously helped me to "keep a hand" in academia.
  14. AGS

    AGS New Member

    maybe its better for experience

    perhaps adjunct is good for experience ...

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