I completed an MBA at Liberty University and was very pleased with the delivery of the courses. The assignments were very typical compared to...
I am afraid I can’t help on the certificate but you may want to consider joining Toastersmasters in addition to or in place of the certificate....
Don’t forget Cornell, Carnegie Mellon, and Brandeis.
I am working toward a M.S. in Information Technology with a concentration in Information Technology Management. The curriculum is a blend of...
Your best option would be a math degree with an actuarial concentration from a top tier school. To my knowledge that does not exist through...
The University of Wisconsin Platteville offers a 30 credit Master of Science in Project Management and will accept 15 transfer credits. I know you...
Wharton also has an Executive MBA. However, the cost is $150,870.
I am very happy with the ROI of my Liberty MBA. I work as an IT business analyst for a top investment management firm that usually shows up on the...
I am not sure how you came up with the $28,000 figure. Tuition at Liberty is $395 per credit times 45 credits equals $17,775. I would recommend...
Either program should be fine if you plan to work in corporate finance or in a back office position on the investment side. If your desire is to...
Columbia has a certificate in Financial Engineering http://www.cvn.columbia.edu/cert/fe_cert.php They also have a Master of Science in...
I am not sure what information you are seeking. I don't have anything other than the link that was previously provided.
I don’t recall the exact percentage but they do audit a certain percentage.In fact, someone I used to work with was audited. When I prepared my...
Glade I was able to help. I am not sure if requirements fall into your area of responsibility as a PM. If so, the International Institute of...
Separate names with a comma.