Can anyone give some advice on an RA, Distance Learning School that offers a MSW ? The only criteria is it has to be RA and no residency...
This looks like an interesting school... Not sure about their accreditation though... Any comments?
Reputation Dave, You're right - their past certainly enters into the equation. For me though, I think it's a good choice - at least so far...
I rest my case Dave, You seem like a nice guy, and certainly intelligent - but you prove my point. There are people here that NO MATTER...
I realize this school has been discussed to nauseam, but I'd like to get a feel from students who are currently attending, or recently graduated....
Nasty Rep I've heard that, but I've also heard they've come a long way. I need to finish my Bachlor's as quick and as cheaply as I can. The...
Thanks Great info - thanks! I also found out that Jones International accepts DETC.
Degree No, I haven't. But I am looking into it. My ultimate goal is an RA Masters degree. I have enough credits to perhaps finish my degree...
Known Schools Thanks for the reply, But does anyone know of any schools of whom they know for a fact they accept DETC accredited undergrad...
I always hear that "some" RA schools will accept a student into their Masters program with a nationally accredited undergrad degree... My...
AIU Yeah, But I'm already maxed out with student loans with my wife :) Not to mention, I'm not really excited about NOT being able to take...
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