All the Cons on the board have forgotten 8 years of constant partisanship and constant bagering by the righties against Clinton (and Clinton,...
OK - finally a real DL thread. I am working with a co-worker who is a technician who wishes to move up to equipment engineering. Our company...
I installed an external hard drive on one of my PC's so that we all (4 of us) can use it for our IPODs. My problem is that everytime my son...
I don't know if this statement is anything more than an opinion. CSUDH is not as attractive as Cal Poly, Chico State, San Jose State, or San...
My son didn't even know I was in school for my MBA. He didn't know my sister used to be married (duhh - not the same last name as me - I guess...
ok - duhhh - what does that mean? My son thinks I am computer dumb. Why do all kids think that? When I was his age, I was building computers...
I was reading my son's blog (call me nosy - I have a net nanny on the computer he uses) - he uses the term F.I.S.H. Lot of his friends use the...
I have yet to meet a politician who wasn't either a crook or had questionable ethics. (not matter what party). It is the nature of the beast.
A quick update. I have only sued once in my life. It was when a guy decided he was too good to use his turn signals and ran me over on my...
Yes - and thank god for it! Even though I am pretty much a master in electronics, I rarely got over a C in an electronics class. It always took...
Hillary is god -- Just like Bill (I didn't use insider information on that stock trade) Frist
And GW is a punk-ass draft dodger coke using WMD lying drunk driven womanizer who converted to born again to get elected! :eek: (now if...
Separate names with a comma.