Show me one HR department (outside of a university) that is impressed with a single doctorate, its actually a detriment in some (if not many)...
Its a personal accomplishment, why would someone want to hold the Guinness World Record on having the longest wedding dress train? Meh, Id stand...
I have scoured the web and have come up empty handed for the most part, so I wanted to reach out here. I am looking for an online doctorate...
What is remarkable is how you obviously have no idea what the word xenophobic even means, yet you use it freely.... I would report you for the...
You do realize that it is common for a person for who has no rational or logical argument to attempt to attack the messenger's credibility to...
So I am actually an adjunct at UofC (amongst a few other schools), and can speak to a few of the topics brought up here. First off, the school...
I am in the program now and while a large majority of my cohort are DOD/NSA/etc... employees it is a general program. Also, the doctorate is an...
I find this interesting. Im in the Capitol College program and they are pushing us to publish more. Also I wouldnt necessarily "rank" them based...
Wow, a mod defending his racist little buddy, what a surprise. Oh no, please dont ban me mr mod, I couldnt live with not being able to post to a...
Absolutely you are 100% racist, this is nothing more than a race baiting joke of a trial that you have been happily pushing since day one. You...
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. The FACT of the matter is that racist Rich...
Nope, not at all. Its just a coincidence that 90% of the people that thought that Zimmerman was a monster happen to be black and 90% of the people...
Why shift attention? THis thread has shown the true colors of the racists on this board such as Rich Douglas! People who magically start caring...
Because there are only two college in the **WORLD** that offer this type of degree, how that can NOT be a red flag to any person with any shred of...
Separate names with a comma.