Redcap I've used Survey Monkey with good results. Key point is to find someone to share costs with (perhaps get an academic department you're...
VARK and the cost of video production Two thoughts on this thread: 1. VARK - Some folks learn "Visually", others learn "Audibly", still others...
I agree on this. I spent some 70 days in residency in my DBA at Nova Southeastern in the mid-90's. I found the face to face time to be very...
Dip your toe in the water - a business model for MOOCs A possible business model for a MOOC could be this... Have interested individuals take...
HLC and institutional changes HLC got burned on a for-profit awhile back (AIU?) and have really become tougher on changes in operations. This...
Caldog and all - I've calculated similar ratios over the years for over for profits. It isn't unusual to see 50% of the organization's revenues...
I advise my students to go both ways. Many employers have degree requirements for many jobs. If you don't have a degree they can't hire you. Also...
A few years ago I looked at the cost structure of for-profits versus non-profits. There is a big difference. For-profits that I examined...
The comments here exactly match what I've seen working at an engineering school (Kettering University) for 10 years. As noted, most masters...
Indeed, many job listings I have read say "an earned doctorate in business....". DBA or PhD doesn't matter. The phrase that often is used and...
A Small Rub... One consideration when considering a masters or doctorate in anything labeled "engineering". As a general rule, most schools...
Actually, Nova has never had an on-line DBA. They require face to face classwork - although they have offered classes at multiple locations....
Although I am biased for Nova, I'd also put in a plug here. My NSU DBA has served me well over the years. Regards - Andy
But - does the school have a printed catalog (perhaps in a PDF) from the year the student started? If that document has no background check - and...
Another basis to disagree - Catalog? A generally accepted principle in higher education is that college catalogs are contracts with students....
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