You know you're old when.......

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by blahetka, Oct 6, 2004.

  1. Mr. Engineer

    Mr. Engineer member

    She was a hottie! Marta Kristen is still hot even at 60 years old!

    I kind of had the hots for Eve Plumb though (Jan Brady).
  2. Rich Hartel

    Rich Hartel New Member

    Even though I don't smoke, your getting old when you can remember going to the corner store and buying "for your parents" a pack of cigaretts for well under a dollar,... 0.35 cents!

    Or buying a 32 ounce bottle of soda for 0.25 cents! :eek:

    Does any body know if there is any place any more were you can buy nickel "0.05" candy?

    Rich Hartel
  3. Mr. Engineer

    Mr. Engineer member


    For your 25 cents a week allowance you were able to purchase

    1. A can of Shasta rootbeer
    2. A candy bar
    3. 5 licorice sticks.
  4. Gus Sainz

    Gus Sainz New Member

    You know you are old when you still think that the majority of stewardesses (that’s flight attendants for you youngsters) are young, attractive, and perky.
  5. Bill Grover

    Bill Grover New Member

    when all you can think or talk about is what you HAVE done
  6. blahetka

    blahetka New Member

    .......and it now takes all night to do what you used to do all night.
  7. Fred Wilkinson

    Fred Wilkinson New Member

    I knew I was old when...

    When Police Officers look like boys

    and Pornographic Actresses look younger than your daughter.:eek:
  8. Mr. Engineer

    Mr. Engineer member

    or when the cops are your kids and the porno actress is your daughter...

    (never in a million years)
  9. Fred Wilkinson

    Fred Wilkinson New Member

  10. MichaelR

    MichaelR Member

    You guys are making feel young......

    Though I have to admit I feel old when the kid at the register at the grocery store complains when the interupt video killed the radio star. He wasn't even born when that song came out.

    Or how bout if you remember when MTV actually played Music Videos.
  11. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    You know you're old when you find out on your wedding night that Viagra doesn't work.
  12. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    You know you're old when you're a father to be and look at William O. Douglas AND Strom Thurmond as role models.
  13. intro2life

    intro2life New Member

    You know your old:

    When it doesn't seem that long ago that you went to go see the tour of the freedom train.

    When you know who the egg-man was (and is), and who the walrus was.

    When your convinced that cola tastes better from a glass bottle, and you remember having returned them (empty glass bottles) to the supermarket for change.

    When you remember beer tab hats, billy beer, and blue-chips or green stamps.

    When you've shopped at "thrifties" and bought a triple scoop ice cream cone on the way out for thirty five cents.

    When there was only one telephone company, and people refered to it as "Ma Bell".

    When you remember who "JR" was, but never cared "who shot JR..."

    When one of your favorite shows was "The Paper Chase".

    When you have watched "Love - American Style", consider Fox Broadcasting Company a "new network", and have seen it's first old pilots like "Tucker's witch".

    When you know what someone is referring to when they mention a "Neru Jacket".

    When you can tell someone about less known or obscure shows on TV like; "BJ and the bear", and know that "the bear" was a chimpanzee.

    Ok....yes, I watched far too much television back in the day. :) I'm done.
  14. obecve

    obecve New Member

    when you went to the corner drug store to buy a soda...

    when a snickers bar cost a nickle...

    when they actually had service at gas stations...
  15. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    You know you're old when ...

    1. you have to explain to your girlfriend's daughter that that large cherry wood box that she's looking at is a prehistoric ancestor of the modern CD player and prehistoric CDs weren't very compact.

    2. you explain to your bartendress that you've taken up rolling your own cigarettes because you just can't see paying $3 for a pack of generics when you can remember full-price brands costing $1.60 a pack and generics going for two packs for $1.19.

    3. your bartendress' smart-aleck son tells everyone in the saloon that you probably remember 25c a gallon for gas.
  16. Deb

    Deb New Member

    On the border for old:

    You remember the original Star Trek but couldn't watch it because it came on too late.

    You watched Wild, Wild West for the tight black pants - not for the horse.

    Blazing Saddles was the first R movie you saw.

    Getting old:

    You go to the doctor for a backache and she says it sciatic, and you have no idea what that is.
  17. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    You know you're old when you go to the doc for a physical and he says, "All right, buddy, drop 'em and bend over! I'm gonna enjoy this about as much as you are!"
  18. Will Makeit

    Will Makeit New Member

    1) When kids call you MR

    2) When you hate Rap, Hip hop and many other forms of music as much as your parents hated the music you used to hear!

    3) When you become fully aware that people your age are dying around you every day and that your time alive may be quite limited actually.

    4) When you enjoy studying instead of hating it:D

    5) When there are many things you'd like to do but that you feel restrained in doing because it would not seem appropriate at your age anymore, or so you feel anyway.

    6) When you enjoy watching travel programs and documentaries much more than actually travelling with all the hassle of rip off hotels, tiring bus rides, overbooking, changes in temperature, etc.

    7) When 90% of the new films you watch seem boringly oriented to people under their thirties.

    8) When you realize that you are imcompatible with a much younger woman even if they still look very attractive, because they live in a totally different world than yours.

    9) When sex is not a constant demand on your attention!

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