York St John University - Online MBA ($15k, No Bachelor's required)

Discussion in 'Business and MBA degrees' started by nomaduser, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. nomaduser

    nomaduser Active Member


    Format: online
    Price: 15,000 CHF (15,800 USD)
    Duration: 1 year full time

    Entry requirements:
    You must meet the University’s general entry criteria for postgraduate study. In addition, you must have:

    • bachelor’s degree or equivalent, achieved at Class 2.2 or above, from an approved University or Institution;

    • current or recent work experience (within the last two years) appropriate to enable you to contribute to the programme;

    • Entry via Open Access Module
    If you have extensive work experience appropriate to enable you to contribute to the programme you can gain entry to the programme through the APEL (Accredited Prior Experiential Learning) process. This should be demonstrated via the application form and a CV and will enable you to enter the programme via the Open Access Module MMK001 Leading Innovation and Change. If passed, this module will provide the required evidence for you to join the full programme and the credits will count towards your Master’s degree.

    So, if you have work experience, you can apply to this program without Bachelor's degree.

    York St John University Wiki:
  2. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    This is another Robert Kennedy College deal. From the site:

    "After successfully completing your studies at Robert Kennedy College, you will receive a degree from York St John University which is duly accredited by the British Government. York St John University degrees are recognised worldwide."
    In the old days, before it partnered up with British schools, e.g. Anglia Ruskin, Salford and York St. John, RKC was simply a Cantonally authorized distance school. Swiis law prevented any such c
    nomaduser likes this.
  3. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member


    This is another Robert Kennedy College deal. From the site:

    "After successfully completing your studies at Robert Kennedy College, you will receive a degree from York St John University which is duly accredited by the British Government. York St John University degrees are recognised worldwide." (True - every bit of it.)

    In the old days, before it partnered up with British schools, e.g. Anglia Ruskin, Salford and York St. John, RKC was simply a Cantonally authorized distance school. Swiss law prevented any Cantonally licensed school from ever getting Swiss Federation (i.e. mainstream) approval. Onerous requirements like 100+ well-qualified professors, library holdings, buildings, research etc. So, these schools could legally award degrees, but of much-reduced standing.

    The kicker: such schools often qualified for programmatic accreditation of their business programs, ACBSP etc. The requirements of programmatic accreditors were RA for US schools, "sufficient degree granting authority in the school's own country " - or words to that effect, for non-US schools. Cantonal licensing was usually deemed sufficient to allow program accreditation. IIRC, Robert Kennedy College had that for most (or maybe all) its degrees.

    The other kicker: You could have problems trying to get equivalency for your Swiss (Cantonal) degree in the US as it was not of Swiss Federation standard. It had nothing in the way of Institutional Accreditation or equivalent - so what was an evaluator to do? RKC solved that problem by partnering up with British schools. Their degrees are bullet-proof.

    RKC seemed a trifle odd to some, back then. Their "Suisse Quality" (yes, that's how they spelled it, the French way) ads seemed a little pretentious to me - as did their insistence that their name had nothing to do with the family of the late Attorney-General, Robert F. Kennedy, brother of JFK. The school insisted the name came from an obscure deceased New York banker - so obscure that nobody to date can find a bio. or list his accomplishments. I doubt he existed, but if shown proof, I'll admit I was wrong. So far, it's been fifteen years....

    That's not to say RKC is a bad school. I'm sure Salford would not partner up with a dud. Just that these British degrees are a better bet equivalency-wise for Americans than a Swiss degree issued by virtue of a Cantonal license, programmatic accreditation notwithstanding.

    If I wanted a British degree, I'd prefer to deal with the source. Sometimes, the interposition of a third party makes this impossible. This may be one of the times you don't get that choice - I don't know.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2020
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