Yankees vs. Marlins

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Guest, Oct 23, 2003.


Who is going to win the world series?

Poll closed Oct 28, 2003.
  1. Yankees

    7 vote(s)
  2. Marlins

    15 vote(s)
  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I picked the Yankees before the final Yankees-Red Sox game and and still am staying with them.
  2. Veteran101

    Veteran101 New Member

    Let's see.

    Team 1 Marlins.
    A Florida team with "fair weather" fans. Bought the title in 97.
    Filed for Chapter 11 in 99.
    Manager is a baseball icon, but Miami does not deserve the title.
    The people do not support the team.

    Team 2 Yankees.
    History, great Manager, many fans are the "in crowd" in other words I root for the winners, and think a shortstop is when the car stops before the white line at a light.
    C'mon, you have to be sick of seeing them win all the time.
    The Skanks have turned baseball into a sindicated re-rum

    The World Series ...... yawn.......:eek:

    My Met's will win. They will return....
    Go Met's ....
    Met's Met's Met's Met's Met's Met's

    :D :D :D
  3. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    I so hope it is the Marlins!!!!!!!

    The Marlins showed a lot of class last night when Roger Clemens left the game by staying in the dugout, and clapping, and tipping caps in their stadium. I do not care much for The Rocket, but he deserved the applause.

    Though I am a Cubs fan, I am absolutely cheering for the Marlins. I cheer for any team, but the Yankees! :D
  4. Dr. Gina

    Dr. Gina New Member

    Ok guys....who do you think is going to win?
  5. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    I am thinking of when Babe Ruth's 1927 salary of $80,000 was page one news.* So the question is how BRu's $80K** then compares with ARod's $80 mil now. I can't imagine inflation is 1,000% since then.
    * When a reporter pointed out he was earning more than the president, he allegedly said, "I had a better year last year."

    **Not 80 strikeouts.
  6. GENO

    GENO New Member

    Speaking of buying a title - The Boss up's the cost of winning the series every year. Maybe in the future it will be the Yankees and an All-Star NL team playing in the World Series. The cost of fielding and keeping a championship caliber team is becoming to costly for most owners and markets.
  7. Homer

    Homer New Member

    With a team payroll of circa $156 MILLION, the Yankees should have won the World Series back in May. Now the Marlins, with a team salary of, what, one-third that of the Yanks, WILL force a Game 7 if not win the whole thing. BUT, I have to wonder what the Marlins' payroll will be next year. I mean, those players are going to be looking to cash in big time, right?

    Anyway, they need to revamp baseball. The disparity between the Devil Rays' $18M payroll and the Yankees' $156M payroll is really ludicrous.
  8. Homer

    Homer New Member

    Found something interesting:

    Babe Ruth's salary in 1932 was $80,000. In 2002 the CPI was 13 times larger than it was in 1932 and the GDP deflator 11.4 times larger. This means that if we are interested in Ruth's purchasing power of housing or meals, then he was "earning" the equivalence of about $1,000,000 today. The relative cost of (unskilled) labor is 39 times higher in 2001 than in 1932. So if we wanted to compare his wage to what someone selling hot dogs would earn, we could say his "relative wage" is over $3,300,000. GDP per capita and GDP are 78 and 173 times larger in 2001 than they were in 1932. Thus Ruth's earnings relative to the average output would be $6,320,000 today. Finally, as a share of GDP, Ruth "output" that year would be $14,200,000 in today's money.

    source: www.eh.net/hmit/compare/
  9. vical

    vical New Member

    In the finest tradition of a South Florida fan I will go out on a limb and pick the Marlins! :D

    On Sunday morning...
  10. plcscott

    plcscott New Member

    Individually I am sure there are many Yankees that are good guys, but as a whole the organization is arrogant. I was glad to see them lose. :D I was inpressed with the way the Marlins handled themselves, but I would have cheered for the Expos if they were playing the Yankees.
  11. BlackBird

    BlackBird Member

    Glad to see the Arrogant Yankees but humbled!

    I am very glad to see, almost like Divine intervention, the Yankees go from being Cocky until about 3/4 of the sixth game when they looked despairing and resigned. The horror!

    I think they have exhibited arrogance and I think it is neat to see a 23-year-old kid shut them out. What a humbling experience. Maybe they will develop humble attitudes now.

    Go Marlins! Champs of the World!
  12. BlackBird

    BlackBird Member

    Glad to see the Arrogant Yankees but humbled!

    I am very glad to see, almost like Divine intervention, the Yankees go from being Cocky until about 3/4 of the sixth game when they looked despairing and resigned. The horror!

    I think they have exhibited arrogance and I think it is neat to see a 23-year-old kid shut them out. What a humbling experience. Maybe they will develop humble attitudes now.

    Go Marlins! Champs of the World!
  13. Dr. Gina

    Dr. Gina New Member

    Ok...so the Marilins and anyone who voted for them wins....But Joe Torre is still the greatest. (I met him BTW, and he is a really nice guy to talk to!)

    BTW, why are the posts out of order?
  14. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    I would cheer for the Al-Qaeda baseball team, managed by Osama bin Laden, if they were playing against the New York Yankees. :D

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