Why the diploma mill bashing?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by menger, Apr 3, 2003.

  1. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    I always say "Buy American." Of course, I just found out that my brand-new PT Cruiser Turbo was assembled in Mexico. ;)
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I believe the Chrysler plant is located in Nuevo Leon. ;)
  3. roysavia

    roysavia New Member

    Didn't the Levi's Jeans Company move their assembly operation to Guadalajara, Mexico as well?
  4. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member

    From today's Degreeinfo briefing:

    "Reports are still sketchy, but menger has not been heard from since he was struck by a series of "bunker-buster" bombs. However, it is clear that there is no one giving orders in this thread, and the thread seems to have just wandered off..."
  5. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Heh, heh, heh. But the title comes from Ft. Lauderdale!:D
  6. Dennis Ruhl

    Dennis Ruhl member

    And your Toyota was made in America? Can't take anything for granted.
  7. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    My other car is a Honda Accord, also made in the U.S.
  8. plumbdog10

    plumbdog10 New Member

    6. Rich Douglas uses end of the worthless thread to make several meaningless posts in an effort to reach #3,000.:D
  9. Mike Albrecht

    Mike Albrecht New Member

    And as of 12:14 pm (PDT) 10 april 03 he needs 201 to go. Go Rich go!
  10. branko

    branko New Member

    I have to agree.
    And there is also this: Some people who don't have a degree know far more than those who just graduated especially if they had a particular interest for a number of years. take amateur astronomists or electronics buffs. Some of them are professionally working as accountants or taxi drivers. But they know far more about their hobby subject than a young graduate.

    I can tell you something else also. My wife knows far more about childhood ilnesses than any new graduate doctor we met.

    So, I do believe that formal education has a place up to the point. But the "life credits" should be allowed to people who can demonstrate they have it, or even if people want to buy a degree, so what? If they can't do the job they will be sacked soon if they can do the job, they deserve a qualification.

    And if someone buys a degree just for showing off, well so what? Many people have a degree and got it just becouse they know someone etc. And they are just showing off. So what, really? I think it is very small minded to be bothered about that.
  11. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

  12. plumbdog10

    plumbdog10 New Member

    7) Troll registers under new name to keep thread going.
    8) Rich Douglas responds, moving ever closer to the magic number.
    9) Plumbdog adds a lame, wise-ass comment in a vain attempt to catch up with Rich.

    We've all seen it before.:)
  13. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Except Rich doesn't care, and doesn't comment on it except to say he doesn't care. Rich also doesn't refer to himself in the third person, but you already knew that.
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    What is the magic number?

    May 2003?

  15. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    I'm expecting something in the mail around that time, yes.
  16. roysavia

    roysavia New Member

    A refund check from the IRS??? :D :D
  17. yttcs

    yttcs New Member


    That last post by Menger was very entertaining. I think he is caught in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Greek Mythology Fallacy. In a condescending yet playful and fond approach, Master Menger probes his students. Consistently exposing their shortcomings, he draws them nearer to completness. When the game has ended, they will all unknowingly have completed the degree of their choice and thank Menger for pushing their minds to the limits of logic and reason, just beyond, which lies the abyss of insanity. All will transcend this realm and take their rightful places at the side of Menger, passing their eternal existence in the capricious meddling of the lives of mortal men.

    One more note:

    Menger can appear in any form, but is most comfortable in his natural state, which is that of a moron. While it has been argued that his natural state is that of a penis, it is simply not so. This is known as the phallus fallacy.

    You all have so much to learn.
  18. Han

    Han New Member

    Re: Funny

    Does anybody else think that the first posting by yttcs is actually menger is sheeps clothing...... yes it is entertaining.
  19. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Me, I'd vote for Branko's wife. If people don't appreciate our Balkan women, it's not OUR problem.
  20. plumbdog10

    plumbdog10 New Member

    Re: Re: Funny

    I'm not sure about yttcs, but I know I've never seen menger and Branko in the same room at the same time.:confused:

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