What is Distancedegree.net ?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by EllisZ, Jun 27, 2002.

  1. EllisZ

    EllisZ Member

    I just found this after someone mentioned it in another post.

    What is the purpose of this site? What is it supposed to be offering that degreeinfo.net is not?
  2. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    I could be way off base here, but it seems like an attempt to establish a forum where--in the judgment of the moderators there--a more free exchange of ideas can take place. It seems to be an outgrowth of frustration stemming from the not-so-supportive comments made here by many participants regarding unaccredited schools. (I don't share that view; I think the degreeinfo moderators have done little or nothing regarding people's points of view, and a pretty good job regarding ill-mannered or worse behavior.)

    The moderators at distancedegree.net will find that if they maintain a forum where discussion of ideas is inhibited, but violations of the TOS are not tolerated, the results will be very much the same as they are here. There is nothing unique about the ideas or the process. The only difference will be the voices of the moderators themselves--but they hold no greater sway over public opinion than do the moderators here.

    Much ado about nothing, but let's see where it goes.
  3. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member

    Hi Ellis

    Apparently it is a forum offering an alternate viewpoint with a focus on outside the U.S. and unaccredited degrees. It was started by Peter French, North and perhaps others. I think the fact that they started it without stating its founders and reason of existences is odd but probably nothing worse. They have been hit by the AED spammer and have had attempts at character assination. They did respond bu baning those posters. In the longer term I am not sure how they will prevent a determined spammer from coming back again and again. It does seem they are trying to be constructive and create a valuable resource.
  4. EllisZ

    EllisZ Member


    The more the merrier I guess.

    As for spammers ... I agree, but at least these web-forums are a FAR better place to keep a handle on it than the usenet was.

    Thanks for the responses.
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Re: What is Distancedegree.net ?

    While I appreciate the thought, I must in all humility say that I had nothing to do with the distancedegree.net other than as a poster. I have enjoyed posting there but I have been quite happy with this one as well. Some of the posters there have made statements about this board such as not being able to post about CCU in a postive way. This was utter nonsense as this board allows any sort of discussion but as I posted, if you want to make false statements and think no one will call you on them you are mistaken.

    Some of the posters there with a decided fetish for Tom & Rich were likely people with milled credentials who did not like what Rich & Tom said.

  6. Myoptimism

    Myoptimism New Member

    I actually like distancedegree.net. I have raised this question before and EllisZ has raised it again. What new does it add?

    Well, some people who feel intimidated here post there more often. I see this as kindof weak, they could post here, but my opinion doesn't matter a bit.

    Apart from that I see no difference. Which isn't a bad thing anyway.

  7. qjackson

    qjackson New Member

    I don't see that adding anything "new" is all that important. How many things in day to day life are "new"? A pair of trousers is a pair of trousers, whether you call them pants, slacks, or jeans. Someone people, however, prefer to wear only slacks, while others slip on their jeans now and again.

    There is a wealth of information and experience in the alternative distance education world that people simply will choose not to share here, just as there are a group of people here who will choose not to post there. The very fact that this is the case suggests that more than one forum is a good thing, since it brings out the full range of dialog on distance education -- some which would not come out simply by encouraging people to wear their slacks and call them jeans.

    (Pardon my gross metaphor -- it's late.)

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