Wanting to apply to Ediburgh Business School MBA

Discussion in 'Business and MBA degrees' started by nbrahimi, Nov 8, 2012.

  1. nbrahimi

    nbrahimi New Member

    My overall question is: How have people who completed the Edinburgh Business School distance MBA liked the program?

    I am a Swiss citizen who has been working/living in the US for several years (planning to come back to Europe at some point). I am trying to find a degree that will be well regarded in the US and in Europe. I am hesitant about doing an online program but the program seems to be well regarded from what I have searched.
  2. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Others with experience with this school will reply but I can say that I've never heard anything bad said about it. At the same time, it's probably not the best UK program you could find and certainly not the best for US employment (I think that a well known brand named US school would serve you better in that regard.) In any case, if you're set on this choice I would not discourage you. While you might be able to do a bit better it's my opinion that you could do a lot worse.
  3. Jonathan Whatley

    Jonathan Whatley Well-Known Member

    A signal advantage of the EBS MBA is its extraordinary flexibility. You buy a course, and book the final exam at an upcoming diet when you're ready.

    A signal disadvantage of the EBS MBA may be its extraordinary flexibility. You buy a course, and book the final exam at an upcoming diet if, and when, you feel ready.
  4. bassethorn

    bassethorn New Member

    If you plan to "take the degree" back to Europe, then I would think the HW MBA will be adequate for its job market there. I did mine over ten years ago and using it for job market in Vancouver has not been a problem for me. Canada having its long and somewhat dependent history with UK undoubtedly also made it easier to accept.
  5. edowave

    edowave Active Member

    Hi Nbrahimi,

    I enjoyed the program very much, and Heriot-Watt is a well regarded university. It is not a program for everyone though. As others have said, it is a very flexible program, which means everyone works at their own pace, so students don't interact much except for the occasional question. A lot has changed with their online forums and message boards in recent years, but it is still a lonely way to go compared to program that assigns group work, or runs in a cohort. If you are someone that wants a lot of interaction, you might find it a lonely program. Otherwise, if you are fine working on your own, it can be great. I have a short FAQ about the EBS MBA at Edinburgh Business School MBA program FAQ - Drannbauer.com
  6. bassethorn

    bassethorn New Member

    The affordable tuition was also a selling point for me. When I did mine it was about $10k for the whole program (9 modules). I spent another $2k for my convocation trip and everything was well worth it. My cousin graduated from a top Canadian MBA program that costs $80k. Like edowave said, there was little to zero interaction back so you have to be motivated to get it done on your own.

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