University of the Potomac - DSc program

Discussion in 'IT and Computer-Related Degrees' started by graduate, Nov 27, 2021.

  1. graduate

    graduate Member

    Is this a legitimate university? I saw their DSc program (62 credits post bachelors).
    But their email isn't working, i sent an email to their admissions, but the mail bounced. I wonder if anyone knows about this hidden university?
  2. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Not so hidden:

    They do not offer the DSc (which is the designation for Doctor of Science). They do offer a DBA, an EdD, and a Doctor of Computer Science. These are all professional doctorates, not scholarly ones.

    The school is for-profit and regionally accredited.
  3. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    There is no indication on their website that this statement of yours is accurate. It is much more likely that this is the credit requirement beyond a master's degree. The courses listed are 700-level, while the master's level courses are 500-level.

    The cost approaches $60K. I'm notorious for urging people not to get too caught up in the costs, to think of it as an investment instead. But I see no reason to pay that kind of jack for this degree. There are cheaper, more reputable options available. I'm not saying anything negative about the school or its degrees, but I don't see a thing that stands out about them, either.
    graduate, datby98 and Maniac Craniac like this.
  4. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

  5. graduate

    graduate Member

    Thanks, I meant the same ,D.Sc or Doctorate of Science in Computer Science or only Doctorate in Computer Science aren't much different. But that's correct the 700 level courses means post masters 60+ hours doesn't fit for me.
    I also look at the cost as an investment and not as an expense. My search at this time is doctoral degrees (DIT, DCS or DSc or PhD or whatever title) with least number of credits. I started an online PhD in CS earlier but 60 credits with my schedule seems way too much. Marymount university i think offers a 36 credit degree, but that is in cybersecurity. So I'm mainly exploring accredited universities with credits hours less than 50.
    Hope that make sense now :)

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