University of Phoenix

Discussion in 'Online & DL Teaching' started by shawn3500, Jul 1, 2011.

  1. shawn3500

    shawn3500 New Member

    I go to Uop, I am curious to know how much the teachers make? Are they really concerned with the reviews written about them at the end of the course?

  2. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

  3. rmm0484

    rmm0484 Member

    Shawn, it depend on the level of class (undergrad/grad/doctoral), the tenure of the instructor (over three years/under three years) and whether or not they have a doctorate. At least that is the way it was when I was an instructor there.

    All instructors care about the reviews at the end of the course, but they also expect a fair amount of trash talking from disgruntled students who did not get the grade that they expected. Generally, bad reviews are trended. If the instructor gets consistently bad reviews from many students, they will be offered remedial training or dropped altogether.

    I did have a situation where some UOP staff members who were students were plotting in the team rooms on how to make my life miserable academically, but I alerted my advisers about this and they backed me up.
  4. graymatter

    graymatter Member

  5. truckie270

    truckie270 New Member

    I no longer look at the Student End of Course Surveys (SEOCS). I can honestly tell you, the only people fill them out at UoP are ones that are unhappy with their grades. A lot of them also have negative comments on them that have absolutely nothing to do with me or my facilitation of the course - customer service, financial aid, transfer credits, etc. I can usually look at the comments on the survey and tell you exactly who filled them out. I work for a few schools and the others provide much better feedback on my performance, so that is what I use to evaluate my performance.
  6. graymatter

    graymatter Member

    I had not looked at the SEOCS in a while - this reminded me. Two courses were listed. All answers were either both 9s or both 10s. About 1/3 of surveys had a narrative comment - usually related to my feedback or interaction on the Discussion Board.

    One student gave a 3 for both. Something tells me that that might have been the student with a D- due to plagiarism. ;)
  7. mattbrent

    mattbrent Well-Known Member

    Is there a way to access old SEOCS results? The last course I taught ended in March, so my results are no longer there, and I'd like to review prior courses as well.

  8. Princeofska

    Princeofska New Member

    In most cases the instructor can usually figure out who wrote them, and I have to agree, at UOP it seems the only people who write in the narrative portion are the disgruntled ones. But, in general, I think most teachers take their reviews seriously.

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