University of London

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Kizmet, Dec 8, 2018.

  1. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I washed out of the U of L Math program a number of years ago and I don't mind saying that it still bothers me that I didn't finish. Even though my interests have changed since then I still imagine going back to that school and finishing a degree. Partly because it's a very good school, partly because they have some programs of interest to me, partly because the price is still pretty good and partly because I just don't like the feeling of not finishing something I started. So every now and then I go back to their website and scan the programs, trying to keep that ember alive. So I feel like I should have noticed before now that the University of London is offering PhD programs. How long has this been true? Am I the last one to figure this out? In any case, look these over. I especially want Ted to know that they've got a doctoral program in History. C'mon Ted, this could be the one! We could be alumni together! I'll even buy you a T-shirt.
  2. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    To get the terminology straight: University of London is a consortium that includes some of the very top UK universities. They offered PhDs pretty much forever. What the link seems to indicate, though, that at least for some programs they are explicitly open to supervision at a distance. This could be huge. As I plan to be UoL alumnus myself, by all means, join the fun!
  3. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Yes, you're right. The constituent universities (Birkbeck, Goldsmiths, LSE,etc. have all had doctoral programs for many, many years. But none of them were available at a distance through the University of London until ?recently. If you look at the section labeled MPhil and PhD (Higher/Research Degrees) it seems to indicate their willingness to support any subject within the scope of the university group.

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