University of London LLB

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by worthingco, Apr 12, 2002.

  1. Kane

    Kane New Member

    I don't know

    Israel would be a good place to avoid right now.
  2. worthingco

    worthingco New Member

    U of L's new website

    Hey Kane...have you seen U of L's new External Programme website?

    It appears to be the new & improved version. It has more updated info than it did before.

    Have you heard back from U of L concerning your LLB application?
  3. Kane

    Kane New Member


    The new site looks great. I have not heard back from them yet, I wonder how long it takes for them to respond?

    Just trying to convince my brother to send his application now-a-days.
  4. Nosborne

    Nosborne New Member

    Seems to me it took Uni of London about six months total to offer me registration in their external LLM program. I'm going to register, I swear I will, after I relax about the fact that MY exams will be graded in the same stack as the LSE internal students...and as soon as our Governer signs a budget so I know I have a job!
  5. worthingco

    worthingco New Member

    U of L's Response Time

    Hi Kane.

    It states in the catalogue that if you don't hear from them in about 3 weeks or so to conact the admissions dept. I sent my LLB application form on April 15th. I hope to hear from them soon. I'm actally quite excited. I to understand that you are now U of L's "official agent" for recruiting students in Canada? Ya know...recruiting your family and all....:D
  6. worthingco

    worthingco New Member

    Registration for your LLM

    Hi Nosborne.

    Congrats on your decision to undertake LLM studies at U of L. I have a question....did Kane recruit you? :D I might do a LLM through U of L after completion of my LLB. This of course being far down the road. There are MANY institutions offering LLMs in the US and around the world. What were your reasons for choosing U of L?

    Hey...if your governor doesn't sign the budget then maybe you should run for public office. Isn't that what all lawyers eventually do?:D
  7. Kane

    Kane New Member


    I sing "God Save The Queen" when before and after my recruiting speech. Unless I am in a Scottish community, then I sing "Scotland the Brave." Talk about recruiting techniques *S*

    Surprisingly I did not have much to do with my bro's and friends interest. The U of L sold itself. It is no shock the LLB is their most popular external programme.
  8. Nosborne

    Nosborne New Member

    There are indeed scores of US law schools offering the LLM but only ONE (St. somebody-or-other; Thomas? John?) offers it via D/L. Furthermore, that one is in international tax (yawn) and is VERY expensive.
    Even resident programs are generally very costly. I am interested in maritime law (BIG market here in New Mexico;]) and a year at Tulane would run me about $25k for tuition and fees alone. That's a lot for an academic interest.
    Three California and one or two other UNACCREDITED institutions offer the LLM, but I am not really interested in a degree I'd have to defend ever after.
    Nosborne, JD
  9. worthingco

    worthingco New Member

    Your LLM pursuit

    Hey Nosborne.

    Yes...I think U of L will serve you well; especially in your field of interest being maritime law. Tuition is very reasonable, sound international reputation, flexible...(Oh my gosh...I'm starting to sound like Kane... :)

    Incidently, I checked U of L's website concerning student registrations for various external degrees. About 901 students are currently enrolled in the external LLM pgm. Additionally, there are about 9,150 students enrolled in the LLB external pgm. Not bad for a DL institution!
  10. Kane

    Kane New Member

    Hey look at this

    The University of Oxford offers a DL MSc in Human Rights Law. Imagine putting that on a resume/CV that includes a U of L LLB Degree?
  11. Nosborne

    Nosborne New Member

    Oxford's MSc in Human Rights Law

    Oxford University's idea of a D/L MSc includes TWO summer sessions at Oxford. I guess they want to give you a chance to acquire the accent!

    Also, they REALLY want the applicant to be a lawyer as opposed to being merely a law graduate. So, Kane, your work is cut out for you! Let's see...London LLB followed by a year and a half in residence at a Canadian law school (another LLB? Or do they give you an LLM?) then six months' articles to satisfy the Law Society, with the Bar Exam in there somewhere, and THEN you apply to Oxford.

    I am really tempted to apply but I just can't see any way to do it, even if they WOULD let me in. I agree that an Oxford degree would absolutely OOZE swank.

    Nosborne JD
  12. Kane

    Kane New Member

    True but

    However, I do have extensive experience working as a member of a human rights organization which I could use to meet the requirement. (Instead of being a seasoned lawyer) BUT!!! I should get the LLB first *S*
  13. worthingco

    worthingco New Member

    After completion of U of L's External LLB, one must do the following in order to practice law in a Canadian province:

    1) attend a Canadian law school for about 1.5 yrs or so and/or write challenge exams. One is not awarded another LLB or LLM;

    2) articling in Canada, at least in British Columbia, is about 10 months - this may vary between provinces though;

    3) then of course comes passing bar exams in order to satisfy the provincial law society's membership requirements.

    This is A LOT of work and no small undertaking!

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