Uexcel psych vs. Clep psych

Discussion in 'CLEP, DANTES, and Other Exams for Credit' started by GoodYellowDogs, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. GoodYellowDogs

    GoodYellowDogs New Member

    Does anyone have an idea of how the two compare? Is one perceived to be easier than the other?

  2. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    What is Uexcel? Never heard of it.
  3. TMW2009

    TMW2009 New Member

    Uexcel is a joint effort between Excelsior and Pearson/VUE that is basically a foray into the CLEP/DSST market. They offer a few tests (some which duplicate those offered by CLEP/DSST, and others that aren't offered through CLEP/DSST like Physics) and they're supposively adding more as time goes by.
    The tests are $85 each, with no sitting fee, so they're pretty comperable to the CLEP/DSST price. The only downside I've found is that not all Pearson/VUE centers offer the Uexcel as of yet.

    The College Writing Uexcel fulfills the EC WER where the CLEPs won't (See what they did there?) and its a nice alternative to the ECE English Comp test, which costs ~$350 but the CW only gives 3 credits...

    As to the original question, sorry, don't know about that one, nor have I taken any of the Multiple Choice Uexcels, so I'm not sure what the format is like on them. For College Writing though, the pdf was spot on as far as what you needed to know how to do, so you might be able to get a good idea from that.
  4. Alissa

    Alissa New Member

    I thought the Uexcel was harder than the CLEP, but I'm still glad I took it because it yields a letter grade at Excelsior, while the CLEP does not.
  5. TMW2009

    TMW2009 New Member

    Ok... Alissa is the Psych-Goddess. Is there anything you don't know? Eesh

    /jealous of Alissa's GRE Psych Score
    //scared to take the GRE Psych 3 weeks from tomorrow.
  6. Alissa

    Alissa New Member

    You will do fine if you study hard. I still can't believe I pulled it off with two months of study in a subject where I had only taken one class. My obsessiveness was a bigger factor there more than my love or interest in psychology. I was also very scared to take it; I had talked it up so much on the other forum I was motivated by that fear to get a good score just to avoid the embarrassment of having to report a bad score. Knowing what I do about you and your own thoroughness, I predict a good score for you, probably better than my own since you actually like psychology.

    I took the Uexcel Psychology because it was in free beta testing at the time, and I was already studying psych for the GRE. I only got a "B" on the Uexcel, but I was happy to have the extra letter grade on my transcript.

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